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Chelsea Birner 11/1/13 Rhonda Hawkins EDU119-HE1


Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs are gro nded in a child de!elopment knowledge "ase# $hey se their nderstanding o% yo ng children&s characteristics and needs' and o% m ltiple interacting in%l ences on children&s de!elopment and learning' to create en!ironments that are healthy' respect% l' s pporti!e' and challenging %or each child# Key elements of Standa d 1 1a( )nowing and nderstanding yo ng children&s characteristics and needs' %rom "irth thro gh age *# 1"( )nowing and nderstanding the m ltiple in%l ences on early de!elopment and learning 1c( Using de!elopmental knowledge to create healthy' respect% l' s pporti!e' and challenging learning en!ironments %or yo ng children

Chelsea Birner 11/1/13 Rhonda Hawkins EDU119-HE1


Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs nderstand that s ccess% l early childhood ed cation depends pon partnerships with children&s %amilies and comm nities# $hey know a"o t' nderstand' and !al e the importance and comple+ characteristics o% children&s %amilies and comm nities# $hey se this nderstanding to create respect% l' reciprocal relationships that s pport and empower %amilies' and to in!ol!e all %amilies in their children&s de!elopment and learning# Key elements of Standa d ! ,a( )nowing a"o t and nderstanding di!erse %amily and comm nity characteristics ,"( - pporting and engaging %amilies and comm nities thro gh respect% l' reciprocal relationships ,c( .n!ol!ing %amilies and comm nities in yo ng children&s de!elopment and learning

Chelsea Birner 11/1/13 Rhonda Hawkins EDU119-HE1

Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs nderstand that child o"ser!ation' doc mentation' and other %orms o% assessment are central to the practice o% all early childhood pro%essionals# $hey know a"o t and nderstand the goals' "ene%its' and ses o% assessment# $hey know a"o t and se systematic o"ser!ations' doc mentation' and other e%%ecti!e assessment strategies in a responsi"le way' in partnership with %amilies and other pro%essionals' to positi!ely in%l ence the de!elopment o% e!ery child# Key elements of Standa d & 3a( Understanding the goals' "ene%its' and ses o% assessment / incl ding its se in de!elopment o% appropriate goals' c rric l m' and teaching strategies %or yo ng children 3"( )nowing a"o t and sing o"ser!ation' doc mentation' and other appropriate assessment tools and approaches' incl ding the se o% technology in doc mentation' assessment and data collection# 3c( Understanding and practicing responsi"le assessment to promote positi!e o tcomes %or each child' incl ding the se o% assisti!e technology %or children with disa"ilities# 3d( )nowing a"o t assessment partnerships with %amilies and with pro%essional colleag es to " ild e%%ecti!e learning en!ironments

Chelsea Birner 11/1/13 Rhonda Hawkins EDU119-HE1


Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs nderstand that teaching and learning with yo ng children is a comple+ enterprise' and its details !ary depending on children&s ages' characteristics' and the settings within which teaching and learning occ r# $hey nderstand and se positi!e relationships and s pporti!e interactions as the %o ndation %or their work with yo ng children and %amilies# Candidates know' nderstand' and se a wide array o% de!elopmentally appropriate approaches' instr ctional strategies' and tools to connect with children and %amilies and positi!ely in%l ence each child&s de!elopment and learning# Key elements of Standa d ( 0a( Understanding positi!e relationships and s pporti!e interactions as the %o ndation o% their work with yo ng children 0"( )nowing and nderstanding e%%ecti!e strategies and tools %or early ed cation' incl ding appropriate ses o% technology 0c( Using a "road repertoire o% de!elopmentally appropriate teaching /learning approaches 0d( Re%lecting on own practice to promote positi!e o tcomes %or each child

Chelsea Birner 11/1/13 Rhonda Hawkins EDU119-HE1


Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs se their knowledge o% academic disciplines to design' implement' and e!al ate e+periences that promote positi!e de!elopment and learning %or each and e!ery yo ng child# Candidates nderstand the importance o% de!elopmental domains and academic 1or content2 disciplines in early childhood c rric l m# $hey know the essential concepts' in3 iry tools' and str ct re o% content areas' incl ding academic s "4ects' and can identi%y reso rces to deepen their nderstanding# Candidates se their own knowledge and other reso rces to design' implement' and e!al ate meaning% l' challenging c rric l m that promotes comprehensi!e de!elopmental and learning o tcomes %or e!ery yo ng child# Key elements of Standa d ) 5a( Understanding content knowledge and reso rces in academic disciplines( lang age and literacy6 the arts / m sic' creati!e mo!ement' dance' drama' !is al arts6 mathematics6 science' physical acti!ity' physical ed cation' health and sa%ety6 and social st dies# 5"( )nowing and sing the central concepts' in3 iry tools' and str ct res o% content areas or academic disciplines 5c( Using own knowledge' appropriate early learning standards' and other reso rces to design' implement' and e!al ate de!elopmentally meaning% l and challenging c rric l m %or each child#

Chelsea Birner 11/1/13 Rhonda Hawkins EDU119-HE1


Candidates prepared in early childhood degree programs identi%y and cond ct themsel!es as mem"ers o% the early childhood pro%ession# $hey know and se ethical g idelines and other pro%essional standards related to early childhood practice# $hey are contin o s' colla"orati!e learners who demonstrate knowledgea"le' re%lecti!e and critical perspecti!es on their work' making in%ormed decisions that integrate knowledge %rom a !ariety o% so rces# $hey are in%ormed ad!ocates %or so nd ed cational practices and policies# Key elements of Standa d + 7a( .denti%ying and in!ol!ing onesel% with the early childhood %ield 7"( )nowing a"o t and pholding ethical standards and other early childhood pro%essional g idelines 7c( Engaging in contin o s' colla"orati!e learning to in%orm practice6 sing technology e%%ecti!ely with yo ng children' with peers' and as a pro%essional reso rce# 7d( .ntegrating knowledgea"le' re%lecti!e' and critical perspecti!es on early ed cation 7e( Engaging in in%ormed ad!ocacy %or yo ng children and the early childhood pro%ession

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