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Light of Automatic Traffic (LIFT) System

Prihastomo Triaji (38870) Yuasti Hasna Fauziyah (37764) Fahmi Fahrurozi (37714) Yohanes Pandhu (37050) urusan Te!ni! Fisi!a" #ni$ersitas %adjah &ada" Yo'ya!arta" (ndonesia)

Sometimes some street lights on all day without knowing the day. It is very wasteful of electricity and energy. This problem must be solved with an idea. The idea is how to make a automatic system that will support energy saving goals. LIFT (Light of Automatic Traffic is a system that serves as automatic traffic lights were installed shoulder of the road. LIFT consists of a L!" light sensors and switches that form the relay. L!" function in accordance with the light sensitivity. If there is no light at all captured by the L!"# the relay is going on# so the light will automatically turn on. $owever# if the L!" can catch the light# then the relay will be off automatically so the lights go out. Therefore# at night or when the weather is cloudy# the traffic lights are lit automatically road because the L!" is not able to capture the light# so that road users do not have to worry about the dark street. %eanwhile# during the day when the lights will turn off automatically so do not waste a lot of energy. &eyword ' *+," ,e-ay" .utomati/ *i'ht" 0-e/troma'neti/

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