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Oh NUNOLOGIT THE GUIDE series is needed more than ever in this day and time. This our new guidance system as sent down to our very own Ascended Master: DR. NEB HERU-NUN the SOLAR DEITY (SUN GOD) of this day and time. This is a guidance system that will take you on an INNER JOURNEY towards SELF PERFECTION. This is also THE !Y OF THE NUNOLOGIST. Use this Guidance System we call THE GUIDE to guide others into our way of life and way of doing things as NUNOLOGIST all according to the !s"t"#e Eterna$ La%s !& A$'"(ht) Nat*re. This system is not to FORCE anything on NON" NUNOLOGIST, it was simply sent down in order to keep us NUNOLOGIST #$cused and c$m#$%ta&'e with our !Y OF LIFE. Each Culture has a way of doing things on the P'anet Ea%th and so do we. Our way called THE GUIDE is in tune, in rhythm, and in sync with !'mighty Ete%na' Natu%e and Natu%e La(s. This is a very ractical !uidance "ystem that must #e applied to YOUR E)ERY D!Y LIFE. OH NUNOLOGIST, USE IT$ THE GUIDE was sent down from ON HIGH %Si%ius, Si*tu, Si&tu& 'ust for you. The +h"$dren !& the ,ar- A%a) Ones, (inked to you through DN! %GENETIC& Res$nance #y way of your +'$$d. These are

your !ncest$%s #e H!PPY and PROUD they are calling you #ack home to your own way of doing things$ )s you read your new way of (ife THE GUIDE allow your ,IND and HE!RT to #e $*en, c'ea%, and #%ee$ *eep your HE!RT lite so you will #e a#le to take in this most Sac%ed and Li#e T%ans#$%ming +nformation$ +E PROUD OF HO YOU !RE- ! NUNOLOGIST. -*est"!n: .hat d!es the .!rd G*"de Mean/ !ns(e%/ )ccording to the ,erriam -e#ster.s Online /ictionary the word 0Guide1 means0 a / one that leads or directs another1s way 0 / a person who e2hi#its and e2plains points of interestc / something that provides a person with guiding informationd / "+!3 O"T 4e / a person who directs another1s conduct or course of life. T! G*"de "s t! $ead1 as $!n( as the $ead"n( "s "n the r"(ht d"rect"!n2 DR.NEB HERU-NUN

4. Oh NUNOLOGIST your +R!IN is made up of +i''i$ns of +R!IN CELLS called NEURONS. 5. 6our NEURONS use ELECTRICITY to communicate with each other. The Com#ination of +i''i$ns $# NEURONS sending signals all at once produce an enormous amount of ELECTRIC!L !CTI)ITY in the +R!IN. 7. T8E ELECTRIC!L !CTI)ITY taking place in your +R!IN is now a#le to #e detected #y SENSITI)E e9uipment known as E2E2G. which stands for E'ect%$ence*ha'$g%a*hy2 :. ELECTROENCEPH!LOGR!PHY is responsi#le for measuring ELECTRICTY levels over the area of your SC!LP. ;. NUNOLOGIST the com#ination of ELECTRIC!L !CTI)ITY of the +R!IN is known as +R!IN !)E P!TTERN #ecause of its CYCLE or !)E"LI3E N!TURE$ <. NUNOLOGIST your ,IND regulates its activities #y means of ELECTRIC !)ES which are registered in 6OU= +R!IN, that emit tiny ELECTROCHE,IC!L impulses of various FRE4UENCIES which can all #e registered #y an ELECTROENCEPH!LOGR!PHY .

>. NUNOLOGIST your +R!IN has different +R!IN !)E ST!TES which vary in degree and have an effect on your CONSCIOUS LE)EL and ! !RENESS throughout the +!*rse !& the da). ?. )t any given moment you can transfer into various +R!IN !)ES or +R!IN ST!TES. Once you know the SCIENCE of your +R!IN !)ES and how they work you can access these +R!IN !)E ST!TES at ILL. @. This is the "cience of knowing the INNER 3INGDO, at work, and THE SCIENCE OF NUNOLOGY teaches you the INNER OR3INGS $# this 3INGDO,. 4A. 3ow NUNOLOGIST what are the various +R!I !)ES you may askB 44. They are known as !LPH!, +ET!, THET!, C DELT!. Each +R!IN !)E creates a '$( 'e5e' SOUND, TONE, FRE4UENCY, +n tune with the S!CRED RHYTH, of the PL!NET E!RTH onto the +OUNDLESS UNI)ERSES %,ULITI)ERSE& on into THE !LL IN !LL %+EYOND+EYOND&.

45. The =ange of SOUND, TONE, FRE4UENCY is in the range of 267H8 on into 96H8. 47. The +ET! +R!IN !)E ST!TE 0 BETA BRAIN.A3E is associated with a HEIGHTEND ST!TE OF !LERTNESS and FOCUSED CONCENTR!TION. 4:. -hen YOUR ,IND is acti5e'y engaged in ,ENT!L !CTI)ITES such as THIN3ING, and RE!SONING the d$minant +R!IN !)E ST!TE will #e +ET!. 4;. +ET! +R!IN !)ES correspond fre9uencies ranging from :7H8 to 96H8. to

:;2 NUNOLOGIST the +ET! +R!IN !)E ST!TE c$%%es*$nds (ith y$u% 0FRONT!L LO+E12

Artwork copyright 2000 Ann L. Myers

4>. The !LPH! +R!IN !)E ST!TE / !LPH! +R!IN !)ES 5i&%ate slower in FRE4UENCY than +ET! !)ES and represent a ST!TE OF REL!<ED ,ENT!L ! !RENESS or ,ENT!L REFLECTION. 4?. The !LPH! +R!IN !)E ST!TE is also the state your ,IND is in during the process

of )ISU!LI=!TION, when your ,IND is ,ENT!LLY CRE!TING$ 4@. !LPH! +R!IN !)ES are also typically associated with contemplation and accessing DEEPER LE)ELS OF CRE!TI)ITY. 5A. NUNOLOGIST when you desire to #ecome more ,ENT!LLY CRE!TI)E or Ta* into ,ENT!L CRE!TI)E ENERGY you must drop down into an !LPH! ,IND SET or !LPH! +R!IN !)E . 54. T8E SOUND OD O,, OH,, or !U, will assist you in accessing the !LPH! +R!IN !)E, NUNOLOGIST all you have to do is HU, this SOUND, TONE on C ,!JOR which is the N!TUR!L TONE $# N!TUR!L N!TURE. 55. The !LPH! +R!IN !)E is in the corresponding FRE4UENCY R!NGE OF > H8 to :7 H8. 7?2 NUNOLOGIST the !LPH! +R!IN !)E ST!TE c$%%es*$nds (ith y$u% 0P!RIET!L LO+E12

Artwork copyright 2000 Ann L. Myers

Artwork copyright 2000 Ann L. Myers


5:. This SOUND, TONE, +R!IN !)E FRE4UENCY is in the range of what is known as the SCHU,!NN TONE O= RESON!NCE which )I+R!TES at @2>?H8 the N!TUR!L TONE OF N!TUR!L N!TURE on the PL!NET E!RTH. 5;. +n other words NUNOLOGIST this is the G!TE !Y TONE, SOUND, FRE4UENCY that keeps you INTUNE and INRHYTH, with E!RTH, THE PULSE OF THE E!RTH THE E!RTH TONE. 5<. NUNOLOGIST when you use your NINE%A& EYE to review the ,!THE,!TIC!L CODE of the FRE4UENCY that the SCHU,!!N TONE )I+R!TES on you will find that @2>?H8 is @B>B? (hich C :>- :B>C A the HIGHEST NU,+ER and our S!CRED NU,+ER The NINE %A& ,IND, NUN O= NUNOLOGIST. 5>. NUNOLOGIST realiEe now that YOUR very own I,,UNE SYSTE, is intune with the PULSE of the PL!NET E!RTH, T8E !LPH! !)E, THE HE!LING TONE. 5?. +t is the CIRC!DI!N RHYTH,1 NUNOLOGIST your INNER D!Y NIGHT

CYCLE. The RHYTH, $# ,EL!TONIN, SEROTONIN produce and lack of has an effect on your ELL +EING and this N!TUR!L CYCLE. 5@. THIS !LPH! TONE known today as SCHU,!!N T$nes ties into HU,!N HE!LTH, +ODLY CONNECTIONS to the PL!NET E!RTH, it is the RHYTH, $# SOUND, TONE, ,USIC- NUNOLOGIST all E<ISTIENCE #egan with a SOUND. 7A. NUNOLOGIST another amaEing fact a#out the SCHU,!!N TONE %@2>?H8& is that it is connected to the FOUND!TION of all Li#e $n Ea%th. 74. +t is the SOUND $# CRE!TI)E LIFE FORCE and new +eginning, RE"CRE!TION and a fresh new ST!RT. 75. NUNOLOGIST I DR2 NE+ HERU D NUN %The ,aste% $# !scensi$n E SOL!R DIETY& $# this day and time have always told you that we connect to and channel in LIFE FORCE ENERGY, we NUNOLOGIST deal with LIFE and the FORCES OF LIFE not DE!TH. 77. (istening to this TONE %THE !U, TONE& keeps your #ody align with ORGIN!L

CRE!TI)ITY ENERGY we know as NUN that grew all things on this side of PHYSIC!L RE!LITY or Hyd%$gen %H:& into E<ISTENCE. 7:. TUNE your +R!IN to this TONE$ 7;. The THET! +R!IN !)E ST!TE/ THET! +R!IN !)ES are even s'$(e% in FRE4UENCY and represent a ST!TE OF DEEP REL!<!TION and ,EDIT!TION, ENH!NCED CRE!TI)ITY, STRESS RELIEF, LIGHT SLEEP and DRE!,ING. THET! +R!IN !)E ST!TES have #een used in ,EDIT!TION for thousands of years. 7<. NUNOLOGIST 'ust thi%ty minutes a day of THET! ,EDIT!TION can dramatically improve your O)ER!LL HE!LTH and ELL"+EING. 7>. The THET! +R!IN !)E ST!TE corresponds to #%eFuencies ranging from 9H8 to >H8. ?>2 NUNOLOGIST the THET! +R!IN !)E ST!TE c$%%es*$nds (ith y$u% 0TE,POR!L LO+E12


Artwork copyright 2000 Ann L. Myers


7@. The DELT! +R!IN !)E ST!TE/ DELT! +R!IN !)ES are the s'$(est in FRE4UENCY and represent a ST!TE OF DEEP DRE!,LESS SLEEP. :A. DELT! +R!IN !)ES have long #een associated with hea'ing. +n this +%ain(a5e State NUNOLOGIST your +$dy produces SO,!TOTROPIN or HU,!N GRO TH HOR,ONE %HGH or GH& produced in the !NTERIOR LO+E of the PITUIT!RY GL!ND. :4. NUNOLOGIST DELT! +R!IN !)ES normally only occur in deep sleep, #ut it is possi#le to t%ain y$u%se'# to remain awake while reaching a DELT! +R!IN !)E ST!TE so you can e2perience an even DEEPER LE)EL OF ,EDIT!TION and ! !RENESS. :5. The DELT! +R!IN !)E ST!TE corresponds to fre9uencies ranging from 6H8 to 9H8. :7. NUNOLOGIST the DELT! +R!IN !)E ST!TE c$%%es*$nds (ith y$u% 0OCCIPIT!L LO+E12


Artwork copyright 2000 Ann L. Myers


::. "o NUNOLOGIST as you can see SOUND is traveling or moving through your +R!IN in the form of a !)E or !)EFOR,. :;. 6our +R!IN is )I+R!TING as your ORG!NS and HOLE +ODY )I+R!TES , all taking place in D!R3NESS, the INNER YOU or INNER 3INGDO,, N!TUR!L N!TURE at work. :<. DESTRUCTI)E SOUNDS !ND TONES, UNN!TUR!L FOODS, NEG!TI)E THOUGHTS, STRESS, FE!R, ORRY, REGRET, H!TE etcF can all have a damaging effect on your +R!IN !)ES and !)E FOR, P!TTERNS. :>. NUNOLOGIST this is done intentionally #y NEG!TI)E FORCES to 3EEP YOU out of tune, and out of sync with !L,IGHTY ETERN!L N!TURE so you cannot HE!R N!TURE at work speaking to you as her CHILDREN$ :?. Each region, section or part of your +R!IN c$%%es*$nds to a particular +R!IN !)E . :@. Of course NUNOLOGIST +R!IN !)ES #lend into each other or as one +R!IN !)E

#egins to End another +R!IN !)E #egins to "tart$






This is how it was se t !ow a ! "e#o"!e! a ! this is how it sha$$ %e see &o" a$$ to 'a"(e$ at) Fo" a ew *"o+, o& MINDS ha(e ow S ROUT ,ORTH o the LANET EARTH - ow as THE NUNOLOGIST DR. NEB HERU NUN




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3O- )I)+()J(E$


THE GUIDE SERIES T8E !U+/E T8E ,EE* T8E I+=TOU" "UJCO3"C+OU" "UJ,E3T)( -O,E3 )=E D+="T T8E I+"+O3 COU=)!E C=E)TO= DO=CE" )" +=)T+O3" T8E !O)( "U3 "O()= "U3 /=E), -O=(/ T=)3"DO=,)T+O3 ,+3/ C ,)TTE= 3)TU=E " +=+T" J(OO/ ")C=+D+CE" T8E 3E=UOK,E()3+3 T8E 8)=U C8+(/=E3 T8E 3EU=O3 Guide G A4 A5 A7 A: A; A< A> A? A@ 4A 44 45 47 4: 4; 4< 4> 4? 4@



THE GUIDE SERIES T8E /+ET T8E +OU" T8E "T)= !)TE T8E O=T)( T8E ,+3/." E6E ,OT+O3 TO E,OT+O3 T8E -+(( 8+//E3 "U3 T8E O=/E=(6 T8E C6C(E" OD T+,E 3)TU=E TO 3U=TU=E ,OT8E= OD )(( C=E)T+O3 /)=*3E"" )3/ EL+"TE3CE T8E 3U3O(O!+"T DE,+3+3E DO=CE" ,E3T)( ,)!+C T8E J)K=EK/ME/K=E NU)3TU, ,EC8)3+C" +3TE= CO33ECT+O3" ,O= 8+C =E"O3)3CE Guide G 5A 54 55 57 5: 5; 5< 5> 5? 5@ 7A 74 75 77 7: 7; 7< 7> 7? 7@


)ncient %Ta,a"Rean& Egyptian -ord and rinciple for 4st, rime, Hidden P$tentia' and In#inite P$ssi&i'ities. The Original Creative Dorces of the Universe %3ature&, the +'acH Light of Inte''ect IMenta$ Ener()J, the +'acH ate%s or Ce'estia' ate%s known as the Ethe%ic Rea'm, formless Ethe%s, UnKmanifested energies, 3ameless. The Ete%na' N$(. 4As A&r"can e!5$e o+" M"nds a"e $i -e! to ALL Eterna$ a ! A$'"(ht) Nat*re. what we #a #o #ei(e i o+" M"nds wi$$ %e. see it a ! so sha$$ it %e see 6. 7 Ne0 Her*


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