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Lesson Preparation Worksheet (Thinking about the lesson)

Teacher Candidate: __Andrea Maier______________ Title of Lesson: _____Let's Make a List ___________ Grade Level: _____4th Grade___________________ Subject Area: ____Organization _________________ Lesson Topic (What is the big idea?): Using the 3C's, the three C's help students organize with creating a calendar, creating a weekly planner, and creating a daily list. The one that I will be using with my student is how to create a daily list. We will be looking at the students daily schedule and making a list of things that she has done throughout the day. She will then look at that list and check off what she has done, and talk with a Para and or teacher to reflect on what she has done in the school day.

What standard(s) and/or IEP goal(s) will it address? The standards that will be used in the lesson plan are from the Colorado State Standards. They will address the Reading, Writing, and Communication content standards. Standard 1: Oral Expression and Listing 1A Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher led) with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. ( CCSS: SL4.1a) Standard 3: Writing and Composition 2B Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences(CCSS:W.4.3) Standard 4: Research and Reasoning 2B Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant information from print and digital sources; takes notes and categorize information, and provide a list of sources. (CCSS: W.4.8) Main Objective of Instruction (What do you want the student(s) to learn?): The main objective for the student, is to show her how a list can help her keep track of everyday task. This will also show the student, how to keep track of what class she has gone to and is going to for that day. Supporting Objectives: The supporting objectives will be the student helping me write down the list of ideas. She will practice copying down the list of ideas, this will help her with recognizing her letters and getting her use to seeing how lists are made and written.

Specific Strategies to be taught/modeled: I will ask the student how she could use a list in her everyday life, and we will look at how she can put it together. The order that the list are supposed to be put together, and also how you start a list and finish the list. Then I will show her how the list will work for her classes throughout the day in school.

Planning for individual differences (mediated scaffolding): What are the accommodations/modifications you need to prepare? The modifications that I will make to the lesson plan will be using pictures. The other thing is simplifying the list and how it is scheduled for the student. The other things that I will use are photocopies from books that sequences lists, and I will also be using some pages that I have created for this lesson.

What background knowledge do the students have? How will you assess students learning pre, during and post? The student that I have been working with twice a week since February, and I have noticed that she is not very organized. She has a hard time with sequencing the events that have gone on throughout her day. Making a list will help my student recall what she has done during her school day. I will pre assess her by asking, have you ever used a list for getting ready or making your favorite foods? Then I will ask the student how could they apply a list to something they do every day, and then the post assessment I will show them how they can use it with a list made for her classes.

What management/grouping issues do you need to consider? The classroom that we will be working in will be occupied by other students. This will be distracting and will make it hard to keep my student on task with the lesson. The other thing that I might need to consider is my student might get off topic with the noise and movement. The student and I will be working one-on-one at the back table on the other side of the room. Materials and Resources: pencil, paper, colored pencils, pictures, eraser, sharpener , whiteboard, worksheets, dry erase marker, dry eraser, and scissors.

How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning? She will be able to look back at the lesson and have the knowledge of how you make a list. This will work for her in and out of the school setting. Examples: groceries, items for a project, or even ingredients for cookies.

How will you evaluate student learning from this lesson and build review into ongoing instruction (judicious review)? I will see if she can follow her list for her classes, and see if she can recall why she is using the list and how it is helping her. The list will be given to her on Tuesday and she will use it on Wednesday and then I will check it on Thursday.

Lesson Plan (What will actually be done)

Lesson Title: __Let's Make a List________________ Main Objective of this lesson: To learn how to make a list, that can be used with guided support for school tasks and activities. Anticipatory Set How will you get the student(s) attention?) Relate lesson to prior learning. I will then
ask my student if she has ever made a list? This will be important for the student to know how they can use a list. The list is made so that you can have something to look back at, and sequence that are meaningful. Then depending on her answer I will give her an example with getting dressed, brushing her teeth, and what do we need to make a pizza. This will get her thinking about how she has done this by thinking of the examples. The list will be written out and I will have pictures to go along with my examples.

Teaching: (Is this an informal presentation, direct instruction, or structured discovery?) What strategies will
you be using? Be sure to include differentiation. This will be a direct instruction lesson with my student. She needs that one-on-one interaction so that she will get the full effect or benefit of what I'm teaching her. The strategies that I will be using is showing the student how you can incorporate a list to every day subjects. This will be shown with my examples of getting dressed, brushing your teeth, and making a pizza. I do... I will make a list of things that you need for brushing your teeth. My list will have 4 items toothpaste, tooth brush, mouth wash, and a cup. I will show my student the order my list and why it is in that order. I will also go over the C that we are using to create a list. We do... We will both work on making a list, I will give her the topic of the is list we will be working on together. We will work on writing down the list and if visual aids are needed to help her to follow the list. You do... The student will use the information that I taught her and be able to understand how to use a list or make a list.

Check for Understanding- What questions will you ask your students? How can you use making a list at
home or school. Can you give me an example of how you can start to make a list by thinking of something that needs a list?

Guided Practice or Discovery: The lesson for this student will be guided practice. The student will be
able to think about what they did and share that with their parents or teacher.

Closure: Student(s) summarize, demonstrate learning of lesson. The hope for teaching this lesson is that the
student will be able to make list for herself. This will be done with a list and then changed when needed with the students growth. Depending on how the lesson goes, I will have to see if the student should be put on a visual list. If this happens scaffolding will be used in the big picture, she will use a check list when the lesson is done.

Independent Practice: What will this look like? Is it homework? Completion of a product independently?
The student will be able to check off or place a picture on the list with a check mark beside it, this will help her keep track of what she did throughout her day at school. This will be check by the teachers and or Para's' throughout the day.

(Formally END the lesson)

EDSE 444/bal/spr10

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