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Quality and Standards: IS 12894:1990 Specification for Fly ash bricks Properties Color Shape and size ensity

Finishing $eight Compressive strength Porosity .hermal cond#ctivity 4bsorption of &ater $astage Normal Clay Brick Varying color as per soil Uneven shape as hand made !ightly bonded Plastering re"#ired %eavier in &eight Compressive strength is aro#nd '( Kg)cm* -ore poro#s .hermal cond#ctivity +/*( 0 +/'( $)m* 1C $ater absorption *,3*(5 $astage is -ore SK Fly ash brick Uniform pleasing color like cement Uniform in shape and smooth in finish ense composition No plastering re"#ired !ighter in &eight Compressive strength is aro#nd +,, Kg)cm* !ess poro#s .hermal cond#ctivity ,/2,3+/,( $)m* 1C $ater absorption 63+*5 $astage is !ess

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