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Republic of the Philippines REGIONAL TRIAL COURT FIRST JUDICIAL REGION Branch 9 La Trinidad, Benguet MA REME!

IO" L BELLO# Plaintiff, - Versus !OMINI-UE G ALBA"# Defendant. .(((((((((((((((((((. ENTR, O) APPEARANCE The undersigned counsel, respectfully states: 1. That the undersigned counsel has just been recently retained by the defendant in the above-entitled case; 2. That henceforth, he respectfully re uests that all copies of pleadings, notices and orders be furnished to the undersigned at her address indicated belo!. PRA,ER "#$%$&'%$, it is respectfully prayed that the appearance of the undersigned be ('T$). 'ther reliefs and e uitable re*edies under the pre*ises are li+e!ise prayed for. Baguio ,ity, this -th day of .ay, 2/11. ATT, IR,BELLE !INGOA"EN Counsel for defendant 0uite 1/2, Laperal Building, 0ession %oad, Baguio ,ity 3T% (o. 24546227/1./-.2/1/7Baguio ,ity 8B3 (o. 2/52227/1./-.2/1/7Baguio ,ity %oll (o. 51222 .,L$ ,o*pl. 888 (o. ////222 Copy furnished: 9by 3ersonal )elivery: ATT, MA CRI"TINA P UMANITO 2nd &loor, )o;a <nita Bldg. 0ession %oad, Baguio ,ity Ci$il Case No %&''(R )or* RECON+E,ANCE

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