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Your Blood Group Tells Your

Whenever I am admitting into a hospital or I always call it Check-In
Hotel de TTSH (
Tan Tock Seng Hospital), I always make sure my mind must be clear
enough to identify my own blood group. Does knowing our blood type
or normally call it as blood group that important to us? The answer I
leave it to you. But to me, I am my own fortune teller, it is very
important to me. Blood group not only tells us our future, our past and
our present. Being a fortune teller of mine own, I “escaped” from 911
tragedy, a plane crash, typhoon, and earthquake. But my neurologist
claims that it is not too good to see too much, when I related to him for
more than 2 months I have been seeing more people than anyone since
29th May 2009 in SICU, as that day I “see” more people than the actual
“countable” number of people in the SICU. (Of course, the Green Green
Man and all the Angelic Nurses in blue uniforms are real human lah!)
Here is a little guideline on how you can know yourself better by
knowing your blood group. I hoped that folks can have a better
understanding on what blood type is able to “receive” which blood type
rather than anyhow utter to patients hoping that patients are really
very stupid and knows nothing, if patients prompted questions beyond
your knowledge, advice patients to enquire with professions like
doctors or anyone who is better equipped with the information.
Today’s patients are no longer the blur and dump patient of the 1960s,
may be due to lesser in-take of Sotong (squid), due to it’s high in
cholesterol content or in fear of Hepatitis A, so now patient are
smarter; they can just go online to do a research and they know they
had been fooled. Be adequately knowledgeable than fool through your

job. Know your job well to serve patients better.

Basic of Blood Group:

O: Cannot stand people who hide the truth.
A: Pessimistic and too sensitive.
B: Cannot take orders easily.
AB: Romantic and sentimental.


Make objective clear.
Process great deal of confidence.
Honest, optimistic and energetic.

Pessimistic and too sensitive.
Careful about decision-making.
Make things clear in black and white.
Care much about social rules and standards.

Make decision fast.
Can be flexible.
Do not care about rules.
Respect scientific and practical findings.

Extremely practical.
Excellent in analyses.
Give fair criticisms.
Cannot decide when it comes to important issues.


Strength and endurance depend on their aim.
Give up easily if they find the job meaning less.

High tolerance for physical or repetitive work.
Cannot take changes easily.
Lose interest in a hobby easily.

Maintain the longest interest in what they do.
Seem impatient.
Dislike repetitious work.

Try to be hardworking.
Tend to be impatient.
How do they see their future and past?
Positive about the past, this do not regret about the past.
Seek financial stability for the future.

Try hard to forget the past.
Pessimistic about the future.

Hard to forget recent affairs, but able to forget past and

Sentimental about the past.
More concern about the immediate problems than anything else.

How do they express their emotions?

Usually stable and clam.
Sensitive towards sincerity.
Give frank, direct opinions.

Able to display cool outlook even though angry.
Short tempered.
Take longer to heal a broken heart.
Sensitive to others’ opinions.

Cool and objective.
Although joke a lot, could actually be very shy.
Change mood like weather.
Cannot stop complaining when they are upset.

Usually cool and steady, but can get upset with an immediate,
unsolved problem.
Can get moody easily.

How do they work?

Ability to concentrate varies from time to time, depending on
Mostly prefer to lead.
Can overlook details.

Handle one thing at a time.
Work a line between work and personnel affairs.
Highly responsible.
Tends to choose hobbies which helps them realease stress.

Creative and process new ideas.
Cannot differentiate work and hobby.
Cannot take orders.
Do not hesitate to introduce innovative changes and are not
worried about their criticisms.

Able to handle a wide scope of jobs.
Value hard work.
Quick understanding
Not highly responsible and unable to follow-up on a project until
its completion.
Tend to be artistic in approach.

Blood type and Rh, and percentage of people have it.

O+ 40%
O- 7%

A+ 34%
A- 6%

B+ 8%
B- 1%

AB+ 3%
AB- 1%
What type of blood can be received if you are a:

AB+: O-, O+, B-, B+, A-, A+, AB-, AB+

AB-: O-, B-, A-, A+
A+: O-, O+, A+, A-
A-: O-, A-
B+: O-, O+, B-, B+
B-: O-, B-
O+: O-, O+
O-: O-

~~ The End~~

Author: Annie Cleopatra Leo

Date: 7th October 2009

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All Rights Reserved.

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