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Teacher Candidate: Megan Evans Cooperating Teacher: Katie Porrino Group Size: 23 Allotted Time: 1 hour

Date: 2/11/14 Coop. Initials: Grade Level: 3rd Section: Varano

Subject: 12-4: Time: Elapsed Time

PA Common Core Standards: CC.2.4.3.A.2 Tell and write time to the nearest minute and solve problems by calculating time intervals. I. Performance Objectives: The students will be able to determine and calculate elapsed time by correctly placing the elapsed time dominos. II. Instructional Materials A. Pearson Success Net: 12-4 Elapsed Time B. Elapsed time dominos (resources) C. Book: Its about Time Stuart J. Murphy III. Subject Matter/Content A. Prerequisite Skills a. Telling time to the hour, half hour, and minute b. Units of time B. Key Vocabulary a. Elapsed time Time that passes between events C. Big Idea: Time can be expressed using different units that are related to each other. IV. Implementation A. Introduction

a. How do we relate different times to one another? How do we know that time has passed? b. Read Its About Time by Stuart J. Murphy. c. Ask students how we can use time to talk about events in our day. B. Development a. Open Pearson Success 12-4: Time: Elapsed Time. b. Students will write down the definition of elapsed time. c. Follow video completely. d. Use Hula Hoop display to demonstrate the hour hand and minute hand moving as time passes.

e. Students will then be broken into pairs to practice different examples of elapsed time with elapsed time dominos.

C. Closure a. Students will have a chance to review vocabulary terms. b. Students will have their last chance at the one minute, three minute, and five minute game to earn their prize. D. Accommodations/Differentiation a. Heterogeneous grouping: Place higher achieving students with tangled students.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan 1. Formative: - Anecdotal notes (with a focus on five students) - Checklist: Did student pairs answer at least 80% of the problems correctly? 2. Summative: There is no summative for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response A. Report of Students Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson is taught) [Student data will not be published] Remediation Plan [Student data will not be published]

B. Personal Reflection Did I pace the lesson to fit the allotted time? How can I improve this lesson? [ See Reflection Journal ]

VI. Resources Murphy, Stuart J., and John Speirs. It's about time!. New York: HarperCollins, 2005. Print. Pearson Success Net - Lesson 12-4: Elapsed Time Teachers Pay Teachers: Hands-on-Domino-Activity-815307

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