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TEEN LIVING SYLLABUS Ms. Forbes zarahforbes@pamlicoschools.

org 252-745-3151

CLASS FEE: $5.00

Course Description: This course is student-centered, using simulated experiences to examine the roles and responsibilities of the individual at home, in the family, the workplace and society. Strategies will be introduced for successful life management in the areas of personal and family living: wellness, nutrition and foods; resource management; living environments; caring for children; fashion and clothing; and job readiness. Emphasis is placed on students applying these skills during their teen years. Skills in mathematics, communication, science, technology, and personal and interpersonal relationships are reinforced in this course. COURSE OBJECTIVES - STATE VOCATIONAL COMPETENCIES (1-14) 1.) Apply strategies to enhance personal development and interpersonal skills to obtain a greater understanding of self through self-evaluation. 2.) - Analyze inuences on family life to ensure healthy family relationships. 3.) Apply strategies to enhance personal relationships through elimination of stress factors. 4.) Apply strategies to enhance community skills through personal and group development. 5.) Examine the developmental stages of children to appropriately support and monitor growth. 6.) Analyze responsible caregiving to appropriately guide childrens behavior and monitor safety. 7.) Evaluate factors that affect tness to assess daily dietary and wellness needs. 8.) Apply principles of food selection, preparation, and service for safe and sanitary management of meals. 9.) Analyze the use of available resources to achieve goals. 10.) Analyze strategies for managing money to achieve nancial stability. 11.) Use clothing management principles to ensure long-term maintenance of personal wardrobe. 12.) Use basic fashion construction procedures to produce personal clothing and home accessories. 13.) Analyze how families and individuals manage living space for efciency, organization and safety. 14.) Evaluate ways to maintain and enhance living space to provide an aesthetically, pleasing environment for all household members.

Materials Needed for Class each Day * Loose leaf notebook paper (not torn from a notebook) * Sharpened pencil or working pen (your choice) *Charged laptop * Open mind Grading Scale A 93-100 B 85-92 C 77-84 D 70-76 F 0-69 You will be graded on: * Daily participation up to 5 points a week. * Projects (graded by Rubric, self-assessment and peer-assessment.) * Lab assignments (completed in groups.) * Quizzes and Tests (after each completed objective.) Each of these will carry equal weight in figuring grade average. Assignments turned in late will result in a reduction of 20 points for each day it is late. Students who are absent will have two days to make up missed assignments. Lengthy absences will be considered on a needs basis. It is the responsibility of the absent student to discuss with peers the activities of the previous day(s) to determine what assignments need to be completed. Classroom Rules 1. The school tardy rules WILL be enforced. Be in your seat and quiet when the bell rings. 2. Be prepared with all needed work materials for the class. 3. Laptops are to be used during class for class assignments only. 4. Begin work as quickly as an assignment is given.

5. Be responsible. Turn in all assigned work on time. This will be your responsibility. 6. Keep a positive attitude. 7. Treat your classmates and teacher with the same respect you desire from them. 8. Behave maturely at all times. 9. Refrain from bad language. (including but not limited to swear) 10. Stay in your seat until the bell rings. Consequences First Offense - Consequence basket Second Offense Parent Contact Third offense-Discipline Referral *I reserve the right to skip the first and second consequences in instances of egregious behavior or behavior with outlined consequences in the Pamlico County Schools Student Handbook.

Materials Needed for Class * 3 Ring Binder * Loose leaf notebook paper (not torn from a notebook) * Sharpened pencil or working blue or black ink pen (your choice) * Color pencils/crayons and markers *Charged laptop EVERYDAY! YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO RETURN TO YOUR LOCKER TO RETRIEVE IT. *Fabric, pillow filling, thread, sewing needle for sewing project *Proof of insurance * Open mind

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