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Extrinsic Motivation Factors and o!e"or# Co!$%etion A%exa Vetnar Ari&ona State 'niversit(


Extrinsic Motivation Factors and o!e"or# Co!$%etion The $ur$ose this action research $ro*ect is to deter!ine "hat +actors contri,ute to "h( night%( ho!e"or# co!$%etion is %o" in a $articu%ar e%e!entar( schoo% c%assroo! and discern "hat can ,e done a,out it- o!e"or# co!$%etion is necessar( +or student success. as it rein+orces s#i%%s taught in the c%assroo! and a%%o"s +or students to c%i!, the ,ench!ar# %adderThe goa% "i%% ,e to +ind the #e( to student !otivation in co!$%eting their ho!e"or# and i!$%e!enting that discover( into the c%assroo!Explanation of the Issue )/0 o+ the students in this c%assroo! under stud( do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# regu%ar%(- There are a variet( o+ excuses each night as to "h( ho!e"or# "asn1t co!$%eted or "h( it didn1t !a#e its "a( ,ac# to schoo% the next da(- 2arent signatures in student1s dai%( agendas are a%so %ac#ing- Each night. a+ter the student has co!$%eted their ho!e"or#. the $arent3guardian is to sign in their student1s dai%( agenda to sho" that the( have read their ho!e"or# +or the night and it has ,een co!$%eted- There have ,een t"o di++erent outco!es "ith this $rocess- First. students co!$%ete their ho!e"or# ,ut +orget a $arent signature. or second. students get a $arent signature. ,ut do not co!$%ete. or ,ring ,ac# their ho!e"or#- The $oint o+ the agenda is +or $arents to see "hat their student1s night%( assign!ents are and to sign ac#no"%edging that ho!e"or# "as co!$%eted- Signing the agenda "ith out ,ringing ho!e"or# to schoo% de+eats the $ur$ose o+ the $arent signing the agenda in the +irst $%ace'sua%%( there are six o+ the sa!e students. out o+ t"ent(4three. that do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# or ,ring their ho!e"or# to schoo% each da(- Occasiona%%( those sa!e students "i%% co!$%ete their ho!e"or# and ,ring it ,ac#. ,ut on an( given da(. at %east six students are !issing their ho!e"or#-

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS Each night. ,oth a !ath assign!ent and a reading assign!ent are assigned to the

students- The ho!e"or# is "ritten on the ,oard at the sa!e ti!e each da( and students are given a,out ten !inutes to sto$ "hat the( are doing and !a#e sure the( have a%% o+ their ho!e"or# "ritten in their agendas- The( are to co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night. get a $arent signature at the ,otto! o+ each date in their agenda. and ,ring their agenda and ho!e"or# ,ac# to schoo% the next da(- 6uring the +irst +i+teen !inutes o+ schoo%. student1s agendas are chec#ed to see i+ there is a $arent signature- Then student1s ho!e"or# is chec#ed o++ on a c%i$,oard. "hich is a +or!a% record o+ "ho has or has not co!$%eted ho!e"or#. and gotten $arent signatures each night- I+ the $arent has not signed the student1s agenda. the( c%i$ do"n on the c%assroo! ,ehavior chart and get a 7$arent signature needed8 sta!$- I+ the student did get a $arent signature. the( get an a++ir!ation sta!$As $revious%( !entioned. students "ho have not co!$%eted their ho!e"or# or have not gotten a $arent signature !ust c%i$ do"n on the c%assroo! ,ehavior chart- The goa% is to #ee$ the students res$onsi,%e +or their choices- The c%i$ chart is a ,ehavior !anage!ent s(ste! used through out !ost o+ the schoo%- Each da(. students start in the !idd%e on green "hich !eans the( are 7read( to %earn8- Throughout the da(. students earn 7c%i$ u$s8 or 7c%i$ do"ns8 de$ending on their ,ehavior and ti!e s$ent on tas#- There are three !ore co%ors to !ove u$ a,ove green and three co%ors to !ove do"n ,e%o" green- I+ a student !oves $ast the to$ co%or. the( get their c%i$ on the teacher1s shirt +or the rest o+ the da( and a $ositive ,ehavior note ho!e- I+ the student reaches the ver( ,otto! o+ the c%i$ chart. so!e t($e o+ $arent contact "i%% ta#e $%ace- At the end o+ each da(. students co%or in on their o"n ,ehavior !anage!ent chart "hich co%or the( %anded on and their $arents initia% next to it each night sho"ing that the( have ac#no"%edged their chi%d1s ,ehavior +or the da(-

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS Local History of Issue The teacher o+ record in this c%assroo! is in her +irst (ear at at this schoo%- This is her e%eventh (ear in the district- The schoo% she "as $revious%( e!$%o(ed at "as in a ver( a++%uent neigh,orhood co!$ared to this current schoo%. "here ho!e"or# co!$%etion "as not !uch o+ a $ro,%e!- er current a$$roach to this $ro,%e! is to send the students to %unch "ith their unco!$%eted ho!e"or# +or to +inish on the ,%eachers during recess- Additiona%%(. i+ ho!e"or# is not co!$%eted. the student c%i$s do"n on the c%assroo! ,ehavior chart that "as $revious%( !entioned- I+ co!$%eting ho!e"or# ,eco!es a recurring $ro,%e!. a $arent !eeting is initiated-

So +ar. three o+ the six $arents o+ chi%dren "ho have re$eated%( +ai%ed to ,ring their ho!e"or# to schoo% each da( have co!e to a con+erence regarding ho!e"or# co!$%etion. ,ut the $ro,%e! has not sho"n !uch i!$rove!entSchool and Classroom Context The third grade c%assroo! that is the stage +or this a$$%ied research $ro*ect is at a $u,%ic e%e!entar( schoo% in north"est 2hoenix and is $art o+ a %arge schoo% district- It recent%( ,eca!e a Tit%e I schoo% and serves $reschoo% through sixth grade students- It has recent%( ,eco!e a 7:eadershi$ Acade!(8 and $ractices the 7;ids at o$e8 $rogra! that caters to At4Ris# (outhCurrent $ro,%e!s at the schoo% inc%ude: %o" $arent invo%ve!ent. +re<uent tardies. %o" ho!e"or# co!$%etion. and high +a!i%( $overt(On the !ost recent AIMS test. reading scores +or third grade "ere at =>0 and !ath scores "ere at ?90- There are current%( @>5 students enro%%ed in this e%e!entar( schoo%- This schoo% is $redo!inate%( Caucasian. at /?0 and )50 are is$anic- Other ethnicities inc%ude: A+rican A!erican Aa,out /0B. Asian Aa,out 50B. and Native A!erican A10B- Current%(. ?= students are enro%%ed in third grade at this schoo% and there are a$$roxi!ate%( t"ent( to t"ent(


+ive students $er c%assroo! through out the schoo%- O+ the thirt(4three teachers current%( on sta++. there are severa% teachers that have s$ent a %arge $ortion o+ their careers at this schoo%. and other teachers "ho are re%ative%( ne" on ca!$us- The $rinci$a% turnover is ver( high and ne" $rinci$a%s have co!e and gone <uite +re<uent%( since the schoo% "as ,ui%t in 1=?/- AXxxxxxxx xxxxxxx elementary school- A)>15BMost adu%ts in the area are %iving o++ o+ a high schoo% di$%o!a a%one "ith out an( additiona% schoo%ing- 590 o+ students <ua%i+( +or +ree or reduced ,rea#+ast and %unch and @0 are Eng%ish :anguage :earners- The schoo% $rovides resources +or: students needing s$eech or %anguage assistance. gi+ted students. and Eng%ish %anguage %earners- This Tit%e I e%e!entar( schoo% "i%% +eed into the neigh,orhood1s Tit%e I !idd%e schoo% a$$roxi!ate%( +ive !i%es a"a(Literature Review 7E++ective schoo%s and e++ective teachers are those "ho deve%o$ goa%s. ,e%ie+s. and attitudes in students that "i%% sustain a %ong4ter! invo%ve!ent and that "i%% contri,ute to <ua%it( invo%ve!ent in %earning8 AA!es. 1==>B- Motivation is a cha%%enging as$ect in an( e%e!entar( schoo% c%assroo!- 7Student !otivation has. +or so!e ti!e. ,een descri,ed as one o+ the +ore!ost $ro,%e!s in education8 AA!es. 1==>B- Teachers are re<uired to teach to$ics not o+ $articu%ar interest to students. and there+ore students are not interested in %earning the!- Each night. "hen students are to go ho!e and co!$%ete their ho!e"or# to rein+orce the s#i%%s %earned in the c%assroo!. there is no deter!ination to get ho!e"or# done. and students co!e ,ac# to schoo% the next da( e!$t( handed and un$hased- 72oor !otivation to co!$%ete ho!e"or# !a( ,e due to a co!,ination o+ $oor acade!ic s#i%%s and teacher1s +eed,ac# on ho!e"or# assign!ents- In addition. socia% activities. extracurricu%ar +unctions. s$orting evens. and te%evision are a +e" activities that co!$ete "ith ho!e"or# co!$%etion- Even "hen ti!e $er!its. students !a( +orget

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS assign!ents8 ATra!!e%. Sch%oss C A%$er. 1==9B'n%ess $arents are ada!ant that their chi%d co!$%etes their ho!e"or#. videoga!es. te%evision. or $%a(ing "ith +riends ,eco!es the $riorit( over ho!e"or#- In the *ourna% artic%e tit%ed. 7Motivation: Dhat Teachers Need to ;no"8. it states. 7students need to deve%o$ !otivationa% thought $atterns that contri,ute to se%+4regu%ated %earning8 AA!es. 1==>B- I+ that !otivation to do "e%% is not insti%%ed in a chi%d. then it is a%!ost guaranteed that the( "i%% go ho!e and not go near their ,ac#$ac# unti% %eaving +or schoo% the next !orningAs a teacher. it is +rustrating having to ,e the adu%t in charge o+ igniting !otivation i+ it

has not ,een insti%%ed at ho!e- O,vious%(. schoo% is not exciting +or ever( student. and not ever( su,*ect in schoo% is interesting to a%% students- To ignite the !otivation in these situations. extrinsic re"ards shou%d ,e used to in+%uence the eventua% intrinsic !otivation that "i%% ho$e+u%%( ,e ac<uired %ater on in a student1s %i+e- According to Dor#!an and Di%%ia!s at the 'niversit( o+ Tennessee. 7"e !ust either use extrinsic re"ards to get chi%dren to engage in so!e i!$ortant acade!ic activities or run the ris# o+ their not engaging in these activities at a%%- Dithout the use o+ extrinsic incentives. !an( chi%dren "ho are $er+ect%( ca$a,%e o+ %earning to read and "rite !ight never ac<uire these s#i%%s8 ADor#!an C Di%%ia!s. 1=?>B- Intrinsic %i+e interest is o+ten studied to discover student interest so that activities and ho!e"or# can ,eco!e engaging and interesting to students as teachers ta#e student1s %i+e interests and "or# the! into their %essons AEordan. 1=@)BInstruments Observations. O,servations in the area o+ ho!e"or# !otivation see! that the( "ou%d a%!ost re%( so%e%( on teacher inter$retation- I+ a student is care%ess. o++4tas#. and uninterested. it is %i#e%( that the( do not have the !otivation other students have- Teachers are a%so ca$a,%e o+

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS o,serving students in the ho!e"or# !otivation area si!$%( ,( $a(ing attention to ho" o+ten ho!e"or# is turned in. as "e%% as the <ua%it( o+ the ho!e"or#- It is i!$ortant +or teachers to

!a#e notes. in a student o,servation note,oo# i+ $ossi,%e. to re+er ,ac# to "hen seeing gro"th or regression in studentsC%assroo! o,servations can ,e conducted in a variet( o+ "a(s- Fie%d notes "ith descri$tive and re+%ective entries can ,e used to record s$eci+ic. o,served events and re+%ections on that in+or!ation. res$ective%( AGogdan C Gi#%en. 1==?B- The use o+ +ie%d notes a%%o"s the researcher to descri,e and exa!ine change in students attitudes. ,ehaviors. and routines in a c%assroo! setting- Eourna%ing is a second techni<ue that can ,e used to gather <ua%itative data- In *ourna%ing. the +ocus is on inter$retation o+ o,served data and on !odi+ications !ade to the intervention to !a#e it !ore e++ective- Gogdan and Gi#%en A1==?B suggest that <ua%itative research usua%%( $roduces %arge <uantities o+ data that !ust ,e organi&ed and stored +or eas( retrieva%- Su,se<uent%(. these data !ust ,e ana%(&ed using inter$retive $rocedures- Strauss and Cor,in A1===B out%ine an ongoing $rocess +or ana%(&ing and condensing the data into $rogressive%( s!a%%er and richer +or!ats using the constant co!$arative !ethod. "hich inc%udes the use o+ o$en and axia% coding o+ the <ua%itative dataSurveys. Most research done in the area o+ ho!e"or# !otivation re%ies on resu%ts +ro! surve(s. sca%es. and <uestionnaires- One such <uestionnaire is ca%%ed 7Chi%dren1s Attitude to o!e"or# Huestionnaire8 ACA HB- This $articu%ar surve( consists o+ t"ent(4t"o <uestions and "as created to gauge ho!e"or# ha,its and out%oo#s to"ard ho!e"or#- It has a variet( o+ res$onse t($es and 7is intended to gather in+or!ation a,out the +re<uenc( and nature o+ ho!e"or#. attitudes to ho!e"or#. the in+%uence o+ ho!e"or# on chi%d4$arent interactions. and a student1s genera% attitude to"ard schoo%8 AA#io#a C Ii%!ore. )>15B-

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS Another <uestionnaire issued in the c%assroo! "as the o!e"or# Motivation and 2re+erence Huestionnaire- This <uestionnaire "as designed to direct%( assess individua% student

needs. $er+or!ance. !otivation. and $re+erence- Each student is given the <uestionnaire and then given a o!e"or# Motivation and 2re+erence 2ro+i%e A M22B- The $ro+i%e is s$%it u$ into t"o categories ,ased on !otivation and $re+erence- I+ students had %o" sca%e scores. the( tend to have %o"er !otivation. $rocrastinate !ore o+ten. do not regu%ar%( do ho!e"or#. $re+er to choose their o"n ho!e"or#. and do not consistent%( have set ho!e"or# $re+erences- Students "ho had higher sca%e scores tend to ,e !ore consistent in ho" the( co!$%ete their ho!e"or#. $re+er to have structured ho!e"or# assign!ents. %i#e sitting at a ta,%e to des# "hen co!$%eting ho!e"or#. and $re+ers an authorit( +igure to ,e $resent "hi%e co!$%eting ho!e"or#- Students can a%"a(s range in ,et"een the t"o scores. and there are a variet( o+ $re+erences and !otivation +actors that go a%ong "ith each score- A ong. Mi%gra! C Ro"e%%. )>>9BOne %ast <uestionnaire !entioned in the research revie"ed "as tit%ed the. 76i!ensions o+ Master( Huestionnaire8 and is created to !easure !otivation- It is a 9@4ite! :i#ert sca%e +ro! 1. "hich !eans not at a%% t($ica%. to @ !eaning. ver( t($ica%- The su,sca%es "ithin the <uestionnaire are as +o%%o"s: 2ersistence on Cognitive Tas#s. Iross Motor 2ersistence. Socia% 2ersistence "ith Adu%ts. Socia% 2ersistence "ith Chi%dren. Master( 2%easure. and Negative Reactions to Fai%ure- A Ienera% Co!$etence su,sca%e "as a%so inc%uded AA#io#a C Ii%!ore. )>15B- This $articu%ar <uestionnaire +ocused !ost%( on student1s acade!ic !otivation as seen ,( a teacher or $arentOther i!$ortant !easure!ent too%s in this ,ranch o+ stud( inc%uded $er+or!ance ru,rics and a 7:earning M( Da(8 assess!ent. "hich discovers ho" a student %earns ,est and he%$s the teacher tai%or %essons and assign!ents to that "a( o+ %earning AChristodou%ou. 6uncan C Ne%!es. )>15Bre! and ost!test "easures of "otivation. In one artic%e. a $re4 and $ost4test "as


given to the sa!e grou$ o+ chi%dren and "ou%d ,e tested throughout the research AChristodou%ou. 6uncan C Ne%!es. )>15B- In this research. students "ere given ,oth a $re4and $osttest $er+or!ance assess!ent !easured on a ru,ric as "e%% as a $re4and $ost :i#ert4sca%e surve( to !easure !otivation- The goa% o+ this research "as to !easure the i!$ortance o+ student choice in ho!e"or# and c%ass"or#- Gase%ine tests in an( research a%%o" +or a researcher to see "hat changes have ,een !ade to the origina% grou$. i+ an(- In another stud( on student ti!e on tas#. a c%ass o+ high schoo% seniors "as given a ,ase%ine surve(. then co!$%eted the treat!ent o+ ver,a% $raise as "e%% as extrinsic o$$ortunities. "hich "ere +ree ti!e in the c%assroo!B- The $ost4test !easures o+ this stud( sho"ed that occurrences o+ o++ tas# ,ehavior "ent +ro! 15 to > disru$tions $er !inute ADor#!an C Di%%ia!s. 1=?>BInterventions Student "otivation. Most interventions used to increase student !otivation have ,een through student choice- The ,ase%ine surve(s and assess!ents in the a+ore!entioned artic%e !easured student !otivation "hen no student choice "as a%%o"ed in content or ho" the !ateria% "as ,eing taught- A+ter teaching students ho" to use in+or!ed choice "hen "or#ing on $ro*ects. ho!e"or#. and c%ass"or#. students ,egan to understand their %earning st(%es and a$$%ied the! to their "or#- In the end. !otivation and $er+or!ance increased signi+icant%( AChristodou%ou. 6uncan C Ne%!es. )>15B6uring the use o+ this intervention. student1s !otivation "as !easured according to a :i#ert sca%e a+ter co!$%eting a $ro*ect that did not a%%o" +or an( choice- A+ter this $ro*ect "as co!$%eted. students in three grades. +irst. +i+th. and ninth. "ere introduced to six $resentation categories A$er+or!ance. !u%ti!edia. ora%. artistic. "ritten. and !ani$u%ativeB- 6uring this ti!e. students "ere a,%e to investigate their %earning st(%es and choose "hich categor( "as o+ !ost



interest to the! +or their next %ong4ter! $ro*ect- A+ter the( chose their %earning st(%e. the( "ere a,%e to choose "hich content to research "ithin the standard ,eing taught- Gecause o+ this ne" "a( o+ %earning. student1s $er+or!ance and !otivation increased great%( and the( ,egan ta#ing !ore %eadershi$ and res$onsi,i%it( +or their o"n %earning- AChristodou%ou. 6uncan C Ne%!es. )>15BSelf!Confidence and #etermination. Ver,a% $raise is seen as a $ositive intervention to increase student accounta,i%it( and change in ,ehaviors- 7It is a +act that !an( s%o" %earners si!$%( do not get started on an activit(8 AGarnes. 1=?FB- :i#e the artic%e !entioned a,ove. students "ho need deter!ination and se%+4con+idence. a%so en*o( variet( in %earning- In 6ona%d Garne1s stud( on !otivation. he discovered a variet( o+ +actors that contri,uted to %ac# o+ ho!e"or# co!$%etion as "e%% as ho" to so%ve the $ro,%e!- The ,otto! %ine is that students need to ,e invo%ved in their %earning and need to have a sa(- Students need to 7,eco!e a"are o+ their individua% $rogress8 and 7use rudi!entar( s#i%%s in se%+4enhancing activities8 AGarnes. 1=?FBExtrinsic Rewards. Extrinsic re"ards have ,een "ide%( used +or !an( (ears and are ,ased on the ex$ectanc( theor(- According to this theor(. 7a student "i%% res$ond +avora,%( to a re"ard s(ste! i+ the( +ee% there is a reasona,%e chance o+ success. there are not !an( $ersona% ris#s. and the re"ard is "orth the e++ort needed to succeed8 AGarnes. 1=?FB- 7'n%i#e ver,a% re"ards. tangi,%e re"ards are +re<uent%( o++ered to $eo$%e as an induce!ent to engage in a ,ehavior in "hich the( !ight not other"ise engage8 A6eci. ;oestner C R(an. )>>1B- So is the $ro,%e! in !an( c%assroo!s- Students have no desire to co!$%ete ho!e"or#. and there+ore a tangi,%e. extrinsic re"ard is a +avora,%e o$tion to increase ho!e"or# co!$%etion- There are t"o t($es o+ extrinsic re"ards- Tas#4contingent re"ards. "hich re<uire doing or co!$%eting the target activit(J and $er+or!ance4contingent re"ards. "hich re<uire $er+or!ing the activit( "e%%.



!atching a standard o+ exce%%ence. or sur$assing a s$eci+ied criterion8 A6eci. ;oestner C R(an. )>>1Bo!e"or#. and c%ass"or# +or that !atter. are not necessari%( attractive to (oung students. es$ecia%%( "hen the content is ,%and and uninteresting- Gecause content in the ear%( (ears o+ schoo% is so i!$ortant to understand in order +or o%der grades to ,e a,%e to ,ui%d on. 7"e contended that !an( chi%dren4 ,( virtue o+ either natura% inc%ination or $revious acade!ic ex$eriences4 "i%% not engage in a$$ro$riate acade!ic activit( "ithout externa% incentivesK it is ,etter to e!$%o( extrinsic $a(o++s than to %eave these chi%dren "ith $er!anent acade!ic de+iciencies8 ADor#!an C Di%%ia!s. 1=?>B- Extrinsic re"ards have a tendenc( to !otivate students to co!$%ete "or# in c%ass and at ho!e. and in turn that "i%% dee$en understanding and %earning- 7Extrinsic re"ards $roduced su,stantia% acade!ic gains +or chi%dren "ho had $revious%( ex$erienced %itt%e !eaning. success. or *o( +ro! acade!ic activities8 ADor#!an C Di%%ia!s. 1=?>BResponse Gased on the %iterature revie"ed. it see!s that student choice !ixed "ith externa% re"ards see! to ,e the !ost e++ective in increasing student ho!e"or# co!$%etion and raising !otivation- Origina%%(. I ,e%ieved that a so%e extrinsic re"ard s(ste! "ou%d ,e ,est to raise the !otivation o+ the t"ent(4three third graders I a! "or#ing "ith. ,ut a+ter reading the %iterature. I ,e%ieve I shou%d have added in a co!$onent o+ choice to student ho!e"or#- In !( +uture c%assroo!. I "i%% i!$%e!ent choice into ho!e"or# as "e%% as c%ass"or# to increase interest and !otivation. ,ut "or#ing "ith a teacher that has the +ina% sa( in "hat ho!e"or# is assigned. !a#es it di++icu%t to change her "a( o+ doing thingsCaro%e A!es ,e%ieves in the !ixture o+ t"o t($es o+ !otivation- She stated in her artic%e

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS tit%ed. 7Motivation: Dhat Teachers Need to ;no"8. that 7a student "ho "or#s +or extrinsic re"ards such as grades is %i#e%( to engage in ver( di++erent thought $rocesses and ,ehavior co!$ared "ith the student "ho "ants to %earn so!ething ne" a,out the su,*ect !atter or i!$rove a s#i%%- Student1s reasons +or %earning have i!$ortant conse<uences +or ho" the(


a$$roach and engage in %earning8 AA!es. 1==>B- It is !( ,e%ie+. a+ter reading the %iterature that extrinsic re"ards can eventua%%( %ead to intrinsic !otivation- That. !ixed "ith student choice ,ased on %earning st(%es. can a%%o" +or students to ,e !ore interested in "hat is ,eing taught and there+ore increase ho!e"or# and c%ass"or# co!$%etionGeginning this (ear. Ari&ona "i%% retain an( students "ho do not $ass the AIMS test in third grade- Sad%(. it has ,eco!e necessar( to $rovide the extrinsic re"ards si!$%( +or students to do their ho!e"or# so that the( can revie" c%ass !ateria% and $ut their #no"%edge in their %ong4ter! !e!or( to retrieve during the AIMS test- o$e+u%%(. using an intervention that re"ards students +or co!$%eting so!ething that "i%% ,etter their +uture. "i%% eventua%%( %ead to an intrinsic interest and !otivation in %earningImplications 7Research has +ound that A!erican chi%dren1s %ove o+ %earning dec%ines steadi%( +ro! third grade through ninth grade8 ASea% C Sti$e#. )>>5B- Even though curricu%u! is a%!ost entire%( $rovided +or the teacher. the "a( it is taught shou%d ,e engaging and +un +or (ounger students so that a %ove o+ %earning is insti%%ed in the! at a (oung age2arent invo%ve!ent in ho!e"or# co!$%etion is o+ course essentia%. ,ut ,ecause o+ the a!ount o+ disengaged $arents in this schoo%. the res$onsi,i%it( o+ !otivation +a%%s so%e%( on the teacher- Gecause ho!e"or# has turned into a contract ,et"een t"o $arties Athe teacher and studentB. rather that three $arties. Athe teacher. the student. and the $arentB. c%assroo! extrinsic



incentives !ixed "ith student interest are t"o o+ the on%( interventions that are hu!an%( $ossi,%e +or a teacher to incor$orate- As the %iterature states. extrinsic re"ards !ixed "ith student choice "i%% increase student !otivation and "or# co!$%etion- Gecause o+ the %i!ited a!ount o+ ti!e I have to i!$%e!ent this intervention. I a! going "ith extrinsic incentives on%(. and in !( +uture c%assroo!. I "i%% inc%ude student choice as "e%%In the c%assroo! ,eing studied. a 7 o!e"or# Chart8 has ,een i!$%e!ented- Each night. the students are assigned ,oth a reading and a !ath assign!ent- The( a%so !ust have their dai%( agenda signed ,( a $arent- I+ students co!e to schoo% each !orning "ith ,oth ho!e"or# assign!ents co!$%eted. and a $arent signature. the( get a stic#er next to their na!e on the ho!e"or# chart +or that da(- On Frida(. i+ a%% ho!e"or# +or the "ee# "as co!$%eted. the( get Frida(1s stic#er and a stic#er next to the co%u!n that sa(s. 7A:: DEE;L8- Students that co!$%eted a%% three re<uired $ortions each da( o+ the "ee# get to go to the treasure ,ox at the end o+ the da(A $re4test "as conducted a,out attitudes to"ard ho!e"or# and !otivation to"ard success- It "as a !odi+ied :i#ert4Sca%e <uestionnaire and inc%uded a$$roxi!ate%( t"e%ve <uestions- The sa!e <uestionnaire "i%% ,e given as a $ost4test at the end o+ the <uarter- 2re4test o,servations inc%ude a $ercentage o+ students that do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# on a night%( ,asis- Dhich to date is a$$roxi!ate%( )/0 o+ the c%ass- A $ost4test o,servation "i%% a%so ,e %oo#ed at to see "hat the $ercentage is o+ students that do not do their ho!e"or# at the end o+ the <uarter- Other o,servations that "i%% ,e recorded are student ,ehaviors to"ard ho!e"or# and recordings on an i!$%e!ented 7Excuse Chart8- Excuses +or inco!$%ete ho!e"or# var( dai%( in !( c%assroo!- G( having an excuse chart in the roo!. it #ee$s students accounta,%e and the( $rioriti&e their ho!e"or# rather than thin# o+ an excuse that the c%ass can see- O,servations

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS during the intervention "i%% a%so ,e noted inc%uding conversations "ith students and <ua%it( o+ ho!e"or# returned"ethods articipants 2artici$ants in this a$$%ied research $ro*ect are t"ent(4three third grade students at an e%e!entar( schoo% in 2hoenix. Ari&ona- There are six +e!a%e $artici$ants and seventeen !a%e


$artici$ants- There are three Eng%ish :anguage :earners and +ive students in the gi+ted $rogra!One student is Iranian. +our students are is$anic. one student is A!erican Indian. and the rest o+ the $artici$ants are Caucasian- A%% students have ,een in the Tit%e I schoo% s(ste! +or at %east a (ear- A$$roxi!ate%( e%even students in the c%assroo! are receiving +ree or reduced ,rea#+ast and3or %unch- T"o students receive s$eech thera$(. and thirteen students see a reading s$ecia%ist +or thirt( !inutes each da(- Most students in the c%ass are ,e%o" grade %eve% as "e%% as reading %eve%A%% $artici$ants are receiving the ho!e"or# intervention $rovided. ,ut the +ocus o+ the research is on the six students Aa,out t"ent(4three $ercent o+ the c%assB that do not ,ring their ho!e"or# to schoo% each da(- One student has A6 6 and seven students are current%( on IEITS AIenera% Education Intervention Tea!B-

Ethical Considerations According to Eu%ian in the artic%e 7Ethics in Research8. 7Ethica% research re<uires o,*ectivit( on the $art o+ the investigator- That is not to sa( that $eo$%e "ho do research do not have strong%( he%d $ositions and care not ho" the stud( turns out- On the contrar(. the( usua%%(



have a vita% interest in the outco!e and ho%d strong ex$ectations a,out "hat the +indings "i%% ,e8 AEu%ian. )>>@B- A%% students invo%ved in this a$$%ied research "i%% have their identities $rotectedThough the s(ste! ,eing i!$%e!ented needs their na!e. it is on a ,oard in the c%assroo! and %oo#s %i#e ever( other chart in the c%assroo! "ith na!es on itStudents "ere s$o#en to a,out the ne" ho!e"or# incentive $rogra! ,eing i!$%e!ented and the( "ere a%so ex$%ained to the ru%es and regu%ations to #ee$ the stud( +air and ethica%2arents o+ the students "ere given a consent +or! ex$%aining the reasoning ,ehind the research. "hat the goa%s +or the research are. and "hat the incentives "i%% ,e +or the students- 2arents returned a signed $er!ission s%i$ "ith their na!e. their signature. and the date signed Asee A$$endix EB- These $er!ission s%i$s are #e$t accessi,%e to the researcher and !entor teacher on%(- Si!i%ar $er!ission s%i$s A"ith so!e ,ac#ground in+or!ationB "ere given to the schoo% $rinci$a% and c%assroo! teacherIntervention A ho!e"or# chart has ,een i!$%e!ented in the c%assroo!- This intervention is ,ased on research sho"ing that externa% incentives can !otivate students to co!$%ete ho!e"or# and c%ass"or#- This chart has the dates across the to$ +or the !onths o+ Octo,er and Nove!,er- Each "ee# starts on a Tuesda( Asince ho!e"or# is not assigned over "ee#endsB and ends on Frida(The student1s +irst na!es on%( are "ritten across the side o+ the ho!e"or# chart in a%$ha,etica% order- The chart is on a ho!e"or# ,u%%etin ,oard "ith !otivationa% $osters right ,( the c%assroo! door- It is eas( +or students to trac# the!se%ves and see ho" the( are doing "ith their ho!e"or# co!$%etionStudent $artici$ants "i%% ,e assigned ,oth a reading and a !ath ho!e"or# assign!ent each night- On to$ o+ this. $arents "i%% need to sign their student1s agenda insuring that the( have



read their student1s ho!e"or# assign!ents "ritten in their agenda +or the night and $roving the( have acce$ted that their student co!$%eted their ho!e"or#- Each !orning the students co!e to c%ass. their agendas are sta!$ed "ith a $ositive a++ir!ation i+ the( have their agendas signed. or a $arent signature re!inder i+ the( did not get a signature +or the $revious night- o!e"or# is co%%ected and sorted through during !orning announce!ents- 6uring this ti!e. the researcher uses a teacher #e$t chart to record "ho did or did not ,ring ,ac# their ho!e"or#- A chec#!ar# is used i+ ho!e"or# "as co!$%eted. and a circ%e is used i+ students did not co!$%ete ho!e"or#A chec#!ar# and circ%e is a%so used i+ a student did or did not get their agenda signedA+ter it has ,een recorded "ho did and "ho did not do their ho!e"or# and agendas "ere chec#ed. students are ca%%ed in threes to $ut their stic#er on the ho!e"or# chart +or co!$%eted ho!e"or#- A student $uts a stic#er ,( their na!e and in the correct ,ox +or the date- Students do this each da( Tuesda( through Frida( !ornings- On Frida(s. i+ students co!$%ete their ho!e"or# a%% "ee#. the( get an extra stic#er in the ,ox that sa(s. 7A:: DEE;L8 On Frida( a+ternoons. students that did their ho!e"or# a%% "ee# get a tri$ to the treasure ,ox- In order to earn a tri$ to the treasure ,ox. students !ust co!$%ete the t"o ho!e"or# assign!ents each night o+ the "ee# and have a $arent signature each night as "e%%Instruments There are t"o !ain instru!ents ,eing used in this a$$%ied research $ro*ect and one !inor instru!ent- The +irst is a :i#ert t($e o!e"or# Attitude surve(- This "i%% ,e a $re4 and $ost4 !easure!ent surve(- Students anon(!ous%( rate <uestions such as 7I have drea!s +or !(se%+8 A"ith o$tions Mes or NoB and 7I do !( ho!e"or# so that I can ,e success+u%8 A"ith o$tions Mes. No. or I don1t do !( ho!e"or#B- There are e%even <uestions on this surve( that are a%% !otivation re%ated-



Next. is a $re4 and $ost4 test !easure!ent o+ ho!e"or# co!$%etion- The $re4test sho"ed that an average o+ a$$roxi!ate%( )50 o+ the c%ass does not do their ho!e"or# on an( given night- The sa!e !easure!ent "i%% ,e ta#en at around the six4"ee# !ar# o+ the intervention ,eing i!$%e!ented- Goth !easure!ents "i%% ,e ,ased on t"ent(4three students co!$%eting +our nights o+ ho!e"or# each "ee#- A !inor !easure!ent ,eing used is c%assroo! o,servationAttitudes +ro! students and conversations ,et"een students or students to teachers "i%% ,e notedo" students are +ee%ing a,out the ho!e"or# chart. or ho!e"or# in genera% "i%% ,e recordedrocedure 2re4intervention data "i%% ,e co%%ected $rior to the ne" strateg( ,eing ex$%ained- This "i%% inc%ude the nu!,er o+ students "ho do and do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night as "e%% as student attitudes a,out ho!e"or#- Next. students "i%% ,e taught a,out the ne" ho!e"or# incentive s(ste!- For a$$roxi!ate%( six "ee#s. students "i%% $artici$ate in the ho!e"or# incentive s(ste! each da(- On Frida(s. students that have co!$%eted their ho!e"or# each da( "i%% earn a tri$ to the treasure ,ox- A+ter the six "ee#s have conc%uded. a $ost4test attitude surve( "i%% again ,e ta#en and co!$ared to the +irst test- A +ina% !easure!ent o+ ho!e"or# co!$%etion rates "i%% ,e +igured as "e%%#ata $nalysis %uantitative #ata $nalysis. Huantitative data "i%% ,e co%%ected in the +o%%o"ing "a(- A $re4intervention !easure!ent "i%% ,e ta#en conc%uding the nu!,er o+ students that do and do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# on average each night- The current nu!,er o+ students "ho do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night is at a$$roxi!ate%( six students out o+ t"ent(4three- The goa% is to get a%% t"ent(4three students co!$%eting their ho!e"or# each night- A $ost4 intervention !easure!ent "i%% ,e ta#en to see i+ the !argin has shrun# and !ore students are

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS co!$%eting their ho!e"or# on a night%( ,asis%ualitative #ata $nalysis. Hua%itative data "i%% ,e co%%ected as +o%%o"ed- A $re4 intervention ho!e"or# attitude surve( "i%% ,e given Athis "i%% a%so ,e given $ost4interventionBThere "i%% ,e e%even <uestions that re%ate to !otivation as "e%% as ho!e"or#- A%% <uestions are as#ed on a :i#ert4t($e sca%e- This sa!e surve( "i%% ,e given a+ter the six "ee#s o+ the intervention i!$%e!entation and resu%ts "i%% ,e co!$ared to see i+ attitudes to"ard ho!e"or# have changedResults %uantitative Results The $re4test !easure sho"ed that. on average. six o+ the t"ent(4three students in the c%ass studied did not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night- That is !ore than one4+ourth o+ the c%ass not co!$%eting their ho!e"or# on a night%( ,asis A)/0 o+ the c%ass not co!$%eting


ho!e"or# and F90 co!$%eting ho!e"or#B- As o+ no". +our out o+ the t"ent(4three students in the c%ass are not co!$%eting their ho!e"or# each night- This !eans 1F0 o+ students are not co!$%eting their ho!e"or#. ,ut a,out ?50 o+ the students are no" co!$%eting ho!e"or# on a night%( ,asisT"o o+ the six students "ho did not $revious%( co!$%ete their ho!e"or# ,e+ore the intervention ,egan have ,egun co!$%eting their ho!e"or# on a night%( ,asis- This is a =0 increase in a$$roxi!ate%( +our "ee#s o+ the intervention ,eing in e++ect- The "ee#%( ana%(sis o+ ho!e"or# co!$%etion is sho"n in A$$endix G- A "ee#%( $ercentage "as a%so ca%cu%ated and is !entioned in the Conc%usions $ortion o+ this research $a$er- A visua% re$resentation o+ the "ee#%( $ercentage o+ ho!e"or# co!$%etion is inc%uded in A$$endix A%ualitative Results



The surve( used +or ,oth the $re4 and $ost4 test !easure!ents is inc%uded in A$$endix FThe $re4test resu%ts o+ ho!e"or# attitudes are sho"n in A$$endix C- This :i#ert4Sca%e attitude surve( inc%uded e%even sca%ed <uestions Anu!,ered 1411 on the charts sho"n in A$$endix C and 6 +or $re4and $ost4test resu%tsB- These state!ents inc%ude: 71- I %i#e doing ho!e"or#8. 7)- I #no" that ho!e"or# is i!$ortant +or !( success8. 75- I do !( ho!e"or# ,ecause I "ant to8. 79- I do !( ho!e"or# ,ecause !( $arents !a#e !e8. 7@- I do !( ho!e"or# ,ecause I "ant to ,e success+u%8. 7/- I do !( ho!e"or# so that I can $ass !( AIMS test8. 7F- I +ee% deter!ined to do !( ho!e"or# each night8. 7?- I a%"a(s tr( !( hardest8. 7=- I "ant to ,e success+u%8. 71>- I have drea!s +or !(se%+8. and 711- I "ant to ,e the ,est student I can ,e8- So!e o+ these state!ents "ere on a three $oint sca%e "hi%e others "ere a (es or no ans"er- 2ost4test !easure!ents o+ the sa!e surve( are sho"n in A$$endix 6 and su!!ari&ed in the 6iscussion $ortion o+ this $a$er#iscussion Connections As $revious%( !entioned. Dor#!an and Di%%ia!s at the 'niversit( o+ Tennessee. 7De !ust either use extrinsic re"ards to get chi%dren to engage in so!e i!$ortant acade!ic activities or run the ris# o+ their not engaging in these activities at a%%- Dithout the use o+ extrinsic incentives. !an( chi%dren "ho are $er+ect%( ca$a,%e o+ %earning to read and "rite !ight never ac<uire these s#i%%s8 ADor#!an C Di%%ia!s. 1=?>B- It is o+ten +ro"ned u$on ,( so!e teachers to use extrinsic re"ards. as it is seen to %ead to %ong4ter! de!otivation- Fro! the research stated a,ove. so!eti!es. extrinsic re"ards are necessar( to $rovide the +oundation +or students to ,ui%d on throughout their educationa% careers- Gecause the content taught in e%e!entar( schoo% are conce$ts needed to ,ui%d o++ o+ during other grades. extrinsic re"ards are seen as a "a( to



!otivate students to do their "or# so that those +oundations can ,e ,ui%t- This idea has ,een the ,asis o+ this a$$%ied research $ro*ectAnother connection used in this research is !ade +ro! the 7Chi%dren1s Attitude to o!e"or# Huestionnaire8 ACA HB- This research "as ,rie+%( !entioned ear%ier in the a$$%ied research $ro*ect- This surve( contains t"ent(4t"o <uestions and gauges ho!e"or# ha,its and out%oo#s on ho!e"or#- It has di++erent res$onse o$tions and 7is intended to gather in+or!ation a,out the +re<uenc( and nature o+ ho!e"or#. attitudes to ho!e"or#. the in+%uence o+ ho!e"or# on chi%d4$arent interactions. and a student1s genera% attitude to"ard schoo%8 AA#io#a C Ii%!ore. )>15B- In the research +or this a$$%ied $ro*ect. a si!i%ar <uestionnaire "as used- This <uestionnaire "as used as a $re4intervention !easure. and "i%% a%so ,e used as a $ost4 intervention !easure- The data +ro! this <uestionnaire "i%% ,e used in the sa!e "a(. to get a +ee% +or student1s genera% attitudes a,out ho!e"or# and attitudes to"ard schoo%Conclusions At +irst g%ace o+ the data. this intervention does not see! to have an( in+%uence on student1s ho!e"or# co!$%etion- Gut. a+ter +urther investigation o+ data. an in+%uence "as +oundEach "ee#. the resu%ts "ere %oo#ed at and the $ercentage o+ #ids that did their ho!e"or# each "ee# "as recorded- 6uring the +irst "ee#. =@-F $ercent o+ students did their ho!e"or# a%% "ee#. !eaning )) out o+ )5 students co!$%eted their ho!e"or# each night o+ the "ee# +or +our da(s in a ro"- 6uring the second "ee#. tota%s dro$$ed to /=-/0. ,ut raised steadi%( in "ee#s three AF5-50B and +our A?)-/0B- 6uring "ee# +ive. the tota% $ercentage o+ students that co!$%eted their ho!e"or# "as at F?-50 and in the +ina% "ee# o+ the intervention. "ee# six. ?)-50 o+ students co!$%eted their ho!e"or#- It see!s sa+e to sa( that the +irst "ee# students "ere excited a,out the ne" $rogra! and a%!ost a%% students "ere a,%e to co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night-

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS Even though tota%s dro$$ed during the second "ee#. the( did c%i!, each "ee# a+ter that-


Fro! "ee#s +our to six. $ercentages see! to have $%ateaued- On average. a,out nineteen to t"ent( students co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night co!$ared to the sixteen $rior to the intervention- The origina% $ercentage o+ students co!$%eting their ho!e"or# on a night%( ,asis started out at F90 and during the +ina% "ee# ended at ?)-50- This is an increase o+ ?-50 in ho!e"or# co!$%etion in six "ee#s- A s!a%% conc%usion can ,e dra"n that ho!e"or# co!$%etion did s%ight%( increase in this c%assroo!- Fro! ,e+ore the intervention too# $%ace to the %ast "ee# o+ the intervention there "as a The conc%usion can ,e !ade that +or this a$$%ied research $ro*ect. in this s$eci+ic c%assroo!. externa% re"ards have a $ositive in+%uence on ho!e"or# co!$%etion- A visua% re$resentation o+ the "ee#%( $ercentages o+ ho!e"or# co!$%etion are inc%uded in A$$endix Ao!e"or# attitudes "ere a%so surve(ed in a $re4and $osttest surve( +or!at- Goth data are sho"n in A$$endix C and 6 and "i%% ,e discussed here- The +o%%o"ing are state!ents and their increase in nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 +ro! the $re4 to $ost4surve(s: 71- I %i#e doing ho!e"or#8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 increased ,( +our 7)- I #no" that ho!e"or# is i!$ortant +or !( success8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 increased ,( three 75- I do !( ho!e"or# ,ecause I "ant to8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 increased ,( t"o 79- I do !( ho!e"or# ,ecause !( $arents !a#e !e8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 increased ,( t"o 7@- I do !( ho!e"or# ,ecause I "ant to ,e success+u%8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 sta(ed the sa!e 7/- I do !( ho!e"or# so that I can $ass !( AIMS test8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 sta(ed the

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS sa!e 7F- I +ee% deter!ined to do !( ho!e"or# each night8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 sta(ed the sa!e 7?- I a%"a(s tr( !( hardest8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 "ent u$ one 7=- I "ant to ,e success+u%8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 "ent u$ one 71>- I have drea!s +or !(se%+8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 do"n one 711- I "ant to ,e the ,est student I can ,e8. nu!,er o+ 7(esses8 sta(ed the sa!e


Overa%%. it see!s ho!e"or# attitudes have increased. even i+ on%( s%ight%(- Through o,servations as "e%%. student attitudes a,out ho!e"or# see! to have increased as "e%%- Nu!,er one on the surve(. 7I %i#e doing ho!e"or#8. increased ,( +our 7(esses8. "hich "as the greatest increaseNu!,er t"o on the surve(. 7I #no" that ho!e"or# is i!$ortant +or !( success8. "as the second highest increase at three !ore 7(esses8 than the $re4test- Another change is i!$ortant to noteNu!,er ten on the surve(. 7I have drea!s +or !(se%+8 decreased ,( one 7(es8- There does not to see! to ,e !uch evidence to su$$ort "h( this student changed their choice on their drea!s +or the!se%ves. ,ut it is i!$ortant to consider ho" ho!e"or# out%oo#s cou%d have a%tered that attitude- Nu!,er one on the surve( 7I %i#e doing ho!e"or#8. "as !ost i!$ortant +or this a$$%ied research. and its increase o+ +our out o+ the targeted six. is a !ost i!$ortant success-

Limitations The !a*or %i!itation o+ this research "as socioecono!ic status ASESB- The students in this research are +ro! a %o" SES and there+ore. I ,e%ieve extrinsic re"ards are o+ !ore va%ue to the! than a c%ass "ith students +ro! a higher SES- Dhen students did not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# each night. the( "ere devastated "hen the( re!e!,ered the( cou%d not go to the

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS treasure ,ox that "ee#- It is assu!ed that students "ho have access to !ore re"ards in their ever( da( %i+e "ou%d not react the sa!e as these students-


Another %i!itation o+ this a$$%ied research $ro*ect "as the a!ount o+ "ee#s that "ere not +u%% "ee#s- A +u%% "ee# is considered +ive da(s o+ schoo% "ith +our nights o+ ho!e"or# Aas ho!e"or# is not assigned on Frida(sB- 6uring the research ti!e+ra!e. there "ere three "ee#s in "hich a ho%ida( "as on a Monda( or ho!e"or# "as not assigned A a%%o"een nightB- 6uring these "ee#s. resu%ts !a( ,e s#e"ed ,ecause it is not re$resentative o+ a t($ica% schoo% "ee#- A +ina% %i!itation "as a,sences- It "as di++icu%t to #ee$ u$ "ith ho!e"or# co!$%etion "hen there "ere students a,sent Athere "ere at %east three di++erent students a,sent each "ee#B- The data "as sti%% a,%e to ,e co%%ected. ,ut it re<uired !ore "or# to do soersonal Reflection There "ere !an( ,ene+its o+ this research that I $%an on using throughout !( teaching career- I %earned so !uch a,out student !otivation. or %ac# thereo+. and ho" so!e students have an intrinsic !otivation "hi%e others si!$%( "ant so!ething in return- This a$$%ied research $ro*ect has he%$ed !e see students in a di++erent %ight and has a%so he%$ed !e see the ,ene+its o+ doing !iniature research $ro*ects in (our c%assroo! to see "hat is and is not "or#ingThe !ost di++icu%t as$ect o+ this a$$%ied research $ro*ect "as hand%ing student1s reactions- I +ound !(se%+ "anting to !a#e exce$tions +or students "ho did not co!$%ete their ho!e"or# and a%%o" the! to sti%% go to the treasure ,ox ,ecause I #no" ho" !uch things %i#e that !ean to the!- I a%"a(s re+rained though- I did not "ant to teach students that !a#ing excuses is o#a( and I a%so did not "ant to s#e" !( data in a "a( that "as not re$resentative o+ the rea% resu%tsM( +avorite thing a,out this $ro*ect "as the excite!ent that ca!e +ro! the students- I+ I

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS +orgot to give out the stic#ers +or the ho!e"or# chart. the students "ere on to$ o+ it and %oved


seeing the stic#ers next to their na!e- The( a%"a(s re!inded !e o+ the treasure ,ox on Frida(s i+ I "as $reoccu$ied- The students %oved getting stic#ers and I heard so !an( cheers +ro! students ,eing $roud o+ the!se%ves +or co!$%eting another "ee# o+ ho!e"or#&ext Steps I+ this research "ere to continue. it "ou%d see! to ,e ,ene+icia% i+ an entire grade %eve% or schoo% used the intervention- The resu%ts "ou%d "iden the range o+ outco!es and cou%d he%$ the schoo% ,oost ho!e"or# co!$%etion- Since this intervention "or#ed re%ative%( s!ooth%( and had a $ositive res$onse. this intervention cou%d ,e tested out in other c%assroo!s that have a %o" ho!e"or# rate- At the end o+ this intervention. students "ho co!$%eted a%% o+ their ho!e"or# each "ee# "i%% ,e re"arded "ith so!e #ind o+ $art(- This is another incentive +or the! to continue to "or# hard and re"ard the! +or sta(ing +ocused and !otivatedAnother $ossi,%e next ste$ cou%d ,e !ore student invo%ve!ent in the design $rocessStudents cou%d re<uest "hat the( "ou%d %i#e to see in the treasure ,ox or "hat the( thin# the conse<uence shou%d ,e i+ students do not co!$%ete their ho!e"or#- Dhen students #no" that the( had a $art in the creation $rocess o+ an intervention. it see!s it the( !a( ,e !ore invo%ved and g%ad to #no" that their ideas are heard-

Re+erences A#io#a. E-. C Ii%!ore. :- A)>15B- An intervention to i!$rove !otivation +or ho!e"or#- Australian Journal of Guidance and Counseling. 23A1B. 5949?- doi: 1>-1>1F3*gc-)>15-) A!es. C- A- A1==>B- Motivation: Dhat teachers need to #no"- Teachers College Record. 91A5B. 9>=4 91=- Retrieved +ro! htt$:33"e,-uncg-edu3soe3,+Ncourse//=3docsNsessionN/3!otivtion4

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS "hatteachersneedto#no"-$d+ Garnes. 6- :- A1=?FB- The use o+ incentives and re"ards in e%e!entar( c%assroo!s- The Teacher Educator.23A5B. 1141@- doi: 1>-1>?>3>??F?F5?F>=@@9=1F Christodou%ou. A-. 6uncan. E-. C Ne%!es. I- A)>15B- Enhancing student !otivation and $er+or!ance: Too%s that deve%o$ and su$$ort in+or!ed choice- ! Journal of Teaching "ractice. 1A11B. 141@Retrieved +ro! htt$:33i,$u,%ishing-i,o-org3*ourna%3index-$h$3i,*o+t$3artic%e3vie"3/F3@ 6eci. E- :-. ;oestner. R-. C R(an. R- M- A)>>1B- Extrinsic re"ards and intrinsic !otivation in education: reconsidered once again- Re#ie$ of Educational Research. %1A1B. 14)F- Retrieved +ro! htt$:33edt)-educ-!su-edu36Dong3CE2==136eci4ExtRe"CIntrMot-$d+ ong. E-. Mi%gra!. R- M-. C Ro"e%%. :- :- A)>>9B- o!e"or# !otivation and $re+erence: A %earner4 centered ho!e"or# a$$roach- Theory nto "ractice.&3A5B. 1=F4)>5- Retrieved +ro!


htt$s:33"""-,rent"ood-#1)-ca-us3$ioneer3resources3$arentsroundta,%e3ho!e"or#!otivation-$d Eordan. A- M- A1=@)B- Intrinsic versus extrinsic !otivation in %earning- The 'igh (chool Journal. 3)A5B. F/4?)- Retrieved +ro! htt$:33"""-*stor-org3discover31>-)5>F39>5/5>@9O uidP5F5=@@)CuidP)CuidP9CuidP5F5=)@/CsidP)11>)F9??5=?=5 Eu%ian. M- A)>>@B- Ethics in research- Journal of Aggression* +altreatment , Trauma* 11-3.* 511455/6oi: 1>- 15>>3EI9/v11n>5>5 Sea%. ;- C Sti$e#. 6- A)>>5B- Raising se%+4!otivated chi%dren- A +aga/ine for Educators. 1=4)5Retrieved +ro! htt$:33"""-highsco$e-org3+i%e3Ne"sandIn+or!ation3ReSourceRe$rints3Motivated-$d+ Tra!!e%. 6- :-. Sch%oss. 2- E-. C A%$er. S- A1==9B- 'sing se%+4recording. eva%uation. and gra$hing to increase co!$%etion o+ ho!e"or# assign!ents- Journal of 0earning 1isa2ilities. 2%A)B. F@4?1Retrieved +ro! htt$:33connection-e,scohost-co!3c3artic%es3=9111@/)F@3using4se%+4recording4

EXTRINSIC MOTIVATION FACTORS eva%uation4gra$hing4increase4co!$%etion4ho!e"or#4assign!ents Dor#!an. E- A-. C Di%%ia!s. R- :- A1=?>B- E++ects o+ extrinsic re"ards on intrinsic !otivation in the c%assroo!- Journal of (chool "sychology. 13A)B. 191419/- Retrieved +ro! htt$:33"""-sciencedirect-co!3science3artic%e3$ii3>>))99>@?>=>>)=1 Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx elementary school- A)>15B- Retrieved +ro! htt$:33"""-!ovoto-co!3$u,%ic4 schoo%s3a&3g%enda%e3$ri!ar(3>9>FF@>>155>4xxxxxxxx4xxxxxxx4e%e!entar(4schoo%31=/>)4n4 9@th4ave-ht!


A$$endix A Dee#%( 2ercentage :ine Ira$h



Percentage of StudentsWho Completed All Homework by Week Number

120.0% 100.0% 80.0% 60.0% 40.0% 20.0% 0.0% Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6

A$$endix G Dee#%( o!e"or# Co!$%etion Gar Ira$h




Weekly Homework Comple on by Number of Students

20 15


0 Weekly Homework Comple on by Number of S tudents

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 22 1 1 1! 18 1!

A$$endix C 2re4Test Student o!e"or# Attitude Surve( Resu%ts



25 20 Number of Students 15 10 5 0 "es S ome mes No "es S ome mes No

1 10 6

2 1! 3 1

3 15 8 0

4 10 13 0

5 1 6 0

6 22 1 0 1 6 0

8 22 1 0

! 22 1 0

10 1 6

11 22 1

A$$endix 6 2ost4Test Student o!e"or# Attitude Surve( Resu%ts



Homework A tude Survey Post- Test


20 Number of Students

15 "es 10 S ome mes No 5

0 "es Some mes No

1 14 2

2 22 1 0

3 1 6 0

4 12 11 0

5 1 6 0

6 22 1 0 1 6 0

8 23 0

! 23 0

10 18 5

11 22 1

A$$endix E 2er!ission S%i$ to 2arents

Hi Parents and Guardians,



I am currently in my last class for my masters at ASU titled, Applied Research Project !his class re"uires me to identify an issue that can #e sol$ed at my assi%ned school &'''''''' '''''''( and research )ays to impro$e it I ha$e chosen to research student moti$ation and home)or* completion in +rs Patti,s class in order to impro$e the o$erall completion rate of home)or* each ni%ht I am currently researchin% moti$ation and )ays to increase moti$ation in the classroom in order for students to achie$e lifelon% success +y %oal is to moti$ate the class to complete their home)or* each ni%ht so that they can mo$e on to fourth %rade and #ecome successful, moti$ated adults In order for my research to me moral and ethical, I must %et your permission for your student to #e included in my home)or* impro$ement plan I plan on #e%innin% my ne) home)or* moti$ation chart in -cto#er Please si%n and date the form on the #ottom of this pa%e no later than Septem#er . s t , /0.1 !han* you S- +U2H for helpin% me successfully complete my de%ree

##### I a%ree to let my student participate in the home)or* impro$ement plan ##### I DO NOT a%ree to let my student participate in the home)or* impro$ement plan Parent/Guardian Printed Name: ############################### Parent/Guardian Signature: ################################## Date3 ###################



A$$endix F o!e"or# Attitude Surve( A2re4 and 2ostB

. I li*e doin% home)or*3 / I *no) that home)or* is important for my success3 1 I do my home)or* #ecause I )ant to3 6 I do my home)or* #ecause my parents ma*e me3 7 I do my home)or* #ecause I )ant to #e successful3 8 I do my home)or* so that I can pass my AI+S test3 9 I feel determined to do my home)or* each ni%ht3 : I al)ays try my hardest3 ; I )ant to #e successful3 .0 I ha$e dreams for myself3 4es Sometimes 5o






I don,t do my home)or*



I don,t do my home)or*



I don,t do my home)or*



I don,t do my home)or*



I don,t do my home)or*

4es 4es 4es

5o 5o 5o


.. I )ant to #e the #est student I can #e3




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