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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT FIRST JUDICIAL REGION Branch 8 Baguio City JE T!

PONCE"#E LA CRU$% Plaintiff, -Versus-EPARATION JUAN B! #E LA CRU$% Defendant. ."""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""". /IT0#RA/AL A- COUN-EL (with Conformity of Client) T0E BRANC0 CLER1 O+ COURT Regional Trial Court Branch 8, Baguio City Please make of record the !T"#R$ $% of the undersigned counsel for &laintiff '() T* P+,C(-#( %$ CR-., with her e/&ress conformity as indicated 0elow, in this case* "enceforth kindly address all &ertinent notices to &laintiff at her address gi1en in the Com&laint* Res&ectfully su0mitted* Baguio City, 22 'anuary, 3422* ATT ! ER/IN GACA#AN Counsel for the Plaintiff 5uite 333, %a&eral Building 5ession Road, Baguio City PTR ,o* 86788889 42-4:-229 Baguio City !BP ,o* 878;649 42-4:-229 Baguio City R$ 7;6:89 6-2<-489 =la* =C%( Com&liance ,o* !V-44448889 4<-47-24 Ci&il Case no! '()* +or, LEGAL

With My Conformity: JE T! PONCE"#E LA CRU$ >2: (ast Bayan Park, $urora "ill, Baguio City

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