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My autobiography Chapter 1: The start of my life

Hi Im kritika and this is my autobiography. I was born on March 14th 2003 in an amazing country called India, Ajmer to be precise. I was born in a hospital (of course) called st.francis at exactly 9:23. My sister was only three when I was born. Now its time to talk about my beautiful family. I have a beautiful mother, her name is ruchi, my dad his name is Kamal which means lotus in Indian and is Indians favorite grandma and grandpa. I dont know where to begin my grandparents are the best, Im not saying yours arent good but mine are the best. I used to have a great grandma but she died four years ago. She was the bestest. I love her so so very much. Now let us not get too emotional. My first smile was on April 3rd 2003 and now theres no looking back. My first birthday cake was a plastic doll but guess what?!?! Its dress was made out of cake!! Then I got to keep the doll it was amazing.

Chapter 2: Some of my first objects

14th April is the day I took my first steps. They werent a lot of steps but they were enough to be mum was so proud of me until I fell on my face. But any way it wasnt a lot but it is still very precious. That is all very precious but not as precious as my first toy. It was an orange fluffy toy. Its small but its so fluffy that its Beyonc (get it Beyonc means beyond say), anyway back to the point its so fluffy that the fluffiest dog will start to is the cutest thing ever. My parents were very worried when I didnt start speaking by the age of one and a half. After a while I said mama and I liked speaking so much that I decided not to stop well except for when Im sleeping. Other than that my family always calls me a chatterbox or an a.g.p (American grey parrot). I dont know why though. Weather the parrot talked a lot or any other silly reasons but I dont think parrots can talk (mystery).

Chapter3: vacations
When I was two years old I went on my first vacation to Vietnam. All the people there were very loving and caring there. I still remember that there was this one girl called kit and whenever she used to come over she had to read me a story before I go to bed. You might be thinking why I had to go to bed on time on vacations but I was a little girl I had to go to bed on a specific time. Vietnam was great but my favorite vacation was to Australia and New Zealand. We went to Sydney for two days. My dads friend lived in Sydney so we stayed there. We went to the bridge and the opera house. Although I wasnt allowed to go in the opera house, I still loved it. Then we went to New Zealand for two weeks. We went to so many different places like Auckland etc but the best thing was that we travelled in a white caravan!!! It was an amazing adventure. Not only was this was my first time in New Zealand but this was my first time in a caravan. The bad things were that we had to keep our seatbelts on at all times so the kids couldnt go up and sleep while the adults were driving. The second thing was that we couldnt sleep in the caravan even while the adults were not driving because it was too cold so we had to stay in different motels every night. Then we would go and explore after the good night sleep. Although the motels were pretty comfortable, warm and they had the best TV channels.

Chapter 4: school
Nursery started in 2006 for me. I always wanted to go. When my sister used to go to the bus I used to stick my hands out for the driver to pick me up too. Sadly he didnt. But when it was my turn I was skipping up and down! I almost forgot the nursery was called just kidding (seriously just kidding is the name). I still have a puppet from when I graduated from nursery of course. Although sometimes I did end up in the naughty corner. My first formal school was in Mumbai called Bombay Scottish. It was my first big girl school so I was super excited and nervous. But after a while I fit right in perferctly.i was so happy I was able to go to that school. It was a wonderful first time experience. I absolutely loved it. Meanwhile my dad was in Vietnam for a while without us because of his job

My first award was for reading in grade one. My mum was so proud of me and I was so proud of myself. The book I read is called Bambi. I still feel so... proud that my first award was for reading. I still have the book and I still read it every now and then because its still interesting and very meaningful.

My first musical instrument was the Casio, a Casio is a type of keyboard. I started when I was 8, that was three years ago. I was doing it with my sister but we only had one Casio so 30 minutes before the lesson started for who gets the Casio. And we were not fighting for our own Casio we were fighting for the one the teacher brings because us is very high tech and fancy. My second instrument was the recorder, a recorder is a type of flute. I learned the recorder with my whole class so it wouldnt take up my playing time at home. It was very fun playing the recorder and I still have two recorders because I had left my old school. So its a memory to remember my old school. And I still play the recorder every now and then

My latest instrument is the violin. I do it in school during my learning hours. I also do private lessons because I really liked it. Private lessons mean I have a lesson with just me and a tutor when I have like math or language. Etc. I also do class lessons which means there is a subject made for strings and the whole class has to do it. In the group lessons which are called strings some kids like about 4 kids are playing cello. A cello is a bigger

version of a the future I would love to have vocal lessons.

Chapter6: places Ive lived

Right now, which is Dubai is 2013. Im living in Dubai which is in U.A.Eand it has just won the expo 2020.i have lived in many different places. Lets start right from the beginning. It all started in Mumbai. I went there in 2003. In know I said I was born in Ajmer but we moved a couple months after I was born. That is where I started nursery. As I mentioned before the school is actually called just kidding and that is where I had my first fancy dress day. I dressed up as a doctor. It was an absolutely amazing first time experience. In 2008 we went to a beautiful the most attractive place called Dubai. I know I said I live in Dubai but Ill explain that later. We went to a school which is called Dubai Modern High School (DMHS). That was such a great school. When I first moved into Dubai I felt like I was in the most luxurious place in the whole wide world. I still do feel very glad to live such a glorious life. Anyway Dubai is absolutely amazing!

In 2011 we moved to the biggest emirate in the U.A.E. called Abu Dhabi! We went to a school called raha international school. This is where we started our IB curriculum since we

couldnt find a good ICIC school (Indian type of school). That is where I gained my accent, ( you didnt think I was born like this did you?!?!?!)

Chapter7:living the life

I moved to Dubai in 2012 and now its 2013. I am going to a school called gems world academy. It is an amazing school, let me describe it a little for you, it is a huge blue building and its got two buildings, there is a kinder garden, a pyp (primary year program), a myp and DP. It is an amazing and safe school. I live in a villa in Arabian ranches. It is a HUGE land with different compounds. I have a three bedroom house with 2 floors. I have a TV room with just TV, couch and a library shelf which is absolutely filled. Then we have our living room with a dining table, a coffee table, a showpiece stand, a cabinet and a sofa. Then we have an open kitchen. We also have a fish aquarium right beside our entrance. Then upstairs on the right is me and my sisters room , and if you look right In front its my parents room. And at last if you go left you will find my guest room. But we call it my grandparents room because every time my grandparents came over they slept in that room. I still feel very privileged to be able to live in such a beautiful place . I feel extremely lucky that my dad got us such a pretty house.

Chapter8: In The Future.

I have such a great life here. I wish I have it even when Im older. Maybe I can live in the U.S or something. When Im older I wish to be a doctor, a teacher or a journalist that writes in magazines and travels all around the world. The reason I want to be a doctor is because I know hundreds of people hundreds and thousands of people die because of diseases and I want to create a cure for all of these diseases but I want to find the cure or cancer the most. The reasons I want to be a teacher because most of the girls have been a teacher in my family and I think it would be a really really fun thing to take care of kids and teaching them stuff they never knew before. The reason I want to be a journalist is because I always wanted to be a person that gets to visit new places, try new food and visit unique tourist attractions. There is so much ahead in life like collage, high school. I wish I have a great life ahead just like the past. Congrats you have read the auto biography of Kritika Atal but wait theres more.. well I dont have it right now but io have a

secret about it im not going to tell you, dont you give me those puppy dog eyes.. fine Ill tell you, its my future!! Thank you for reading my autobiography so far.

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