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Jan. 26-30
MDQ Academy
Brentwood, NY
Sr. Amnas 2
Grade Weekly Newsletter

Cur sLory Lhls week was called 8osa and
8lanca. 1he comprehenslon skllls was compare
and conLrasL. SLudenLs goL plcLures of dlerenL
snowmen and Lhey had Lo geL lnLo parLners
and compare and conLrasL Lhe Lwo snowmen.
We also worked on answerlng comprehenslon
quesuons by ndlng Lhe proof ln Lhe sLory.
1hls ls called close readlng and ls an lmporLanL
componenL ln Lhe new Common Core
Social Studies
SLudenLs should do a loL of pracuce aL
home for Lrlple dlglL subLracuon. 1hey
geL lL, buL Lhen when Lhey see a loL of
problems, someumes Lhey reverL Lo an
lncorrecL meLhod. 1he more pracuce
Lhey do, Lhe less mlsLakes wlll come
up. We are done wlLh chapLer 6 and
Lhe LesL wlll be nexL Wednesday.
SLudenLs wroLe a new narrauve called,
Ch no, My Snowman MelLed." 1hey had
Lo self edlL uslng an edlung checkllsL and
pens Lo look for caplLals and endlngs. We
are really worklng hard on descrlpuve
wrlung. 1hey wlll do Lhe nal coples and
relaLed arL pro[ecL nexL week.

1o pracuce pasL, presenL, and fuLure Lense
verbs, sLudenLs compleLed an Angry
verbs," pro[ecL. 1hey goL an angry blrd and
wroLe ouL a verb ln Lhe Lhree Lenses and
puL Lhem ln senLences. 1hls wlll make for a
greaL dlsplay nexL week!
ln chapLer 3, sLudenLs conunued Lo learn
abouL weaLherlng and eroslon.
WeaLherlng ls when wlnd or waLer breaks
rocks lnLo sedlmenLs and eroslon ls when
wlnd and waLer move Lhem away. 1hey
also learned abouL rocks and how Lhey can
be made ln dlerenL ways. 1here are four
Lypes of soll - clay, humus, sllL, and sand.
We conunued Lo work on landforms
and bodles of waLer. 1hey compleLed
some lp bookleLs Lo ldenufy plcLures
and denluons. 1hey also sLarLed
learnlng abouL Lhe 7 conunenLs and
componenLs of Lhe globe such as Lhe
equaLor and compass rose.
Newsletter Continued

1he prlce of Leachlng

National Islamic School
Essay Competition
An organlzauon called ull ls holdlng a
nauonal essay wrlung compeuuon for
sLudenLs ln lslamlc Schools. 1he Loplc ls !"
$%& '%&() *+ ,-$./0-1 $%& 2,-.+)3 2/,.
2%&() $%& *+ ,-) 2/$?" lor grades 1-3,
sLudenLs need Lo wrlLe beLween 23 and
123 words. uue daLe ls March. 13. ?ou can
geL more lnformauon aL 456!789:48
;<0=+> <,-1+ &? .% @ABB8
Next Weeks Highlights
Upcoming Events/Requests/
Wish List
C+,)0-1 sequenclng

D<,EE,< llnklng verbs

4,./ CPA. 6 1LS1 WLunLSuA?

F'0+-'+ rocks and fosslls

F%'0,( F.&)0+> conunenLs. Culz on
landforms and bodles of waLer 1hurs.
1) MaLh chapLer 6 LesL WLunLSuA?
2) S.S. landforms and bodles of
waLer qulz 1Pu8SuA?
3) Speech compeuuon ln class ls
leb. 11 and 12
1hls ls E,-),.%<$
for 2
graders. lL should be a
Lhree mlnuLe speech on Lhe glven
Loplc. lf your chlld brlngs me a
rough copy before Lhe
compeuuon daLe, l can go over lL
wlLh hlm/her.
1) 1he SClLnCL lAl8 has been posLponed
Lo MA8CP 3
2) lease read Lhe nouce senL home
Loday abouL Lhe ln school eld Lrlp on
leb. 10
. $10 ls due by Wednesday.
3) 3
CuarLer has sLarLed. lease make
Lhls a producuve one by maklng sure
all homework ls done lncludlng
uency, comprehenslon sheeL,
spelllng, maLh, readlng log, and half
CLuL S1lCkS, CLuL S1lCkS, CLuL
S1lCkS, CLuL S1lCkS... ! uld l
menuon CLuL S1lCkS!!??

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