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DWP Group Fylde

Joint Branch Central Benefits & Veterans Agency

Services Branch National Branch
Room 7233 Room 6117
Norcross Tomlinson House, Norcross
Ext: 63484/62881 or 61186 Ext: 63909
Chair: M. Jones Chair: A. Boylan
Secretary: D. Griffiths Secretary: I. Melvin

All Members and potential members working in DWP

in Fylde CBS Branch; All Members in VAN Branch 29th September 2009

Civil Service Compensation Scheme – It’s Important to us all

Dear Colleague
Members will have seen the National material regarding the Government’s attempt to attack the
Civil Service Compensation Scheme (under the misnomer of “Fairness for All”), in order to
usher in tens of thousands of compulsory redundancies at the cheapest price. (Potential
members probably have not have seen the materials from PCS HQ).
The proposals from the Cabinet Office in “Fairness for All” include the following attacks:

 Slashed. The amount of compensation paid if you are made compulsory redundant.

 Chopped. The amount of money that may be offered on any exit scheme (including
compulsory redundancy on voluntary basis)

 Axed. All the enhancements to any early retirement schemes that may be offered in the

And of course this does not bode well for the future of job security in the area. We have already
witnessed well over one thousand five hundred jobs being lost in the Fylde area over the past 5
years. Once the worst of the bankers created recession is over then there will undoubtedly be a
purge on Civil Service jobs. Cutting the compensation makes it cheaper to get rid of people.
PCS has launched a campaign to oppose the attacks include lobbying the Cabinet Office, using
the media, raising matters with MPs and Ministers, holding rounds of members’ meeting across
the length and breadth of the country to raise awareness of the extent of the attacks and gauge
membership support for the campaign.
PCS is also undertaking a legal strategy to oppose any attempted imposed detriments. This
may be successful, we hope so, however there may be a need for more campaigning action by
all the members.
Together we will win.

Yours sincerely

Martin Jones Andy Boylan

Branch Chair FC B&S Branch Chair VAN

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