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Russian Revolution Unit Study Guide

Chapter 7 Section 5 Vocab: Emancipation Zemstvos Pogroms Duma Peter Stolypin

Chapter 11 Section 5 Vocab: +sar 1bdicate 6icholas %% !asputin 1le2andra Soviets 7olshevi)s V.%. 8enin Chapter 11 Section 5 Vocab: <he)a <ommissars =SS! 6EP-describe it.

Russia: Reform and Reaction Questions: 1. What had re ormers hoped to ree !ussia rom" #. Describe !ussia$s social structure. %nclude the lando&ning nobles' middle class and ser s. (. Why &ould the tsars dra& bac) their limited attempts at liberal re orm" *. +he de eat at &hat &ar made many in !ussia demand changes" ,. What negative e ects occurred rom reeing the ser s" -list (. /. 0o& did 1le2ander$s re orms ail to satis y many !ussians appetite or change" -( groups. 3. 4ive ( e2amples o 1le2ander %%%$s harsh responses to his ather$s assassination. 5. Why did protesters march on +sar$s Winter Palace" Revolution and Civil War in Russia Questions: 1. Describe ( &ays 6icholas ailed to solve the problems o the !evolution o 19:," #. 1 ter a poor beginning to World War % 6icholas decided to go to the ront lines to ta)e personal charge' &hat issues arose &ith this decision" (. What &ere conditions li)e in !ussia &hen the +sar decided to abdicate -;arch !evolution." *. Describe the t&o groups that attempted to gain control o !ussia a ter the tsar abdicated. Revolution and Civil War in Russia Questions: 1. What actors in 8enin$s li e could have in luenced the socialist revolutionary route that 8enin too)" #. 0o& did 8enin adapt ;ar2$s ideas to it !ussia$s conditions" (. 1 rival socialist group ormed in !ussia. What &as their name and ho& did their belie s di er rom 8enin$s" *. What groups made up the counterrevolutionary >White? armies" ,. Who gained control o the Soviet =nion a ter 8enin$s death"

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