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Module 2 Assignment: Leadership Style Assessment Name: kayoko Zahn

Name of Website Two selected websites of self-assessment on leadership styles for this assignment are listed below. Leadership Style Assessment Test - Your Leadership Legacy Quiz - What's Your Leadership Style? - Psychology -

Leadership Theory and Summary of Results The results of leadership styles from the sources listed above are discussed as follows. Leadership Style Assessment Test Your Leadership Legacy on the Your Leadership Legacy Web site This assessment consists of 30 questions. In this assessment, the characteristics of leadership styles of the examinee are identified. According to the results, my characteristics were compared based on the following types of leaders; Ambassador, Advocate, People mover, Truthseeker, Creative builder, and Experienced guide. Among these characteristics, I received highest scores on People Mover and Creative Builder. People Mover is the characteristics of empowering people. This may be applied as one of the five best practices which is enabling others to act in the Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI) theory by Kouzes and Posner. The test suggests that I may be good at building a team by fostering individuals potential talents and also connecting individuals. The individual who has the characteristics of Creative Builder is an entrepreneur according to the test. It suggests that I may be an individual who possesses the achievement motive in the Achievement-Power-Affiliation Theory by David McClelland. This characteristics may positively influence others to achieve group or organizational goals. I also received higher scores on Truth-Seeker and Experienced guide. According to the results, TruthSeeker is the individual who thinks fairness is important and process-oriented. Experienced Guide has the characteristic of the ability to listen and understand other people. In the theory of Leadership Grid developed by Blake and Mouton, two concerns are measured. The concerns of leadership behaviors are people and production. If I put myself in the leadership grid of the theory by Blake and Mouton, I may be placed in the team leader grid. My concern for people appears to be high because my scores on People Mover and Experienced Guide were high. The perspective of Creative builder and Truth-Seeker may help enhance the concerns of production. Quiz - What's Your Leadership Style? - Psychology - on the Web site

This assessment consists of 18 questions. The result is based on the type of leadership styles identified by Kurt Lewin in 1939. The styles of leadership are Authoritarian (Autocratic), Participative (Democratic), and Delegative (Laissez-Faire) Leadership. My result indicated that my leadership style is mainly Participative. This is the same as the democratic style of three basic leadership styles. The democratic style of leadership helps the group make decisions by themselves however the leader will make the final decision. The result of this assessment may also be applied to the Path-Goal Leadership Model developed by Evans and House as Participative leadership among three other types as Directive, Supportive, and Achievement oriented. In this theory, the participative leadership is the behavior of sharing information, consulting with employees, and supporting autonomy to make decisions by the group. If I were a leader who uses participative leadership and my group members were type X of the Theory X and Theory Y by Douglas McGregor, it would be challenging to manage these people because they wouldnt be motivated by democratic style of management. Autocratic leadership will be more suitable in this case. Conclusion I think I can mostly agree with the results from both tests. I think that it is important for me to build good relationships with co-workers and I enjoy working as a team, sharing and achieving the same goals. I am a good listener and I always try to put myself in other peoples shoes. It may be sometimes more important to make sure everyone is on the same page rather than reaching the groups goal as a first priority, no matter what. This could be my weakness. One aspect of leadership that I think I could develop is autocratic leadership skills. My perspective of entrepreneurship may be suggesting that I sometimes lack efficiency. Having concerns for productivity is one of the important characteristics as a leader. I could improve the skill of seeking efficiency. One characteristic I dont possess strongly was that of an Advocator and I am not sure if I can agree with the result. This leadership style includes the skill of acting as the spokesperson in a group. A good spokesperson needs abilities to be logical and persuasive. I think it requires the basis of technical skills. One of the power of the traditional power structure is expert power. I would like to keep acquiring technical skills and knowledge in food and nutrition in order to become a competent RD, acting as a leader, one day in the future. I think this will help improve my skill of acting as the spokesperson in a group.

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