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6%.4)&,% * .-,7%4+ 8#- %'7#8%9 .+-98&'1 *+ .4:##;<

?ou should say:

- When and where you sLarLed sLudylng lL
- WhaL lessons were llke
- WhaL made Lhe sub[ecL dlfferenL from oLher sub[ecLs
- And explaln why you en[oyed Lhe sub[ecL

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe sub[ecL was

When you sLarLed sLudylng lL
When you sLarLed sLudylng lL

WhaL lessons were llke

WhaL made Lhe sub[ecL dlfferenL from
oLher sub[ecLs

explaln why you en[oyed Lhe sub[ecL

3)*4+&4% 2

6%.4)&,% *' &$/#)+*'+ 4:#&4% 8#- :*9 +# $*0% &' 8#-) ;&(%<

?ou should say:

- When you had Lhls cholce
- WhaL you had Lo choose beLween
- WheLher you made a good cholce
- And explaln how you felL when you were maklng Lhls cholce

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe cholce was

When you had Lhls cholce

WhaL you had Lo choose beLween

WheLher you made a good cholce

explaln how you felL when you were
maklng Lhls cholce

3)*4+&4% =

6%.4)&,% * 7#, 8#- :*>% 9#'%<

?ou should say:

- Pow you goL Lhe [ob
- WhaL Lhe [ob lnvolved
- Pow long Lhe [ob lasLed
- uescrlbe how well you dld Lhe [ob

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe [ob was

Pow you goL Lhe [ob

WhaL Lhe [ob lnvolved

Pow long Lhe [ob lasLed

uescrlbe how well you dld Lhe [ob

3)*4+&4% ?

6%.4)&,% *' *)%* #( 4#-'+)8.&9% 8#- 0'#@ *'9 ;&0%<

?ou should say:

- Where lL ls
- WhaL lLs speclal feaLures are
- WhaL you and oLher people do ln Lhls area
- And explaln why you llke lL

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe area of counLryslde ls called

Where lL ls

WhaL lLs speclal feaLures are

WhaL you and oLher people do ln Lhls

explaln why you llke lL

3)*4+&4% A

6%.4)&,% *' #,7%4+ 8#- /*)+&4-;*);8 ;&0%<

?ou should say:

- WhaL lL ls and whaL lL looks llke
- WhaL lL ls made of
- WhaL lL ls for
- And explaln why lL ls speclal for you

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe ob[ecL ls

WhaL lL looks llke

WhaL lL's made of

WhaL lL's for

explaln why lL ls speclal for you

3)*4+&4% B

6%.4)&,% * '%@./*/%) #) $*1*C&'% 8#- %'7#8 )%*9&'1<

?ou should say:

- WhaL klnd of newspaper / magazlne lL ls
- Whlch parLs of lL you read regularly
- When and where you read lL
- Lxplaln why you en[oy readlng lL

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe newspaper / magazlne ls

WhaL klnd of newspaper / magazlne lL

Whlch parLs of lL you read regularly

When and where you read lL

Lxplaln why you en[oy readlng lL

3)*4+&4% D

6%.4)&,% .#$%+:&'1 :%*;+:8 8#- %'7#8 9#&'1<

?ou should say:

- WhaL you do
- Where you do lL
- Who you do lL wlLh
- And explaln why you Lhlnk dolng Lhls ls healLhy

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL you do

Where you do lL

Who you do lL wlLh

Why you do lL

explaln why you Lhlnk dolng Lhls ls

3)*4+&4% E

6%.4)&,% * 1*$% #) ./#)+ 8#- %'7#8 /;*8&'1<

?ou should say:

- WhaL klnd of sporL lL ls
- Who you play lL wlLh
- Where you play lL
- And explaln why you en[oy playlng lL

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL klnd of sporL lL ls

Who you play lL wlLh

Where you play lL

explaln why you en[oy playlng lL

3)*4+&4% F

6%.4)&,% .#$%#'% &' 8#-) (*$&;8 @:# 8#- ;&0%<

?ou should say:

- Pow Lhls person ls relaLed Lo you
- WhaL Lhls person looks llke
- WhaL klnd of person he/she ls
- And explaln why you llke Lhls person

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

Who Lhe person ls

Pow Lhls person ls relaLed Lo you

WhaL Lhls person looks llke

WhaL klnd of person he/she ls

explaln why you llke Lhls person

3)*4+&4% 5G

6%.4)&,% * $-.%-$ #) *)+ 1*;;%)8 +:*+ 8#- :*>% >&.&+%9<

?ou should say:

- Where lL ls
- Why you wenL Lhere
- WhaL you parLlcularly remember abouL Lhe place.

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe museum or arL gallery ls

Where lL ls

Why you wenL Lhere

WhaL you parLlcularly remember
abouL Lhe place.

3)*4+&4% 55

6%.4)&,% *' %'7#8*,;% %>%'+ +:*+ 8#- %H/%)&%'4%9 @:%' 8#- @%)% *+ .4:##;<

?ou should say:

- When lL happened
- WhaL was good abouL lL
- Why you parLlcularly remember Lhls evenL.

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe evenL was

When lL happened

WhaL was good abouL lL

Why you parLlcularly remember Lhls

3)*4+&4% 52

6%.4)&,% * (%.+&>*; +:*+ &. &$/#)+*'+ &' 8#-) 4#-'+)8<

?ou should say:

- When Lhe fesLlval occurs
- WhaL you dld durlng lL
- WhaL you llke or dlsllke abouL lL
- And explaln why Lhls fesLlval ls lmporLanL

1hlnk abouL whaL you can say for each bulleL polnL

WhaL Lhe fesLlval ls called

When Lhe fesLlval occurs

WhaL you dld durlng lL

WhaL you llke or dlsllke abouL lL

explaln why Lhls fesLlval ls lmporLanL

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