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MAD2104-02 Quiz 6 1/28/14 Name ______ CORRECT ANSWERS IN BOLD FONT. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1. (2 points) Suppose p is T, r is F, s is T.

Find the truth value of [(s!p)!(p!r)] [(T!T)!(T!F)] [(F!F)!(F!T)] [(F)!(T)] [T!T] [T] F 2. (1 point) Select the statement that is the contrapositive to 'If you are a telemarketer, then you use a speed dialer.' A. If you aren't a telemarketer, then you don't use a speed dialer. B. If you use a speed dialer, then you are a telemarketer. C. You are a telemarketer and you don't use a speed dialer. D. If you don't use a speed dialer, then you aren't a telemarketer. E. None of these 3. (1 point) Select the statement that is equivalent to 'If you aren't an elephant, then you sometimes forget.' A. If you sometimes forget, then you aren't an elephant. B. If you are an elephant, then you never forget. C. If you never forget, then you are an elephant. D. The other three choices are all equivalent to the given statement. E. None of these 4. (1 point) Select the statement that is the converse to 'If today is my birthday, then you will do my homework.' A. If today isn't my birthday, then you won't do my homework. B. Today is my birthday and you won't do my homework. C. If you will do my homework, then today is my birthday. D. If you won't do my homework, then today isn't my birthday. E. None of these 5. (1 point) Select the negation to 'If you aren't a lawyer, then you don't serve justice.' A. If you are a lawyer, then you serve justice. B. You are a lawyer and you don't serve justice. C. If you serve justice, then you are a lawyer. D. You aren't a lawyer and you serve justice. E. None of these 6. (2 points) Find 11100 " 10000

= 10000

7. (2 points) Decide whether the following statement is a tautology: [(q"p)"p]"q A. The statement is a tautology. B. The statement is not a tautology. p T T F F q p q q"p (q"p)"p [(q"p)"p]"q T F F F F T F F T T T T T T F T F T F T T T F T

8. (2 points) Finish filling in the truth table. Include intermediate columns, as needed.

p T T T T F F F F

q T T F F T T F F

r T F T F T F T F

p F F F F T T T T

r F T F T F T F T

r#q T F F T T F F T

(r#q) F T T F F T T F

q"p F F T T T T T T

(r#q)"(q"p) F F T F F T T F

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