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The Gold Rush Week 4Day 14: Fouls Gold (60 minutes) Objective Students will be able to identify

and describe how to determine the difference between real gold and fools gold. Standards CCSSRI: 1. Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific information in the text. 2. Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text. CCSS-W: 4. Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. CSSCS 4.3 Students explain the economic, social and political life in California from the Gold Rush: 3. Analyze the effects of the Gold Rush on settlements, on daily life, politics, and the physical environment. ISTE 4: Critical Thinking Problem Solving and Decision Making Preparation Prior to instructing this lesson, you will need to be informed on the difference between real gold and fools gold. Article: Video: Video: The findings will be documented in Word and students can chose to work alone (intrapersonal) or with other classmates (interpersonal.) Class computers should be on and ready. The teacher will need to determine the computer schedule as well as the student

groupings before the start of the assignment in order to ensure the project runs smoothly. Materials Teacher Computer Class set of computers Guided Instruction Direct instruction to the class regarding the difference between real and fools gold will need to be presented. The article and the two videos about would be a good source to do this. Also, the students will need to be directed to find information online how to determine the difference between the two. This can include various ways of how this was done a long time ago as well as today. The findings will be documented in Word and students can chose to work alone (intrapersonal) or with other classmates (interpersonal.) Independent Activity Students will explain how to conduct an experiment to determine real gold from fools gold. Research on-line what the difference between the two would be. Findings will be documented in Word and shared with the class.

Homework For homework this evening, students should ask an adult to see if they can look at some jewelry they may have. Using the knowledge learned in class today, determine if the gold is real or fools gold. ! Students should also complete page 69 in their Reflections Homework and Practice booklesson two only (top of page) to continue the review of the unit.

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