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The n· wesr ser-vices pILL'!. mart Travel and

- di,t,r- P .. .ks



SOCIAL BI'r,E ·M1U1'i. K.tlOVi.fS Jl,~:t Sr SAl$~ .J~b·llt.t.Nr{Al\r.o,


WEALTH.· tIt Spl ~it By AfAu M'OB1.iW


MOI'flO'RING '\;Vonh '¥~t~dfil,'~ 'POl" B~r CBR1,l'·C WOII;VC



To Kingdom Come By LoUlS,F,~ DJV;IID

:. [~~bd~.ed. ElI!t~T~u:lLce By CQD,S&TJU,-S .YA;NG

t2'O WIN,E

The'1/it, . '- ~~er the Bfff"t·er Dr DO~~j'rN,fc RlV.:1ID

'12:2- A:V.~CTIO·N:I

n'il:"~ nlO:l1.d~~;" nwst deslrable ,obJtec!ts.


- .'

_ .. ,. -.'

e -O~·Ni··~I'T['~~P· ·O!RARY' ART

_ '.' '.' .lLEL,-YI; ~_.

The Grear Decep ion B·y JIA,LERli! C lJ,()\R_-'iIl~f

CHRIS, ,C: 'iNONGs :nrs!t; ~ ~ a pedai~red 'V'H ,Beetfe he ,acq,Uir-ed a~ the : mcldess:age eUour:. He f'ound ,an: ~njJ'j~1Ne way 101 triple· its· speed - by ,R'O!~ng

: downhill [111 Hong, K(:ng~. wNc;n ,~med hinml;a'~ scars. iwo decades, Ilat@r~. he'

. ~

: IT>eq1.!!en~edl gravel roads i~ ii>hrae' ~noe:s, Forests at 200 kph inl b~rt:Jo..ehar&oo

: ~11y em. NO'rN Won,g SBn~rbly epmmlllOOS 0811 ~~.gkct~'s, st'ytlrain., ~oi the' - ~re of drMng '~ne [ears for'~ auwbahns, and Iche ,back [~oJ Prov-~~~~t.e~e d~Zl!Jr., Bux;kte. ~p and read hi$. ~Jew of Porsche'S ,exci~ing n~w ~lllal!l!lier.saJoon (p. 1146).

VAlIiRIE. [C' 00JIAtI fen rn love- Vitith (Dilinese illt wM~: me filrst Ca!'l"l! to iHcng Ko1llg in the ~91o~, She has been i~d i~ u~ ku:l!;;JSllry [ewr Since as tal Wfiter~, criti~, ~tiI$·,ai!ild ClJrator, She' is a !:o~me cootfilbutilng"editor of ~rne Asiiln ,arts journa1 and hM worked lNith 3 number oJ mUseums and ,o~Is,aDioos wo!lInd 'the' worJdL Thts :mOntlrn" ,Do~n :reviie~ tihe 'work [cd ~ artist KIM In-Kyuml (I'. 124).


~r ofwi'ne' arMl [Wblished: aull\or on the S!JlbJKt~ DOMI'NIC RIVARD ~$ an ~~WinniWJg [comm~r(liid wJoe.iiirli~l!r tit wmerin aU ov:er 'the globe. A pM5i'QIlaee e; of mun: and] ,~O'tic d~ win~, he has oWr' ~S ~ilr"5 O'~ ~periefil(oe' ifl1 ~ne :pJ'Oducttbn~ ~i!ig and di~~rtbuooJiI\' 'Savourr his ~ew of Fnne 'f('lJ;Iit: _tiles :ffrom iU·oY!l'!.d: I~~e' WCiflld (p. 1110).

iIN:ES, EHRLtCHr. born ln IEn,~ali'!d ,and: miSl"d irIJ ts~e~ is a ~ jQuM31m and IHebrew--ERi,Ijs:h1ibr1lmJato:r. Pdo!"" ro meving't:©' fihaliand 1a5t:Y$ar, ~ne worke,d 'fOr ~sr~tel'$le'~ldrn!w@b·~ Ilmempaper .. She. is arB 3.\licfart :t-O\i\eii and in IbeN.teen her l!lwitllllg.,Rgnment:s spends most ,O'f her time. pajnljng. For miis. f&S,Uif EH'11lidh Mites about the renovath~-'i'11 of 1'U~~rical 'fhaj ~1' propenti6 (p. 1,6).,


''ITUP (.ali"!ada"s Forbid;j~fii IF,roit won an 3/walid fur nts :a;pple m~tlene' wloo "nl:2'009' 'OPPOSlm

FROM lEn' ThaliNlO't "4ythic.a'l Ga~defl"ll ma1¢es frlU!~ 'Wine and 'tropic~J too win~, Ganadpl!.!iSZ~ ta o.f Hu ngary has. beem!: making winl! sil:'l(le me rSth 'C;:,efitIJiY

' agOj 1101v-e~,,e't; 'dl~'I!: '~remcb vineyard owners,

- '

'. L • ~ 'l ~I 1\:..\\.," d':if:'" 'I

wannna to protect 't~d~U' ~nCJ ustr:y~ ~OJ~i,j(l,e'" tor tJJ~

passage ,of Laws declaring tbar;t 'Ville could 0:0[,. 00 made 'f["O~1lJ ,~mpes, Because of tile cult~~'al;, if not lesal influence ofthcse stsmtes reaching beyond 'Fl~a:n,ce, dll'e' ~lowb=dge tha't 100tb,e:r. fruits can make e'qliaUy good'v, b'1Jies: was sev'e~-e1y muted over t~m,e: aed fI'tlruf w: ne,!s g[OI~!Y' faded, FOnltla..tely~, they are

- ,

now maiking i9J eome-back,

These ~~tlCO:l11mm~1 'Ij)\t~rnl,es, are the e.'~uS\iv\e Htmgarian fr.uit wines and b:ia'l:it,Ue-s~ the Austrian ,c'. It., 'I· id ..:I ,. • s: tnnt ;$cJ~~ni'pps, t se ice CJl!: ers ,arnu, ice wmes 'Oil[

Canada, the organic and fOlclHled mistelles olf

N orth ,A]lILe-l[.cia~ ,\~' est coast ;aud ~110f-e 1~11ly"

MO; :~G 'YI,11 •. ~ l' LOVERS-

the pinnacle of'the wineInakin,~ ;al't is. e,x-odc des = , sere \v[nes made ~n slua]] and rare ,qlJ:lulllities~, often 'with lligb prlces attached to them, Cl'u~~r.i:s!hed b)r

the \v;e]lM,heeled and well-leformedfew, this si}lle of ~v"iiFJle! 'is in several Iocatiousaround the world and! we: as vaded ~~ style as '~~~e~ passionate people '1;- ho make rhem, Al'thou;g[l rhe idea ofp['O,~ duc~.m,g \- -i:ne fr,oHl fruits other than grapes ,m'igh't seem strange, the practice hIS a long traditlon ill ,mJos~, E:m~o:pe:1lJrtIJ eountrles. it: was on~y ill mere 200

the exotic,it~'op~cal dessert wines ofTbaUand. These wwnles and liqueurs. appe~d UO'E; ,on Iy 'to the As.ian palene that. is taned for sweeter offer-

ings, with dean and fresh aromas, but also offer prllfe' expressions of'terroir from the lands. that produce the fruit and grapes. that make up these fabu~ous teUxirSm Addtdou~ny, research ShO'lVS that fruit wine has nl~ny of the same benefits as grape 'wine inc udlng being a source of an tioxru d ants", and g,e:~ler,aUy contains more vitamins and minerals than their grape counterparts,

The Ganadpusata 'wru11.e-s of Ipoly Viney,ffin.

Hungar:y~ where a gentle icl~nl;a.te al' d expert eultivanon ,guaranldee hi,grn-dy aromatic fralts, ,embody a passion for q VIla~it]f dessert wine production that is, hard, to fathom until the wines are experienced, There is an ancient tradition of l\~inemak~ hl~ and di!uUlatlon from a 'vide vade~:y [of wi I d and culeivared 'Howers and fruits in tha't region that has been going on uninterrupted for centur~es.. The 'lrVmnelltabB of [G:~lladpus;zta and thewr predecessors have 'been lo¥~:ngly cr-aftb~g these w~nes since. the '18th cen tUIY and have: created an i'mpressive llne distributed ,all over Europe and parts of t: sia, The sweet black currant wine has a

, heady and ~ntaxica:dn,g aroma as. well as, u'u'~y rich sud complex '~3rJlers olf flavour.

A eontinent away" in the e.'xoepdolUlaUy cold countryside of Quebec" all innovative and special wine, lee c~d,e:~" ,~s' produced rhrough the natu ral freezingofhardy varietal apples during the bitter Canadian. wi~neW's~ This unique process coneen'~F,a.WS d],te sugars, 'lJavo'U F"S andftcom,mJ~,exhies. of 't'he fr~dt to render a ,powerfu'~ly aromatic wine of ficilly complex, exotic notes that are v'ery easy '~O faU :~n love with, Domaine Pinnacle ice ciders are available locally ae Suvarnabhumi airport duty free shops and are distdbute.d ~y the prestlgious ~rench cognac house Camus, 'The :Niagara peninsula is the ,,[odd's largest 'Vwdcultural area in terms of ioe "'lines due to i~s oonsist,endy cold winters necessary for quality ice winemaking,

J osef Zwmm,er.tnilTil~S famUy I{i.ngs ICourt Esta te winery has been ftlaJdng dessert, wines and lee\¥runes for over seven generations starting in the

N-a'I'1' e "H'liiI~;iQ;v G::':arr'lr""'~'llv the b ··[l!-rt-·-II1..'n~'''lII'''''..a of el'~""'iJJD;n:'"

~ _L" . v;~= I,'IW ~,.. . - ~ " IL.)~ . 'J' - l:l.1W ," _ . ~1,1r'·1~~~" .. r "'I.dl J1V"IJ;.[~.. ~

The eighth. genera don. of lvinemaJdnf:' b,y I '(~n,g's Court ls now underway through the management and new modern viticultural practices by Zimmerman's ,50]), Ro~and~ The ne'w 'vint3i~s ate

• 1........ f" ., ~I I

pr[ovutg to JJl'c.~ 0', except ruonaw, stye.

A~so ~n Canada, tne Otgal- . le mis e- elles o.f forbidden F'rld~: winery are another example of passion for. the land expressed ~n a high-end quali t)" dessert w~h1.e., The British Co'~,trrm:b~a, winery has, been oerr lfied organie ftu over 30 years and ~s one oft l e pioneers of Canada~ organic and sustainable asrieulture movement, It 11:15, won

:, 0

~ wine awards. nationally and internationally

: including best wine ill, Western Canada in 200-9- : for its apple, mistelle fi)rtru.fied desse:r~ wi,ne. Tb~s:


~ ',+vas ,a feat '~-mrd to. ,achwe''Ve; especiaUy 'wn 3J field tof

~' e:xceUen'[ ice ,~r.ines, gr--a,pe ,\\\r~nes an.d Uqueurs in


~t'his ,catiP~ory~

~' ""Ci

~: Closer' to hOllJll~: b~ 1'haruland ,(I n~ the ex,ceUent

D ,. eal h' A ill'

essat. vanes app. , .. " to t ze SlllJ1,

palate thai ". is tuned t -Cr.r--: MII"iO'O*,Ur- O"l,n;rinO:f: , u..L .•.... \~- _ ,~, I ' .':, ui ,WI', 'J U' 0. j';I~L.~[~J[~'~ u I~

tropleal dessert wmes of M'Ydt~,ca~ Gard,e.n winel"Y in Pathumthani, :3, province adjacent to, Ba:ngkok:. A,~'Otrt'h'-, merlcan w~n,emalre~!' who has been ~uaJk~n,g ,fruit and de-ssert wines 'for 'Over 15 years, thr'Ou,gtH)ut rhe l. odd. crafts thesewines. TIle cuhnlnat ion 0'( a love fOT frl!l'~.t and the country

of ThaUand are weU expressed ln '[he: beady aromas and luscious -Dav-ours dla;~ a.lucky few .have' 'had the chance, 'to experlence. QuaUty :p~neapples from Rayon~ passion, frrdt ftoni. Cbi3'ng' M'a~~, mangosteens from Ch~ang 'Rat and,. apples front the Golden nial1J,;;l[e constitute the raw material for these special wines loved by 'forerugn 'visitors

. "

and locals, :Mydd,ca.'~ G·arden makes two styles:

a tradido,naUy feemented fruit w.~nJ and a tropical lee: whte made in an innovati·· e and unique 'Vva,y' caned freeze coneentra ting. In. '[he 'w~nery, the tropical fruwt juice is cooled to ='1 O~[C ,a.Uowil1g concentration of'a percentage of'tbe juice-bound waeer, These condirlons simulate weather conditions found ~tl Canada that concentrs te all the intense ,~l1,tr~nsjc propen:wes,

of the. fruit .. Veda Balankura manages the w',~ner.y and th rough 'her team the W,~J1.e5, are not onmy wen, distributed in l'baUa:rn,d but also nOTty exported w' the US~~ Hon,g I<'o~ng and very soon 't~) Burope, Ma1Jchil1g: flavourful Thai cuisine perfecdy, these wines are gaining a, steady foUowlmg in many parts of'the world, II


']1\1:" I ~' --::- .. ,~",: 1 "N""

'.. ,I ' ... '.,

[ '. :. . .:', - =---: .

Fruit dessert Wines are dellightfiJJ on d1eir CV1.nJ but pair 'very \rqel} vvith exoltlc. ~i;cy focds.

FIJU of health 'Properties arnd ~ aromas and Havows~ these ridl willes, are also perfect ~ in innollJab:v<e codktails.. rcr exampla a ()rie-lhird measure oj passion fnllt wine mixed \l\rj][}1 Champagne or arrother spm'kling ~ 'makes, a ~,al E>Dtlc

,I" _.-

Kit Royal.

Contemplate having a bottle' of

;~ u.~'li"iL!J, ~ ... nth Vf)Ilil'" ;t-VQ~ 'I~'fzo, ~ 1iYU,~ 'M M'lt r, rI' ...... ~ lL(lUJI .IIl~


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