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Jason Bulmahn and Rich Burlew An Essential Guide to Dungeon Adventuring Jason Bulmahn and Rich Burlew, Cc R E DESIGNERS Jason ButMany, Rich BuRtew ADDITIONAL DESIGN Gxnts Sims, Locan Bowen, ED StaRx, Dave Nooxay DEVELOPER ‘Mine Mzaais EDITORS Jexeeen Cranxe WiLxzs, Ray VALtese EDITING MANAGER Kim Mona ‘ DESIGN MANAGER Cupisroruen Perkins DEVELOPMENT MANAGER Jesse Deck2R DIRECTOR OF RPG R&D BILL SLAVIGSEX PRODUCTION MANAGERS JosH Fiscura, Ranatt Canws eG SENIOR ART DIRECTOR D&D Stact Lonostazer ART DIRECTOR Kanny Jaoves COVER ARTIST Micuazt. Komancx INTERIOR ARTISTS Sruven Beeps, Micver Comana, Daarxen, Warne ENGLAND, Enaze Frecenscve, Catt FRANK, Bria Hacan, Jos Hopason, Ratrn Hoastey, Wannex Many, Toastein Noapsreanp, Davin Roscx, Faanz Vonwiske CARTOGRAPHER Mine Scutey GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Kann Jaques, MicHas. Manto GRAPHIC PRODUCTION SPECIALIST Ear Donates 2 IMAGE TECHNICIAN f Sven BoLey ‘Based on ehe original Duwaroxs & Daadons® rules erated by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, andthe new Dexceans & Daasoxs game assigned by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Ship Willies, Ricard Bakes, and Peter AGkison. ‘This product ses updated material from the v3.5 revision, “This Witatns og THE Coast gaine product contains no Open Game Content: No portion of this work may he reproduce in any ‘foun withove written permission, To lear miore sbout the Open Gaming License and the d20 System” License, pleas visit Wi. swizardscom[a20. —_—_———$— EUROPEAN HEADOUANTERS i Hero Uk Led Carell Way Newport ie NPY OE Us, CANADA, ASL, FACTEIG, EeLaTIN AMIGA ‘Niaid of be Com Ba neon Wa $8087.76" ascot ‘aos 68ten pa7ese3a1 Fire riming Beeuary 2007 Domus Pasco DAD, Dosen te, hee Wart al ne Con pe cs ———$$ << “GREAT BRITAIN -OOL-EN Ph psi ln och ISBN 978-0-7869-4110-6 16, tn0She. pas oe mr Cais Peers Haak Damesy Ms Guide Mines Morel Deena Pees Ue lth of Wanda Cons or se USA en ore eer Tae eal preted cae ee ee ee Dc af Anurbs hy npntcioncr amon oc fhe trial aru coriel er sph widow cr We a ates Tuspcke: sak fata A aahtng fossa pp cautions lass corse pr connor Pita de US Visit our website at www.wizardscom/dad

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