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Knitting Abbreviations Master List

Following is a list of knitting abbreviations used by yarn industry designers and publishers. The most commonly used abbreviations are highlighted. In addition, designers and publishers may use special abbreviations in a pattern, which you might not find on this list. Generally, a definition of special abbreviations is given at the beginning of a book or pattern. AbbreviationDescription work instructions within brackets as many times as [] directed () work instructions within parentheses in the place directed repeat instructions following the asterisks as directed repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed inch(es) alternate approximately begin/beginning between bind off color A color B contrasting color centimeter(s) cable needle AbbreviationDescription pat(s) or patt pm pattern(s)

place marker




* " alt approx beg bet BO CA CB CC cm cn

p2tog prev psso pwise rem rep rev St st RH rnd(s) RS sk skp

purl 2 stitches together previous pass slipped stitch over purlwise remain/remaining repeat(s) reverse stockinette stitch right hand round(s) right side skip slip, knit, pass stitch overone stitch decreased slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over the knit 2 together; 2 stitches have been decreased slip


cast on





dec dpn fl foll g inc k or K k2tog kwise LH lp(s) m M1 M1 p-st MC mm oz p or P

decrease/ decreases/ decreasing double pointed needle(s) front loop(s) follow/follows/ following gram increase/increases/ increasing knit knit 2 stitches together knitwise left hand loop(s) meter(s) make one stitch make one purl stitch main color millimeter(s) ounce(s) purl

sl1k sl1p sl st ss ssk sssk st(s) St st tbl tog WS wyib wyif yd(s) yfwd yo yrn yon

slip 1 knitwise slip 1 purlwise slip stitch(es) slip stitch (Canadian) slip, slip, knit these 2 stiches togethera decrease slip, slip, slip, knit 3 stitches together stitch(es) stockinette stitch/stocking stitch through back loop together wrong side with yarn in back with yarn in front yard(s) yarn forward yarn over yarn around needle yarn over needle

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