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Urinary Obstruction Merupakan penyakit karena adanya suatu obstruksi atau penghambatan di saluran urinary.

Etiologi : - Congenital - Acquired Duration : - Acute - Chronic Degree : - Partial - Complete Level : - Upper and Lower Lower and Midtrack Urethral stricture, Benign prostatic hyperplasia, neurogenic bladder, Tumor of the bladder involving the vesical neck. Sign Symptom Hesitancy in starting urination, Lessened force and size of the stream, and terminal dribbling; Hematuria Burning on uri- nation, Cloudy urine (due to complicating infection), Occasionally acute urinary retention. Upper Track (ureter & kidney) Pain in the flank radiating Gross total hematuria (from stone), Gastrointestinal symptoms, Chills, Fever, Burning on urina- tion, Cloudy urine with onset of infection. Nausea, Vomiting, Loss of weight Pallor Enlarged kidney Renal tenderness Rupture of the bladder Compress the ureters Obstructive Nepropathy Obstructive uropathy is a structural or functional hindrance of normal urine flow, yang dapat menyebabkan kelainan dari fungsi ginjal Penyebabnya lesi di urinary track :

- Urolithiasis -Posterior urethral valves -Ureteral herniation. Symptom Sama seperti chronic obstruction, are pain radiating to the T11 to T12dermatomes , anuria, nocturia, or polyuria. Diagnosis catheterization, ultrasonography, CT scan, cystourethroscopy, or pyelography Therapy : surgery dan hormonal therapy.

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