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Gender and Society

Male or female Refers to the biological and physcology characterstics that define man and women

Masculine and feminine Socially constructed roles,behavior, activities,attrib utes that a given society consider apporite

Women menstruate while men do not Men have testicles while women do not Women have developed breasts that are usually capable of lactating, while men have not

In Viet Nam, many more men than women smoke, as female smoking has not traditionally been considered appropriate In Saudi Arabia men are allowed to drive cars while women are not In most of the world, women do more housework than men

Group of people with certain tradition,law,custom. Malaysia an extend social group having a distinctive cultural and economic organization.

Romantic/sexual attraction between female and male romantic or sexual attraction or tendency to direct sexual desire towards the same gender. Exp:Gay,Lesbian

Romantic or sexual attraction or behavior between members of the opposite sex or gender.

Bisexuality is sexual behavior or an orientation involving physical or romantic attraction to both males and females, especially with regard to men and women.

Referred to as nonsexuality, the lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of interest in sex.

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