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CXC English A exam: Past paper type summary writing question 1

CXC sample English A questions

Here is a CXC past paper type summary writing question. This is the type of summary writing question that has been on CXC English A past papers

!: CXC suggests spending no more than "# minutes to answer the summary writing question in Section one, paper 2 of the English A exam. $ea% &arefully the following &on'ersation between $oss an% (usan an% then answer the question below it.


Susan Charles, a fine secretary you are!

on!t you "now that the

students from #uadeloupe arri$e on Septem%er &'th( (usan: )oth the %oys and the girls. So what else is new( $oss: *one of your wisecrac"s. +hat!s only a month away and we ha$en!t found accommodation for them as yet. +he hotel says there won!t %e any room at that time. As secretary of the clu%, it!s your responsi%ility...

(usan: , "now, , "now. ,!ll arrange for them to stay in pri$ate homes. ,!m sure the $illagers won!t mind ta"ing them in for a small charge. ,t!s only for two wee"s. -ur $isitors are %oo"ed to lea$e on the ./th.

$oss: *ot a %ad idea. 0hy don!t you write to all the $illagers as"ing them to write to us if they are interested in putting up these students( , wonder how much they!ll charge.

(usan: ,!ll as" them to gi$e their rates. 0e!ll ha$e to insist, though, that the $illagers who are interested must %e a%le to spea" 1rench. +he #uadeloupians spea" no English. $oss: At least not the six who are coming. Should the $illagers pro$ide meals( (usan: )rea"fast and dinner, except on Sundays when they must include lunch as well. $oss: , thin" we should let the $illagers "now that two clu% mem%ers will want to inspect homes and chat with the applicants %efore ma"ing the selection.

(usan: Agreed. 2etters from those who are interested should reach us %y August 23th. +hen our mem%ers can $isit on the 24th.

$oss: After six p.m., , suppose( Should the $illagers write to you as secretary( (usan: 5ight on %oth counts6 ,!ll tell them to write to7 +he Secretary en%y Sports Clu% 8.-. )ox 3. Arroyo 9illage

$oss: )ut suppose a $illager can put up more than one student( (usan: All the %etter, my friend, all the %etter. ,magine that you are Susan. )n not more than 1#* wor%s, write the letter to the $illagers. :ar"s will %e gi$en for (1) content, (2) organisation and (3) expression "* mar+s

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