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using bisection to determine zero For demonstration purposes set stopping criteria Calculate new root and update endpoints Calculate new root and update endpoints Calculate new root and update endpoints Calculate new root and update endpoints Calculate new root and update endpoints

f=@(c) (667.38 ./ c) .* (1-exp(-0.146843*c)) - 40; c = 4:.1:20; plot(c,f(c)) grid title('Determinng drag coefficient') xlabel('c') ylabel('f(c)')

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using bisection to determine zero xl=12; xu=16; i=0; true_value = 14.7802; For demonstration purposes set stopping criteria es = 1 % 1 percent

es = 1

Calculate new root and update endpoints

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i=i+1; display(['iteration ' num2str(i)]) xr = (xl + xu)/2; %calculate new root if f(xr)*f(xl) > 0, xl=xr; else xu=xr; end; et = 100*abs((true_value - xr)/true_value);

%update endpoint %determine true error

% print results fprintf('\nNew root guess xr = %f\n',xr) fprintf('Next bracketing points xl = %f\txu = %f\n',xl,xu) fprintf('et = %.1f%%\n',et) xrold = xr;

iteration 1 New root guess xr = 14.000000 Next bracketing points xl = 14.000000 et = 5.3% Calculate new root and update endpoints i=i+1; display(['iteration ' num2str(i)]) xr = (xl + xu)/2; %calculate new root if f(xr)*f(xl) > 0, xl=xr; else xu=xr; end;

xu = 16.000000

%update endpoint

et = 100*abs((true_value - xr)/true_value); %determine true error ea = 100*abs((xr-xrold)/xr); % determine approximate realtive error % print results fprintf('\nNew root guess xr = %f\n',xr) fprintf('Next bracketing points xl = %f\txu = %f\n',xl,xu) fprintf('et = %.1f%%\tea = %f%%\n',et,ea) %check stopping criteria if ea<es, fprintf('******* DONE: ea is less than es ***********'),end xrold = xr;

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iteration 2 New root guess xr = 15.000000 Next bracketing points xl = 14.000000 et = 1.5% ea = 6.666667% Calculate new root and update endpoints i=i+1; display(['iteration ' num2str(i)]) xr = (xl + xu)/2; %calculate new root if f(xr)*f(xl) > 0, xl=xr; else xu=xr; end;

xu = 15.000000

%update endpoint

et = 100*abs((true_value - xr)/true_value); %determine true error ea = 100*abs((xr-xrold)/xr); % determine approximate realtive error % print results fprintf('\nNew root guess xr = %f\n',xr) fprintf('Next bracketing points xl = %f\txu = %f\n',xl,xu) fprintf('et = %.1f%%\tea = %f%%\n',et,ea) %check stopping criteria if ea<es, fprintf('******* DONE: ea is less than es ***********'),end xrold = xr;

iteration 3 New root guess xr = 14.500000 Next bracketing points xl = 14.500000 et = 1.9% ea = 3.448276% Calculate new root and update endpoints i=i+1; display(['iteration ' num2str(i)]) xr = (xl + xu)/2; %calculate new root if f(xr)*f(xl) > 0, xl=xr; else xu=xr; end; et = 100*abs((true_value - xr)/true_value);

xu = 15.000000

%update endpoint %determine true error

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ea = 100*abs((xr-xrold)/xr);

% determine approximate realtive error

% print results fprintf('\nNew root guess xr = %f\n',xr) fprintf('Next bracketing points xl = %f\txu = %f\n',xl,xu) fprintf('et = %.1f%%\tea = %f%%\n',et,ea) %check stopping criteria if ea<es, fprintf('******* DONE: ea is less than es ***********'),end xrold = xr;

iteration 4 New root guess xr = 14.750000 Next bracketing points xl = 14.750000 et = 0.2% ea = 1.694915% Calculate new root and update endpoints i=i+1; display(['iteration ' num2str(i)]) xr = (xl + xu)/2; %calculate new root if f(xr)*f(xl) > 0, xl=xr; else xu=xr; end;

xu = 15.000000

%update endpoint

et = 100*abs((true_value - xr)/true_value); %determine true error ea = 100*abs((xr-xrold)/xr); % determine approximate realtive error % print results fprintf('\nNew root guess xr = %f\n',xr) fprintf('Next bracketing points xl = %f\txu = %f\n',xl,xu) fprintf('et = %.1f%%\tea = %f%%\n',et,ea) %check stopping criteria if ea<es, fprintf('******* DONE: ea is less than es ***********'),end xrold = xr;

iteration 5 New root guess xr = 14.875000 Next bracketing points xl = 14.750000

xu = 14.875000

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et = 0.6% ea = 0.840336% ******* DONE: ea is less than es ***********

Published with MATLAB 7.5

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