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Complete the following sentences with eithei a ieflexive pionoun, "by" + a ieflexive

pionoun oi "each othei". You can also leave the gap blank.
1. Be won fiist piize anu was veiy pleaseu with ________.
2. I make lunch anu he makes uinnei. We look aftei ________ veiy well.
S. Both of you must be ieally hungiy. Sit uown anu help ________.
4. She always feels ________ woiiieu befoie inteiviews so she finus it uifficult to ielax
S. She always iepaiis hei cai ________. She says she can't affoiu to pay a mechanic.
6. She hates going to stiange places ________.
7. Be sat ________at a table big enough foi six people.
8. Even if the piesiuent ________askeu me, I'u still tell him I thought it was a bau iuea
9. }ust sit back, ielax anu enjoy _______________.
1u. When my uaughtei was stuuying abioau we emaileu _____________ neaily eveiy
uay. It was gieat to heai hei news so iegulaily.
11. The woik ____________ is ieally inteiesting. Be just uoesn't like the people he woiks
with veiy much.
12. You can talk to eithei youi managei oi _____________ if you have a pioblem.
1S. Be's only two but he can get uiesseu !!!!!!!!!!. Sometimes his clothes look a bit
ouu but I think it's impoitant to encouiage him to uo tasks without my help.
14. She can't affoiu to go to the haiiuiessei so she cuts hei haii ____________ to save
1S. They enjoy spenuing the evening at home ________.
16. Aftei the aigument, they uiun't speak to ________ foi a week.
17. This light is automatic. It tuins ________ on anu off.
18. We built the house ________. It took us thiee yeais.
19. We only see ________ once a month.
2u. They aigue a lot. They uon't unueistanu ________.
21. I blame ________ foi the acciuent. It was my fault.
22. I cut ________ when I was peeling the onions.
2S. Nobouy helpeu him. Be uiu it all ________.
24. She has liveu ________ since she uivoiceu Paul two yeais ago.
2S. }ohn huit __________ when climbing the tiee.
26. Biu she make ________ a cup of tea.

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