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Grade 1 B Newsletter #18

Day 2 PE Day 3 MUSIC Day 4 IT Library Day 5 ART Day6 PE

Things to look out for this coming week: Map Testing continues: Grade 1 A: Sunday Math 1 and Tuesday Math 2. Grade 1 B: Monday Math 1 and Wednesday Math 2. Thursday is a make-up day for both classes. Grade1 C will fit in with Grade1 A and B. Library for 1 A and C on Day 5 and Grade 1 B on Day 4.
First we are excited to Welcome Ms. Rachelle to the Grade 1 team and her new class Grade 1 C. The children of Grade 1 C will fit in with Grade 1 A for their specials and Library until their timetable has been finalized. This will be a lovely way for us to all get to know her. After a busy and interesting week the Grade 1s successfully made inquiries into posters, researched information about their own cultural celebration and made and presented their posters to the class. We will now move into the final week of our unit Presentations are a powerful tool to describe artifacts and celebrations. We will conclude this unit by making the connection of What role do artifacts play in celebrations? Children will create a puppet that represents the Celebration they chose from their poster presentation and design the traditional clothing and other artifacts the puppet character would need for that celebration.

In Language this week we will discover what role artifacts play in celebrations. Children will look at descriptions of different celebration artifacts and match them to the correct artifact. In writing we will recount our weekend news by using time connectives to order and sequence the events i.e. first, next, after that, then, last and finally. Children will do an activity where they will complete the sentence An Artifact is important because to consolidate their understanding of this unit. We will be learning the ou diphthong where 2 letters make 1 sound ou as in ouch in phonics this week, children will write an ouch poem. There will be guided reading this week children will read in their groups while the others complete other literacy skills activities. Make- up Map testing for reading will be held this week. In Mathematics we will have Math MAP testing 1 and 2. We will be concentrating on developing Addition and Subtraction strategies in Differentiated spinning groups this week. In class we Continue with our Daily Math message and Counting in 2s and reading the 2 degrees on the thermometer. We will introduce non- standard measure and compare lengths in the Max the fish activity and children will then complete the activity in their workbooks. In our final week of the UOI Presentations are a powerful tool to describe artifacts and celebrations. We will explore and find out what roles artifacts play in celebrations. Children will need to bring in their pictures of the traditional clothing that would be worn for the celebration they chose for their posters and have some ideas of the artifacts that would have also been used in this celebration so they can make and design their puppets. Other Reminders: Please send in magazines for the Words Their Way Program which is beginning next week. We need as many as possible so children can use them for word hunt activities. Enjoy the week from the Grade 1 Team

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