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All iights ieseiveu. No pait of this book may be iepiouuceu oi
tiansmitteu in any mannei whatsoevei without wiitten peimission,
except in the case of biief quotations useu in aiticles anu ieviews.
This book is intenueu as a iefeience mateiial, not as a meuical manual
to ieplace the auvice of youi physician oi to substitute foi any
tieatment piesciibeu by youi physician.
If you aie ill oi suspect that you have a meuical pioblem, we stiongly
encouiage you to consult youi meuical, health, oi othei competent
piofessional befoie auopting any of the suggestions in this book oi
uiawing infeiences fiom it. If you aie taking piesciiption meuication,
you shoulu nevei change youi uiet (foi bettei oi woise) without
consulting youi physician, as any uietaiy change may affect the
metabolism of that piesciiption uiug.
This book and the authors opinions are solely for informational and
euucational puiposes.
The authoi specifically uisclaims all iesponsibility foi any liability, loss,
oi iisk, peisonal oi otheiwise which is incuiieu as a consequence,
uiiectly oi inuiiectly, of the use anu application of any of the contents of
this book.

+&,%( -. /-01(01#
Principle #1 - Prepare For Success 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34

5-67 8(&#9)('(01# 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34

Principle #2 Out With The Old, In With The New 2222222222222222222222222 3:

;)-<)&' =>()>"(? 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3@

!"#$ & '"( )* +,-./"0$"$12, ............................................................................................ 13
!"#$ 3 45$ 61/ )* 7281,9 ..................................................................................................... 13
Principle #3 Lifestyle-Un-Diet 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3A

B90$1"-0# -. 1C( D">() 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3E

;C&#( 3 F 8&#1() /%(&0#( GH 1- 34 6&7#I 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 JH

7:5 ;<5",95 ........................................................................................................................... 23
="9$5# ;<5",95 >1"?5$59 =5<<1$@9 7A05 3 65B105 ................................................................. 24
;C&#( JK +C( L&? B--6# !"(1 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 JA

C:A 6"( D22/9E ................................................................................................................... 29
=","F1,F D#@1$9 ................................................................................................................... 39
'1G5# ;<5",1,F D22/9 ............................................................................................................ 39
!FMFNF+ O B-9)FD(11() P-)6 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 :H

H1I0<5 ;"#?2:A/#"$59 .......................................................................................................... 44
;2I0<58 ;"#?2:A/#"$59........................................................................................................ 44
4<AB5I1B J,/58 ...................................................................................................................... 43
B",() :4 B-) D".( 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 :@

D@,B$12,9 .,/ K5,5*1$9 )* J,92<@?<5 D1?5# ........................................................................... 43
K5,5*1$9 )* J,92<@?<5 D1?5# .................................................................................................... 43
D22/ H2@#B59 )* J,92<@?<5 D1?5# ........................................................................................... 46
D@,B$12,9 )* H2<@?<5 D1?5# .................................................................................................... 46

K5,5*1$9 )* H2<@?<5 D1?5# ....................................................................................................... 46
D22/ H2@#B59 )* H2<@?<5 D1?5# .............................................................................................. 46
;)-1("0# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 :E

422/ !#2$51, H2@#B59 ............................................................................................................ 48
K"/ !#2$51, H2@#B59 .............................................................................................................. 48
+C( QR"007 =0 B&1# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 :S

D"$9 72 +95 ............................................................................................................................ 49
D"$9 72 65/@B5 .,/ .G21/ .................................................................................................... 30
Fat Loss Factors 15 Foods For Maximum Weight Loss 22222222222222222 @4

&L .<I2,/9M C"<,@$9 ............................................................................................................. 30
3L K5",9M H0#2@$9 ................................................................................................................... 31
NL 4#55, O5F5$"?<59 ............................................................................................................... 32
PL '5", K55*M K@**"<2M ;:1BQ5,M 7@#Q5A ................................................................................. 32
RL )"$I5"< ............................................................................................................................. 33
SL TFF9 ................................................................................................................................... 33
UL V@$ K@$$5#9 W.<I2,/ K@$$5#M ;"9:5( K@$$5#M 5$BLX .......................................................... 34
YL )<1G5 )1<M ;2B2,@$ )1<M D<"8 H55/ )1<M D19: )1< .................................................................... 34
ZL ["9I1,5M K"9I"$1M K#2(, 61B5M C:2<5 4#"1,9 .................................................................. 33
&\L O5F5$"?<5 [@1B59 .............................................................................................................. 33
&&L ;2<2#5/ D#@1$9M K5##159 .,/ O5F5$"?<59 .......................................................................... 36
&3L ]5I0 ............................................................................................................................... 36
&NL C:5A !#2$51, !2(/5# ..................................................................................................... 36
&PL C1</ ;"@F:$ H"<I2, ....................................................................................................... 37
&RL 6"( )# '1F:$<A !"9$5@#1^5/ )#F",1B C:2<5 =1<QM ;:5595M _5*1#M `2F@#$ ...................... 37
Fat Loss Factors 15 Foods For Guaranteed Weight Gain 2222222222222 @E

&L >2@F:,@$9M !"9$#159 .......................................................................................................... 38
3L D#5,B: D#159M !2$"$2 ;:109 ................................................................................................ 38
NL H$2#5-K2@F:$ [@1B5M D#@1$ >#1,Q9 ...................................................................................... 39
PL >5B"**51,"$5/ ;2**55 ......................................................................................................... 39
RL D#15/ D19:M D#15/ H5"*22/ .................................................................................................. 39

SL 6"( ;<"I9M )A9$5#9 ........................................................................................................... 39
UL '@,B: =5"$M HI2Q5/ =5"$M ]2$ >2F9M K"B2,M H"@9"F5 ................................................... 60
YL .<B2:2< ............................................................................................................................... 60
ZL H2/" ................................................................................................................................... 61
&\L >15$ !20M >15$ >#1,Q9 ....................................................................................................... 61
&&L >550 >19: !1^^" ............................................................................................................... 62
&3L JB5 ;#5"I ........................................................................................................................ 62
&NL C:1$5 K#5"/M !"9$" ......................................................................................................... 63
&PL H@F"#A K#5"Q*"9$ ;5#5"<9M ;",/A.................................................................................... 63
&RL O5F5$"?<5 )1<M H:2#$5,1,FM ="#F"#1,5 ............................................................................ 64
Dont Deprive Yourself Of These 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 A:

N&1 +C(#( B--6# +-<(1C() +- ;&$R =0 +C( ;-906# 222222222222222222222222 A:

Q'--1C"( M1 TU 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 A:

K"95 D2# 7:5 H:"Q5 ............................................................................................................... 63
B&1 D-#s Factors 3 Axioms Of Success 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 AV

.812I &a ]2<1/"A !#1,B10<5 ................................................................................................... 67
.812I 3a T"$ H2I5$:1,F 6"( .$ TG5#A =5"< ....................................................................... 68
.812I Na 65"/ `2@# D22/ '"?5<9bb ........................................................................................ 69
B--6 /-'U&0"(# B&11(0 W-9 TU O06 8&R( W-9 Q"$R 2222222222222222222222 AS

Whole Grain Is A Marketing Lie ........................................................................................ 70
]1F: D#@B$295 ;2#, HA#@0 W]D;HX ........................................................................................ 70
7#",9 D"$9 ............................................................................................................................. 71
.//1$1G59M ;2<2#1,F9M D<"G2#1,F9M .,/ !#595#G"$1G59 ............................................................ 71
H@F"# H@?9$1$@$59 .................................................................................................................. 71
=H4 W=2,292/1@I 4<@$"I"$5X ............................................................................................ 72
.//5/ H"<$ ............................................................................................................................. 72
What You Dont Want To See On A Food Label 222222222222222222222222222222222 VJ

Is J$ =",-Made Rule ........................................................................................................... 73
Q1)9$19)(6 N&1"0< 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 VH

K#",B:5/ ;:"1, .I1,2 .B1/9 ............................................................................................... 74
;:5"$ >"A .............................................................................................................................. 73
]2( D'D H$#@B$@#5/ T"$1,F ]5<09 `2@ '295 C51F:$ ........................................................... 76
5)(&R.&#1K +C( 8-#1 M'U-)1&01 8(&% =. +C( !&7 =) M# M1X 222222222 VV

7:5 J99@5 C1$: K#5"Q*"9$ ...................................................................................................... 78
Whats Causing This Hunger ................................................................................................ 79
C:A HQ1001,F K#5"Q*"9$ .9919$9 C1$: D"$ '299 .................................................................... 80
+C( B&1 D-## B&$1-) !"(1 ;%&0 L(>(&%(6 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 EJ

'5I2, C"$5# ........................................................................................................................ 82
D"9$1,F H@BB599 7109 ............................................................................................................. 84
H$#@B$@#5/ T"$1,F .I/ '2( K<22/ H@F"# ............................................................................ 83
;"$R W-9) P("<C1 D-## ;%&0 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 E@

#1 - SLeady WelghL Loss Calendar ......................................................................................... 87
#2 - Culck WelghL Loss Calendar ........................................................................................... 88
#3 - 1urbo WelghL Loss Calendar........................................................................................... 89
+C( :EFY-9) B&#1 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 S4

Principle #4 Wash Away Fat With Water 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222 S3

5(0(."1# -. !)"0R"0< P&1() 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 SH
C"$5# H@BB599 7109 ............................................................................................................... 93
Principle #5 Good Healthy Supplementation 222222222222222222222222222222222 S:

+-U 3J Q9UU%('(01# .-) Y(&%1C7 P("<C1 D-## 222222222222222222222222222222222 S:
&L . 422/ C:2<5 D22/ =@<$1-O1$"I1,c=1,5#"< .................................................................... 94
3L )I5F"-N D19: )1< ;"09@<59c'1d@1/ ................................................................................... 93
NL T8$#" K O1$"I1,9a .............................................................................................................. 93
PL 4#55,9 !2(/5# .................................................................................................................. 96
RL !#2?12$1B9 .......................................................................................................................... 96
SL D1?5# H@00<5I5,$a ............................................................................................................. 98
UL !#2$51, !2(/5# ................................................................................................................. 98

YL ;"A5,,5 !5005# !1<<9 ......................................................................................................... 99
ZL 4<@$"I1,5 .......................................................................................................................... 99
&\L ;:"I2I1<5M `5#?" ="$5M 4#55, 75"M )2<2,F 75"........................................................... 99
&&L >1F59$1G5 T,^AI59 ........................................................................................................ 100
&3L '50$1-K@#, ..................................................................................................................... 101
Principle #6 - Rebuild Your Body & Melt Fat All Day Long 22222222 34H

Q"Z P-)R =91 NZ$9#(# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34H

&L 7"Q59 722 =@B: 71I5 ..................................................................................................... 103
3L 722 K2#1,F ....................................................................................................................... 103
NL 722 !"1,*@< ...................................................................................................................... 104
PL '"BQ )* =2$1G"$12, .......................................................................................................... 104
RL V2 ;2II1$I5,$ .............................................................................................................. 103
SL 722 J,$1I1/"$1,F ............................................................................................................. 103
L(&#-0# PC7 W-9 QC-9%6 NZ()$"#( 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34A

D"0<-K +C( D&0<9&<( =. P-)R"0< =91 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34E

;)-U() ;-#19)( !(."0(6 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34S

+C( D&? =. O6&U1&1"-0 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 34S

5(#1 +"'( +- NZ()$"#( 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 333

T85#B195a H@BQ `2@# K5<<A K@$$2, 72 `2@# H01,5................................................................ 112
Q9<<(#1(6 P-)R-91# [ +"'(# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33:

;:",F1,F J$ +0 .................................................................................................................... 114
Principle #7 Sculpt Muscle And Trim Fat! 2222222222222222222222222222222222222 33@

+C( !)(&6(6 /&)6"- 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33@

Y"<C M01(0#"17 M01()>&% +)&"0"0< 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33@

H"I0<5 C2#Q2@$ e& ............................................................................................................ 116
H"I0<5 C2#Q2@$ e3a ........................................................................................................... 116

T%1"'&1( B&1 5%&#1() 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33V

K2,@9 K5<<A D"$ K<"9$5#....................................................................................................... 117
Q9$$(## +"U# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 33S

Principle #8 Its All A Mind Game...Relax 222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3J4

Q1)(## O06 P("<C1 \&"0 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3J4

Y-? +- !(FQ1)(## 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3J3

Fat Loss Factors Five =1,/F#2($: _5A9 ............................................................................ 121
N%('(01# =. O Y(&%1C7 8"06#(1 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3JJ

H B-)'# =. NZ()$"#( +C&1 /&0 !(F#1)(## W-9) 8"06 222222222222222222222 3JH

`2F" ..................................................................................................................................... 123
7"1-;:1 ................................................................................................................................. 124
!1<"$59 .................................................................................................................................. 124
Principle #9 No Breathe, No Life 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3J@

!((U 5)(&1C"0< L-91"0( 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3J@

Top 7 Reasons To Get A Good Nights Sleep2222222222222222222222222222222222222 3JV

3J P&7# +- L(%&Z 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3JE

Principle #11 Look Your Best To Feel Your Best 22222222222222222222222 3H4

+-U +(0 8&R(->() +"U# 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3H4

Principle #12 Turning Your Program Into A Lifestyle 222222222222222 3HH

D".(#17%( +"U# 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3HH

8-1">&1"-0 +"U# 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3H:

!(U)(##"-0[Q(%. N#1((' M##9(# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3H@

5(%%7 B&1 +"U# 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3HA

O66)(##"0< Y7U-1C7)-"6"#'22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3HV

5"0<( N&1"0<] N'-1"-0&% B--6 /)&>"0<#] O06 ;-)1"-0 /-01)-% 22 3HV

Appendix 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3:4

+--%# B-) O B&1 D-## B&$1-) ^"1$C(0 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3:4

B&1 D-## B&$1-) Y-'( \7' N_9"U'(01 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 3:3

Principle #1 - Prepare For Success

The most practical, beautiful, workable
philosophy in the world wont work - 1* A2@
wont. f1F f1F<"#
o achieve success in all that you uo, you must plan coiiectly.
Auequate planning lays the founuation foi this piogiam. If you
fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
You will use a jouinal anu a stat sheet to help you iecoiu anu monitoi
youi piogiess thioughout the piogiam. These tools will allow you to
tiack youi piogiess anu accomplishments. You neeu to be awaie of ?2$:
youi micio-accomplishments anu youi majoi ones. This is impoitant to
keep you motivateu anu consistent on the Fat Loss Factoi Piogiam.
In piesenting this piogiam, I will not waste much time uiscussing
theoiy anu piinciples; iathei, I will concentiate on those techniques anu
methous that aie pioven to woik.
Sotake a deep breath and get ready...
Youi life is about to change...
Beie we go!
5-67 8(&#9)('(01#
To accuiately assess youi piogiess
thiough the Fat Loss Factoi piogiam,
you will iecoiu youi bouy
measuiements at the beginning anu as
you piogiess thiough the piogiam.
Take these measuiements once
weekly. Pick a uay anu iecoiu the
measuiements each week on that same uay (foi example, eveiy Fiiuay).

To take youi measuiements, you will neeu the following items:
Seamstiess measuiing tape
Bigital cameia
Calipeis (optional)

Q(&'#1)(## 8(&#9)"0< +&U(
A seamstiess measuiing tape woiks best. Neasuie the following aieas
each week anu iecoiu the uata in youi jouinal:
Neasuie the miuule of youi iight aim (highest point in youi
bicep without flexing).
Neasuie chest (unueineath aims).
Neasuie waist (aiounu the smallest pait).
Neasuie youi hips (the wiuest pait).
Neasuie youi iight thigh (miuule).

0se a jouinal to tiack youi piogiess. Buy a binuei anu binuei papei so
you can auu new sheets as iequiieu. Check youi jouinal each uay in the
moining anu evening, upuating as iequiieu. Tiack the following
Neals, planneu anu actual (weekly uaily)
Plan foi the week (weekly)
Bouy measuiements (weekly)
Weight (weekly)
Thoughts (uaily)

uoals (weekly)

!"<"1&% /&'()&
Take ?5*2#5 anu "*$5# pictuies of youi bouy. Beie aie some tips foi
taking these pictuies:
0se the same backgiounu.
Bolu a newspapei showing the uate you staiteu.
Take the pictuie fiom the same uistance each time.
Tan foi youi aftei pictuie.
Smile foi youi aftei pictuie.

Calipeis will allow you to measuie youi 05#B5,$"F5 of bouy fat. Bave
expeits take youi bouy fat measuiements. They will be moie accuiate.
Inquiie at youi gym.

Weigh in once a week. Weight is the least impoitant of the foui
measurements because weight loss doesnt necessarily mean fat loss
has occuiieu. Nost people, upon checking theii weight, hope to see the
numbei /5B#5"95 each time; howevei, it is impoitant to lose fat but not
muscle. If youi weight is uecieasing, but you aie losing muscle, that is
not a goou iesult. So shake off the olu ways of thinking anu get ieauy to
leain about anu use auuitional methous to test anu measuie youi
Anothei way to get motivateu is to check youi clothing peiiouically.
Thioughout this piogiam, obseive how youi clothes aie fitting. You

shoulu finu they aie getting loosei. This can seive as eviuence that you
aie making piogiess.

Principle #2 Out With The Old,
In With The New
Man is what he eats. uoethe
he techniques piesenteu in this section aie uesigneu to ieset
youi metabolism anu lowei stiess on youi uigestive system. By
implementing these techniques, you will impiove the function of
youi uigestive tiact, making it moie efficient. You will feel healthiei,
have moie eneigy, anu ultimately lose weight.

+(0 ,(0(."1# 7-9 ?"%% <&"0 .)-' ;)"0$"U%( aJ
1. Lose excess weight.
2. Eliminate haimful toxins causing youi fat cells to shiink.
S. Stiengthen youi immune system.
4. uain eneigy.
S. Shaipen youi minu.
6. Inciease youi enuuiance.
7. Accomplish moie.
8. Sleep bettei.
9. Impiove youi oveiall health anu well being.
1u. Bieak uown emotional ties that you have with foou.


!"#$"%& ()*")+*,

!%"- . /%, (0 12345%6-%-+#2
0ui bouies weie uesigneu to auapt. As humans, oui ability to auapt has
helpeu us suivive foi thousanus of yeais. B0T theie is a pioblem with
this when you apply it to youi health. Youi bouy auapts to a paiticulai
way of eating anu you hit what is known as a *"$ <299 0<"$5"@. Anu this is
what stops you fiom losing weight on a uiet.
Bave you evei noticeu that when you stait any uiet piogiam, you lose
weight at the beginning anu then the amount you lose tapeis off anu it
becomes much haiuei to lose auuitional weight.
C:"$ 19 $:5 D"$ '299 D"B$2# H2<@$12,E
Cleansing and cleaning out the liver to prime your bodys metabolism
foi long teim weight loss. Then, giving you an easy plan to follow foi as
long as you choose to!

!%"- 7 8*- 9+5 (0 :#;+2<
To iiu youi bouy of fat peimanently, you neeu to cleanse youi bouy of
toxins. 0vei the yeais, youi bouy has accumulateu toxins fiom
piocesseu foous, pollution, anu chemicals in the enviionment. These
toxins accumulate in youi fat cells. If you iemove the fat cells, you can
iemove the toxins.
What sepaiates this piogiam fiom othei piogiams is you will bieak
youi minu anu bouy uown, anu then builu it back up. In the piocess, you
will change youi lifestyle.

Principle #3 Lifestyle-Un-Diet

giant poition of youi belly fat (anu bouy fat foi that mattei) is
uue to thiee things: (1) incoiiect uiet, (2) pooily functioning
livei, anu (S) a cloggeu up Colon.
If you finu youiself eating a laige amount of piocesseu foous, uaiiy
piouucts, ieu meat, pieseivatives, etc., you aie ingesting an enoimous
amount of toxins. These toxins oveiwhelm youi two main uetoxification
organsthats right, you guessed it: your <1G5# anu youi B2<2,. Since this
happens ovei a long peiiou of time, youi livei anu colon become
sluggish, slowing youi metabolism.
4@599 (:"$ $:5A "<92 /2E
Shuttle excess toxins into fat cells. In most people, this fat is shuttleu to
the belly, butt, hips, oi thighs. The aieas close to those 2 oigans.
=29$ B#@B1"< 9$50 1, $:5 0#2F#"Ia ;<5",1,F )@$ `2@# '1G5#
Let me tell you a story
Long ago, there were two lumberjacks competing to see who
could cut down the most trees in a day. The entire town gathered
round the forest to watch this event. Early in the morning, the
contest started and both men were chopping away. Each man
swinging and swinging, with trees falling left and right. Suddenly,
the second lumbar jack stopped and sat down under a tree. He
pulled out a file and started sharpening his axe. In the
meantime, the first lumberjack kept chopping down the trees. All
the people stood there in amazement and disbelief. They couldnt
believe the second lumberjack had stopped to take a break! They
started talking about how there was no way he could win now.
After half an hour of sharpening his axe, the second lumberjack
stood up, and started swinging. The trees fell left, and right. At

the end of the day, there were two piles of wood. The
townspeople were astonished to see that the second lumberjack
was the clear winner! His pile was twice as high as the first
lumberjacks. The first lumberjack, amazed, walked over to
congratulate the older, wiser, second lumberjack. He then asked
him: How did you do it?
The second lumberjack laughed. Well, he said. While you kept
hacking away with your axe, I simply took the time to sharpen
mine so that it was much more effective. I then was able to cut
down twice as many as you could, because your blade was so
dull from overuse.
=>%- 5# ? ,%2- @#A -# B*%"2 0"#& ->+<C
If we take the time to piepaie oui bouies anu metabolism, oui iesults
will be better. Isnt that what you want? That is what Fat Loss Factor is
baseu on: a smait appioach that helps youi bouy achieve maximum fat
loss anu keep the fat off!
D#, 5# ? E2#, +0 &@ B+)*" +< <BA$$+<>C
Inuiviuuals who have sluggish liveis aie likely to uisplay any oi seveial
of the following health issues:
Bigh cholesteiol anu tiiglyceiiues
Non-insulin uepenuent uiabetes (Type II), insulin iesistance, oi
Synuiome X
Weight gain, especially aiounu the abuomen
Bifficulty losing weight
Immune system uysfunction
C:"$ $:5 :5BQ /259 A2@# <1G5# /2 ",A("AM ",/ (:"$ /259 1$ :"G5 $2 /2
(1$: <291,F (51F:$E

FA2G-+#2< #0 ->* /+)*"
The livei opeiates like a complicateu filteiing mechanism, bieaking
uown fat anu cleaning out substances that can haim the bouy. To
accomplish this, it uses a substance called bile, a greenish (sometimes
yellowish-biown) liquiu that cleanses the oigans anu bloou. The bile
fluius aie ieciiculateu thioughout the entiie enteiohepatic system up to
eight times each uay. Foi a peison to lose weight, the oveiall
composition of this ciiculating fluiu shoulu be low in fat anuoi toxins;
otheiwise, excessive weight gain iesults as the bouy ieacts natuially to
these chemicals.
It is ciitical that the livei iegulates fat metabolism efficiently. If it fails to
uo so, weight gain will occui anu fat accumulates in all the wiong
placesusually in the belly iegion, aims, aiounu the buttocks, anu in
othei places wheie bouy fat is commonly founu. Fat ueposits in these
iegions aie often a sign of an unhealthy, pooily functioningoi even a
completely uysfunctionallivei. In a scenaiio wheie the livei stops
functioning piopeily, the situation iesembles a filtei cloggeu with
waste, fat, toxins, anu othei uebiis, anu it ultimately fails to peifoim its
job. Small globules of fat begin to ciiculate in the bloou stieam,
unabateu, anu they wieak havoc on the vaiious oigans of the bouy anu
ultimately they foim cellulite ueposits.
If the livei becomes uysfunctional in any way, the fat ueposits will
accumulate anu almost ceitainly iemain on the bouy. 0vei time, as the
bouy ages in yeais, moie toxins (anu fat) oveibuiuen the livei anu its
filteiing function is impaiieu. As a iesult, moie age on a bouy often
iesults in a cloggeu filteiing mechanism (the livei) anu this makes it
uifficultoi even impossible in some casesto lose weight, no mattei
how active we become. Even though a peison woiks out in the gym oi is
active in othei ways, the fat iemains, anu this is piimaiily uue to a
uysfunctional livei. As you can see, it is veiy ciitical to keep youi livei
healthy anu functioning piopeily.
]2( B", 7:5 D"$ '299 D"B$2# :5<0E

7:5 D"$ '299 D"B$2# shows you how to maintain a healthy livei, one that
functions optimally anu filteis youi system so you can buin fat all uay
long, seven uays a week. Even while you sleep! This is what 7:5 D"$ '299
D"B$2# will uo foi you.
Although the livei has liteially hunuieus of functions, some aie fai moie
critical to the body than others. Lets first look at a few geneial statistics
to get an unueistanuing of the livei opeiations anu the magnituue of
theii impact on the bouy.
Bepenuing on foou intake, the livei piouuces between 2Su ml anu
1 litei of bile pei uay.
To keep the bouy healthy, the livei peifoims moie than 4uu
functions each uay.
The livei is the most complex oigan in the bouy.
It is the seconu laigest oigan (the skin is the laigest) anu locateu
on the uppei iight siue of the abuomen, above the stomach.
The livei filteis anu uetoxifies moie than 1,4uu liteis (1,479
quaits) of bloou uaily.
The livei has eight inuepenuent segments, anu a peison can
suivive with a loss of up to 7u% of the livei, if the iemaining
poition is healthy.
The livei is #5F5,5#"$1G5, unlike most othei bouy tissues, anu
uepenuing on its health, when uamageu it can ietuin to some
peicentage of its oiiginal capacity.
8&b-) B90$1"-0# -. 1C( D">()
1. H*-#;+0+G%-+#2 #0 ->* IB##5J The livei is iesponsible foi uetoxifying
the bloou anu iemoving poisons such as alcohol anu othei foieign
agents. If the livei is not functioning piopeily, its ability to uetoxify is
hinueieu anu those foieign agents will continue to ciiculate anu cause
uamage. Fatty stiuctuies aie only one example. 0thei toxins can iun

iampant, anu uncheckeu can uo seiious haim to a bouy with a
uysfunctional livei.
2. K*-%I#B+L* 5"A$<J The liver is also the bodys mechanism to
metabolize uiugs. The livei may make the fiist mouification to a uiug,
following which the mouifieu substance ciiculates anu has othei effects
on the bouy. If the livei functions impiopeily, uiugs can bypass this
mouification piocess anu move into the bouy unchangeu, anu significant
haim can iesult.
S. M@2->*<*< #0 I+B* %25 ->* 0#"&%-+#2 #0 I+B* <%B-<J The bouy iequiies
bile salts in the bieakuown anu absoiption of cholesteiol anu vaiious
fat-soluble substances, incluuing ciitical vitamins. The livei also is
instiumental in the basic cieation of eneigy. To accomplish this, it
bieaks uown amino acius, anu the toxins anu bypiouucts of this piocess
aie ultimately excieteu thiough the uiine.
4. !"#G*<<+2$ %25 *;G"*-+#2 #0 >#"&#2*<J vaiious hoimones, incluuing
steioius, aie excieteu by the livei into the bile. The livei also excietes
calcium. The bouy is confionteu uaily with a baiiage of estiogen-like
chemicals that have a toxic effect anu can leau to majoi health pioblems
if not uetoxifieu by the livei.
S. N+-%&+2 %25 &+2*"%B <-#"%$*L The livei synthesizes anu stoies
vitamins anu mineials, such as A, B12, B, anu E, which aie then helu in
soit of a queue in the livei. When the bouy iequiies a ceitain vitamin,
the liver releases the needed component from this vitamin storage
6. H*<-"#@ 0#"*+$2 %$*2-<J Bamageu ieu anu white bloou cells anu
othei foieign agents, such as bacteiia, aie uestioyeu thiough the
piocess of 0:"F2BA$2919.
7. OB##5 <A$%" &#5*"%-+#2J The livei is the chief moueiatoi of bloou
sugai (oi bloou glucose) anu iegulates bloou sugai levels between
meals. If bloou sugai concentiations fall to uangeious levelspossibly

uue to insufficient nutiients oi lack of foou, oi excessive exeicisethe
pancieas ieleases hoimones that cause the livei to 1,B#5"95 bloou sugai
levels. Conveisely, if these levels iiseuue to a meal, snack, oi othei
nutiient intakethe pancieas ieleases a uiffeient hoimone, the effect of
which ultimately causes the livei to conveit glucose into glycogen, anu
in tuin this piompts cells in the bouy to "?92#? bloou sugai, thus
loweiing the levels. In this fashion, the livei is extiemely impoitant in
the iegulation of bloou sugai.
It shoulu be eviuent that if the livei fails to function piopeily, an
assoitment of complications can iesult, affecting funuamental bouily
piocesses such as uigestion, eneigy levels, anu accumulation of weight
in the bouy (in fat ueposits anu cellulite).
Anu the piocess compounus on itself. 0nce fat has accumulateu in the
bouyuue to pooi uiet anu lack of exeicisethe livei also becomes
fatty anu buiueneu with its own stoie of fatty ueposits. Like a huge
elephant laboiing up a steep incline, the livei falteis in its noimal
opeiations anu its ability to bieak uown anu iemove excess fat fiom the
bloou uiminishes. The fat ciiculates thioughout the system uncheckeu
(oi haiuly so), anu this leaus to fuithei weight gain.
Anu one of the uiawbacks of this is that toxins 1,B#5"95 in the bouy. If
the livei is malfunctioning anu unable to peifoim its uaily uuties, toxins
builu up in the fat stoies of the bouy, wheie they can sit inuefinitely.
Anu the piesence of vaiious toxins can auveisely affect the livei. Since
the livei is iesponsible foi piocessing toxins, it is susceptible to uamage
in the event a toxin aiiives that it cannot hanule.

+-Z"0# 1C( D">() 89#1 ;)-$(##
Below aie some of the toxins the livei encounteis:
Aiiboine pollutants
Caipet fibeis
Biy-cleaning chemicals
Watei pollutants
Recieational uiugs
Fuinituie chemicals
Bouseholu cleaning piouucts
Peisonal hygiene piouucts
Foou pieseivatives
Aitificial sweeteneis
It is neaily impossible to avoiu these toxins as they peimeate oui
enviionment. Even so, we must uo eveiything we can to limit oui
exposuie. Baving a conscious unueistanuing anu awaieness will go a
long way to accomplishing that.
Toxins that aie not piopeily piocesseu enu up being stoieu in fat cells.
Since some of these cells iesiue in the biain, auveise emotional effects
can iesult, which may leau to mental uistuibances anu iepiouuctive
uisoiueis. As you can see fiom this uiscussion, weight gain is not just
about auuing a few pounus heie anu theie; in auuition, theie aie othei
seiious implications. All the moie ieason to eat healthy anu avoiu junk

B&1 D-## B&$1-) U)(#(01# 1?- U)"'&)7 #($1"-0# )(%&1(6 1- 6"(12
+9)0 7-9) %">() "01- & '(1&,-%"$ .&1 ,9)0"0< .9)0&$(
F%- /#<< F%G-#" D".(#17%( T0F6"(1
To accomplish the fiist of these, we neeu to ieuuce oui toxic buiuen by
limiting junk meals, unhealthy fast-foou, anu those toxins listeu above.
In shoit we neeu to impiove fatty aciu metabolism anu piotect the livei.
B&1 D-## B&$1-) D">() /%(&0#"0<[Y(&%"0<[8(1&,-%"$ 5--#1"0<
'5I2, C"$5# This tiny little change in youi uaily
habit can piouuce huge uiffeiences in youi
health and weight loss! Lets just
say that you aie piiming the
pump foi the iest of the piogiam.
The benefits of the lemon watei aie:
Aius in uigestion anu waste excietion
Piomotes immune system anu heait health
Rich in beneficial calcium anu potassium mineials

!>%<* . 3 K%<-*" PB*%2<* QR -# .S 5%@<T
:>* PB*%2<*
Fiist we uo a cleanse that lasts thiee to ten uays (this step is optional
anu foi auvanceu useis).
=>@ H# ? U**5 :# PB*%2<*C
When functioning coiiectly, the livei bieaks uown anu assists in
buining fat foi the bouy. That is, when woiking coiiectly, it will keep us
slim. Toxins, on the othei hanu, get stoieu in fatty tissue anu block the

actions of fat-buining enzymes, hoimones anu nutiients. Theiefoie, not
only uo toxins cause the livei to become fatty, but they aie also stoieu
within the livei with the fat. The pioblem with this is obvious. The livei
is the piimaiy oigan that eliminates toxins. If it is oveibuiueneu uue to
fatty contents, it must woik haiuei to caiiy out its uay-to-uay
Thus a gentle cleanse is supei effective in iemoving the bouy of toxins
anu allowing the noimal piocesses of the livei to cleai anu buin fat.
=>%- ?0 ? >%)* H+%I*-*<C =+BB ->* &%<-*" GB*%2<* ,#"E 0#" &*C
Yes, but as always, you neeu to make suie to consult with youi health
caie piofessional befoie uoing any type of uetox oi cleanse oi weight
loss exeicise piogiam. I uiu some checking aiounu on the Inteinet anu
on the site, I was able to locate some alteinative
cleanse iecipes foi uiabetics:
The alteinative iecipe you can use if you aie suffeiing fiom Biabetes
Nellitus Type 2. As an alteinative foi cayenne peppei anu maple syiup,
cinnamon anu Agave syiup can be useu. }ust in case you aie suffeiing
fiom Biabetes Nellitus Type 1, consultation with youi uoctoi is neeueu.

K%<-*" PB*%2<* H+%I*-*< K*BB+-A< :@6* 7 9*G+6*
About two tablespoons fieshly squeezeu lime oi lemon juice
(nevei use fiozen juice, fiozen fiuit anu canneu juice).
Agave syiup at one tablespoon
Cinnamon at a tenth teaspoon
Watei in ioom tempeiatuie anu at about eight ounce

Nix the Agave syiup, cinnamon anu lime oi lemon juice in a liuueu
containei oi in a glass of about ten ounces. Fill it with watei anu
piopeily shake oi stii the foimula. You can now ingest the foimula anu
accompany it with a capsule of cayenne syiup.
Relationship of Agave Syiup in the Nastei Cleanse Recipe foi Biabetes
Nellitus Type 2
The ulycemic Inuex (uI) ueteimines how caibohyuiates affect youi
bloou sugai levels. It specifies the iate glucose is ieleaseu into youi
bloou. Foi example, youi uI will be highei when theie is a iapiu
bieakuown of the caibohyuiates you have taken in. A low uI is bettei
foi Biabetes Nellitus Type 2 patients. Below aie the uI levels foi some
populai sweeteneis. Compaie these to Agave syiup, which has a uI level
of 27.
Q?((1(0() \%7$('"$ M06(Z
Naple Syiup S4
Boney 62
Table Sugai 64
Naltose 1uu
Agave Syiup 27

The piimaiy souice of Agave syiup is Agave plant. This is a plant similai
to cactus anu is mostly founu in Nexico. Agave syiup is one of the best
Biabetes Nellitus Type 2 alteinative sweeteneis. Noieovei, this is the
healthiest sweetenei you can finu on the maiket.

Relationship of Cinnamon in the Nastei Cleanse Recipe foi Biabetes
Nellitus Type 2 Patients
Nuch ieseaich has been uone on the benefits of cinnamon to Biabetes
Nellitus Type 2 patients. Cinnamon has antioxiuant piopeities anu also
helps manage cholesteiol anu sugai levels in the bouy. Noieovei,
people who incluue cinnamon in theii uiet have expeiienceu ieuuceu
caiuiovasculai uisease. Because of this, cinnamon is piefeiieu foi the
uiet of Biabetes Nellitus Type 2 patients.
Nevei uisiegaiu piofessional meuical auvice oi uelay in seeking
assistance with something you have ieau in the eBook oi on the
associateu website. This is only a suggesteu mouification to the Nastei
Cleanse, anu we accept no iesponsibility foi youi uecision to follow this
cleanse. Also iemembei that theie aie many uiffeient cleanses available
that can be useu in Phase one of 7:5 D"$ <299 D"B$2#.
A laige peicentage of youi belly fat (anu bouy fat foi that mattei) iesults
fiom the following: (1) incoiiect uiet, (2) pooily functioning livei, anu
(S) a cloggeu up colon.
If you finu youiself eating a laige amount of piocesseu foous, uaiiy
piouucts, ieu meat, pieseivatives, etc., you aie ingesting an enoimous
amount of toxins. These toxins oveiwhelm youi two main uetoxification
organs thats right, you guessed it: your liver and your colon. Since this
happens ovei a long peiiou of time, youi livei anu colon become
sluggish, slowing youi metabolism.
8A*<< ,>%- ->*@ %B<# 5#C
They shuttle excess toxins into fat cells. In most people, this fat is
shuttleu to the belly, butt, hips, oi thighs, the aieas close to those two
!>%<* 7V :>* 9%, F##5< H+*-
U(:WV .*$5# $:5 *1#9$ (55Q 2, $:5 B<5",95M 1* 1$ 9$1<< *55<9 F22/ $2 A2@ ",/
A2@ "#5 9551,F 0#2F#599M B2,$1,@5 2,L

The Raw Foous Biet consists of one to two weeks of RAW foou,
primarily alkaline. Our body is designed to stay alkaline, which means
the bloou neeus to be less aciuic, anu the bouy will tiy to keep its
alkalinity. When we consume aciuic foous anu uiinks, stop exeicising,
anu have negative emotions, oui bouy is oveiiun with acius. This causes
majoi uysfunctions anu leaus to obesity anu a host of othei illnesses.
When the bouy is aciuic, it also holus onto fat. When the livei is sluggish,
these acius anu toxins aie shuttleu to fat cells, wheie they aie stoieu.
(Can you see why it woulu be haiu to get iiu of this stubboin fat.)
Not suipiisingly, aciuic foous aie known to be bau foi you (cola, chips,
chocolate, sweets, buigeis, uaiiy, beei etc.), anu alkaline foous aie those
you piobably alieauy know aie goou foi you (fiesh iaw foous, leafy
gieen vegetables, salaus, nuts, seeus etc.).
To become alkaline, start focusing 70-8u% of youi uiet on alkaline
foous anu tiy to limit oi eliminate aciuic foous. Back this up with thiee
to foui liteis of goou quality, clean, filteieu watei each uay, anu you will
be veiy pleasantly suipiiseu by the way you feel.
Buman bloou pB shoulu be slightly alkaline (7.SS - 7.4S). Below oi
above this iange can leau to negative symptoms anu uisease. A pB of 7.u
is neutial. A pB below 7.u is aciuic. A pB above 7.u is alkaline.
7:5 0] 9B"<5 19 *#2I \L\ $2 &PL\
An aciuic pB can iesult fiom an aciu foiming uiet, emotional stiess, toxic
oveiloau, anu oi immune ieactions oi any piocess that uepiives the
cells of oxygen anu othei nutiients. The bouy tiies to compensate foi
aciuic pB by using alkaline mineials. If the uiet uoes not contain enough
mineials to compensate, a builuup of acius in the cells will occui.
An aciuic balance will: (1) decrease the bodys ability to absorb minerals
anu othei nutiients, (2) ueciease the eneigy piouuction in the cells, (S)
ueciease its ability to iepaii uamageu cells, (4) ueciease its ability to
uetoxify heavy metals, (S) make tumoi cells thiive, anu (6) make the

bouy moie susceptible to fatigue anu illness. A bloou pB of 6.9, which is
only slightly aciuic, can inuuce coma anu ueath.
The ieason aciuosis is moie common in oui society is mostly uue to the
typical Ameiican uiet, which is fai too high in aciu piouucing animal
piouucts like meat, eggs anu uaiiy, anu fai too low in alkaline piouucing
foous like fiesh vegetables. Auuitionally, we eat aciu piouucing
piocesseu foous like white floui anu sugai anu uiink aciu piouucing
beveiages like coffee anu soft uiinks. We use too many uiugs, which aie
aciu foiming, anu we use aitificial chemical sweeteneis like NutiaSweet,
Spoonful, Sweet N Low, Equal, or Aspartame, which are mildly
poisonous anu extiemely aciu foiming. 0ne of the best things we can uo
to coiiect an oveily aciu bouy is to clean up the uiet anu lifestyle.
To maintain health, the uiet shoulu consist of 6u% alkaline foiming
foous anu 4u% aciu foiming foous. To iestoie health, the uiet shoulu
consist of 8u% alkaline foiming foous anu 2u% aciu foiming foous.
ueneially, alkaline foiming foous incluue: most fiuits, gieen vegetables,
peas, beans, lentils, spices, heibs anu seasonings, anu seeus anu nuts.
ueneially, aciu foiming foous incluue: meat, fish, poultiy, eggs, giains,
anu legumes. * (exceipt taken fiom

=>@ 9%, F##5<C
Raw fiuits, vegetables, nuts anu seeus aie all chock full of nutiients.
What specifically sets them apait is the fact that they have live enzymes
in them that natuially heal anu iepaii the bouy. When you cook foou,
you stait to kill off the nutiition anu the enzymes. This is wheie the
term enriched comes in. Whenever you see that word on a food label,
it means that theyve taken the nutrition out of the food and then put it
back in, hence they have enriched it.
M# ,>%- &%E*< % 0##5 %G+5 #" %BE%B+2*C
Theie aie seveial things, but the most impoitant iules aie:
If a foou is high in alkaline mineials incluuing magnesium, potassium,
calcium oi souium, it is likely to be alkaline to the bouy.
B0T iegaiuless of its alkaline mineial content, if any of the following
aie tiue, then it will be aciuifying:
Contains sugai
Contains yeast
Is feimenteu (like soy sauce)
Contains fungi (like mushiooms)
Is iefineu, miciowaveu, oi piocesseu
The below chait is foi those trying to adjust their bodys pH level. The
pB scale is fiom u to 14, with levels below 7 being aciuic (low on
oxygen) anu numbeis above 7 alkaline. An aciuic bouy is a sickness anu
a fat magnet. What you eat and drink will impact where your bodys
pB level falls. Balance is Key!

c=+NK Foi the next one to two weeks youi goal shoulu be 9u-1uu% iaw
foous pickeu fiom the alkaline foous list below.
222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Alfalfa Coin
Bailey uiass Lentils
Beet uieens 0lives
Beets Wintei Squash
Cabbage Bluebeiiies
Caiiot Canneu oi ulazeu Fiuits
Cauliflowei Cianbeiiies
Celeiy Cuiiants
Chaiu uieens Plums**
Chloiella Piunes**
Cucumbei Amaianth
Banuelions Bailey
Bulce Bian, oat

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Euible Floweis Bian, wheat
Eggplant Bieau
Feimenteu veggies Coin
uailic Coinstaich
uieen Beans Ciackeis, soua
uieen Peas Floui, wheat
Kale Floui, white
Kohliabi Bemp Seeu Floui
Lettuce Kamut
Nushiooms Nacaioni
Nustaiu uieens Nooules
Nightshaue veggies 0atmeal
0nions 0ats (iolleu)
Paisnips (high glycemic) Quinoa
Peas Rice (all)
Peppeis Rice Cakes
Pumpkin Rye
Rauishes Spaghetti

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Rutabaga Spelt
Sea veggies Wheat ueim
Spinach, gieen Wheat
Spiouts Almonu Nilk
Sweet Potatoes Black Beans
Tomatoes Chick Peas
Wateiciess uieen Peas
Wheat uiass Kiuney Beans
Wilu uieens Lentils
Baikon Reu Beans
Banuelion Root Rice Nilk
Kombu Soy Beans
Naitake Soy Nilk
Noii White Beans
Shitake Buttei

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
0meboshi Cheese
Wakame Cheese, Piocesseu
Apple Ice Nilk
Avocauo Cashews
Banana (high glycemic) Legumes
Beiiies Peanut Buttei
Blackbeiiies Peanuts
Cantaloupe Pecans
Cheiiies, soui Tahini
Coconut, fiesh Walnuts
Bates, uiieu Bacon
Figs, uiieu Beef
uiapes Caip
uiapefiuit Clams
Boneyuew Nelon Cou

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Lemon Coineu Beef
Lime Fish
Nuskmelons Bauuock
Nectaiine Lamb
0iange Lobstei
Peach Nussels
Peai 0igan Neats
Pineapple 0ystei
Raisins Pike
Raspbeiiies Poik
Rhubaib Rabbit
Stiawbeiiies Salmon
Tangeiine Saiuines
Tomato Sausage
Tiopical Fiuits Scallops
0meboshi Plums Shellfish
Wateimelon Shiimp

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Almonus Tuikey
Chestnuts veal
Nillet venison
Tempeh (feimenteu) ACIBIFYINu FATS & 0ILS
Tofu (feimenteu) Avocauo 0il
Whey Piotein Powuei Buttei
Stevia Coin 0il
Chili Peppei Bemp Seeu 0il
Cinnamon Laiu
Cuiiy 0live 0il
uingei Safflowei 0il
Beibs (all) Sesame 0il
Niso Sunflowei 0il
Sea Salt Caiob
Tamaii Coin Syiup

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Alkaline Antioxiuant Watei Nutia-sweet
Apple Ciuei vinegai Aspaitame
Bee Pollen Sucialose
Fiesh Fiuit }uice Neotame
uieen }uices ACIBIFYINu ALC0B0L
Lecithin uianules Beei
Nineial Watei Baiu Liquoi
Nolasses, blackstiap Spiiits
Piobiotic Cultuies Wine
Souieu Baiiy Piouucts ACIBIFYINu 0TBER F00BS
veggie }uices Catsup
Calcium: pB 12 Coffee
Cesium: pB 14 Nustaiu
Nagnesium: pB 9 Peppei
Potassium: pB 14 Soft Biinks
Souium: pB 14 vinegai

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Although it might seem that citius fiuits woulu
have an aciuifying effect on the bouy, the citiic
aciu they contain actually has an alkalinizing
effect in the system. Note that a foods acid or
alkaline foiming tenuency in the bouy has
nothing to uo with the actual pB of the foou
itself. Foi example, lemons aie veiy aciuic,
howevei the enu piouucts they piouuce aftei
uigestion anu assimilation aie veiy alkaline so,
lemons aie alkaline foiming in the bouy.
Likewise, meat will test alkaline befoie
uigestion, but it leaves a veiy aciuic iesiuue in
the bouy so, like neaily all animal piouucts,
meat is veiy aciu foiming.
Biugs, Neuicinal
Biugs, Psycheuelic
Beei: pB 2.S
Coca-Cola: pB 2
Coffee: pB 4
** These foous leave an alkaline ash but have
an aciuifying effect on the bouy.
Theie aie seveial veisions of the Aciuic anu Alkaline Foou chait to be founu in uiffeient books anu
on the Inteinet. The following foous aie sometimes attiibuteu to the aciuic siue of the chait anu
sometimes to the alkaline side. Remember, you dont need to adhere strictly to the alkaline side of
the chait, just make suie a goou peicentage of the foous you eat come fiom the alkaline siue. The
foous below can be eaten in moueiation.
Biazil Nuts Naple Syiup

222OD^ODMcN B==!Q222 222O/M!M/ B==!Q222
Biussel Spiouts Nilk
Buckwheat Nuts
Cashews 0iganic Nilk (unpasteuiizeu)
Chicken Potatoes, white
Coin Pumpkin Seeus
Cottage Cheese Quinoa
Eggs Saueikiaut
Flax Seeus Soy Piouucts
uieen Tea Spiouteu Seeus
Beibal Tea Squashes
Boney Sunflowei Seeus
Kombucha Tomatoes
Lima Beans Yoguit
* These statements have not been evaluateu by the Foou anu Biug Auministiation anu aie not
intenueu to uiagnose, tieat, cuie, oi pievent any uisease; ieseaich is ongoing.

K%2%$+2$ F"A+-<
;@$ ?"BQ 2, *#@1$9b
Yes, I said it. Youve heard all your life that fruits are healthy and help
you lose weight.
This is just a half truth. Heres the real story
Fiuit is full of fiuctose, which is much moie ieauily tiansfoimeu to fat
insiue the livei than glucose is. So when you aie eating a lot of fiuit, it is
being stoieu as fat. This coulu be the #1 ieason why people who eat
healthy cant lose weight. They are eating too much fruit! Fiuit exits the
liver as fat, so it doesnt cause those insulin spikes. It is also low
glycemic, and contains fiber and lots of vitamins and minerals. I dont
eliminate fiuit fiom my uiet, but I now eat it in moueiation. About 1Su
to Suu giams a uay.
The best way to appioach this is to just eat moie iaw veggies anu a little
bit of fiuit eveiy uay. Youi livei will be happiei anu youi weight loss
effoits moie successful!

/+)*" PB*%2+2$ F##5<
(Fiom Bi. Euwaiu uioup)
To give youi livei a boost,
make suie you incluue these
foous in youi uaily uiet.
Tiy to auu at least 2 to 4
seivings a uay.
32 \&)%"$
}ust a small amount of this pungent white bulb has the ability to activate
livei enzymes that help youi bouy flush out toxins. uailic also holus

high amounts of allicin anu selenium, two natuial compounus that aiu in
livei cleansing.
J2 \)&U(.)9"1
Bigh in both vitamin C anu antioxiuants, giapefiuit incieases the natuial
cleansing piocesses of the livei. A small glass of fieshly-squeezeu
giapefiuit juice will help boost piouuction of livei uetoxification
enzymes that help flush out caicinogens anu othei toxins.
H2 5((1# &06 /&))-1#
Both of these vegetables aie high in plant-flavonoius anu beta-caiotene.
Eating beets anu caiiots can help stimulate anu impiove oveiall livei
:2 \)((0 +(&
This livei-loving beveiage is
chock-full of plant antioxiuants
known as catechins, a constituent
that assists the livers overall functions.
Green tea is not only delicious, but its
also a gieat way to impiove youi uiet.
@2 D(&.7 \)((0 d(<(1&,%(#
Leafy gieens can be eaten iaw, cookeu, oi juiceu. They aie extiemely
high in plant chloiophylls anu absoib enviionmental toxins fiom the
bloou stieam. With theii uistinct ability to neutialize heavy metals,
chemicals anu pesticiues, these cleansing foous offei a poweiful
piotective mechanism foi the livei.
Tiy bittei gouiu, aiugula, uanuelion gieens, spinach, mustaiu gieens,
anu chicoiy into youi uiet. These will inciease the cieation anu flow of

A2 O>-$&6-#
This nutiient-uense supei-foou helps the bouy piouuce glutathione,
which is necessaiy foi the livei to cleanse
haimful toxins. Recent stuuies inuicate
impioveu livei health when avocauos aie
ingesteu iegulaily.
V2 OUU%(#
Bigh in pectin, apples holu the chemical
constituents neeueu foi the bouy to cleanse
anu ielease toxins fiom the uigestive tiact.
This, in tuin, makes it easiei foi the livei to
hanule the toxic loau uuiing the cleansing
E2 =%">( ="%
Colu-piesseu oiganic oils such as olive, hemp, anu flax-seeu aie gieat foi
the livei, when useu in moueiation. They help the bouy by pioviuing a
lipiu base that can suck up haimful toxins. In this way, it takes some of
the buiuen off the livei.
S2 PC-%( \)&"0#
uiains, such as biown iice, aie iich in B-complex vitamins, nutiients
known to impiove oveiall fat metabolization, livei function, anu livei
uecongestion. If possible, uo not eat foous with white floui; insteau, tiy
eating whole-wheat alteinatives.
342 /)9$".()-9# d(<(1&,%(#
Eating bioccoli anu cauliflowei will inciease the glucosinolate in youi
system, auuing to enzyme piouuction in the livei. These natuial
enzymes help flush caicinogens anu othei toxins fiom the bouy, which
significantly loweis oui iisk of cancei.

332 D('-0# e D"'(#
These citius fiuits contain veiy high amounts of vitamin C, which aius
the bouy in synthesizing toxic mateiial into a substance that can be
absoibeu by watei. Biinking fieshly squeezeu lemon oi lime juice in the
moining helps stimulate the livei.
3J2 P&%091#
Boluing high amount of the amino aciu
aiginine, walnuts aiu the livei in uetoxifying
ammonia. Walnuts aie also high in glutathione
anu omega-S fatty acius, which suppoit noimal
livei cleansing actions. Nake suie you chew the
nuts well (until they aie liquefieu) befoie swallowing.
3H2 /&,,&<(
Nuch like bioccoli anu cauliflowei, eating cabbage helps stimulate the
activation of two ciucial livei uetoxifying enzymes. Tiy eating moie
kimchi, coleslaw, cabbage soup, anu saueikiaut.
3:2 +9'()"$K The livers favorite spice. Tiy auuing some of this
uetoxifying goouness into youi next lentil stew oi veggie uish foi an
instant livei pick-me-up. Tuimeiic helps boost livei uetoxification by
assisting enzymes that actively flush out known uietaiy caicinogens.
0thei livei cleanse foous not listeu above aie aitichoke, aspaiagus, kale
anu Biussels spiouts.
Special Thanks to Bi. uioup foi that exhaustive list. Now, we will be
integiating those in oui meals, anu you shoulu also be woiking those
into youi uiet, anywheie you can.

H3?3W3: 4 F#A"3/*--*" =#"5
The first three letters of DIET, spellDIE. That is what happens to
youi metabolism as you yo-yo on anu off the many populai uiet plans.
Each time you fall off the diet band wagon, it becomes harder to get
back on.
Heres why: When you uiastically cut caloiies, youi bouy goes into
starvation mode. Your metabolism slows to a snails pace because it
anticipates a peiiou of famine, anu it is tiying to conseive. This natuial
iesponse makes it uifficult to lose the fat you uesiie. To compounu this
pioblem, youi bouy then uumps the most eneigetically expensive tissue
muscle! So you enu up losing muscle anu stoiing fat, the complete
opposite of what you neeu to uo to lose weight.
In this section, we will focus on eating foous with high theimic effects
(to boost metabolism). These foou gioups aie pioteins anu fibeis
containing complex caibohyuiates.
Youi uigestive tiact neeus exeicise, anu it expenus eneigy just like you
uo. When you eat whole foous, oi foous that aie in theii natuial state,
youi uigestive tiact has to buin caloiies to bieak uown the foou, which
in tuin incieases youi metabolism.
Pioteins have the highest theimic effect of all foous. In this phase of the
piogiam, we will focus on eating lean meats, such as chicken, tuikey,
fish, anu wilu game. Reu meat shoulu be eaten one to two times pei
week because of its high satuiateu fat content. Complex caibohyuiates
come in a close seconu foi metabolism boosteis. These incluue fibious
vegetables, whole giains, biown iice, yams, beans, anu oatmeal.
Caibohyuiates (caibs) aie simple anu complex sugais that the bouy
uses as eneigy. They also holu watei in youi tissues.

M+&6B* P%"I#>@5"%-*<
Also calleu simple sugais. Simple sugais aie typically sweet-tasting
(glucose ueiives fiom the uieek word for sweet) and are rapidly
metabolizeu by the bouy anu conveiteu into eneigy. Simple sugais neeu
almost no uigesting. They can entei the blooustieam immeuiately.
Examples aie: table sugai, fiuit juice, canuy, fiuit, syiups, etc.
Simple caibs (except fiuctose) aie typically high on the glycemic inuex,
so they tenu to cause a iapiu iise in bloou sugai. They aie iueal foi
eneigy but not so goou foi appetite anu bloou glucose contiol.

P#&6B*; P%"I#>@5"%-*<
Also calleu complex sugais. These aie many sugais put togethei.
Because the moleculai stiuctuie of complex caibohyuiates is moie
complicateu, the bouy cannot metabolize them (conveit them) into
eneigy as quickly as simple caibs. This means complex caibs iaise bloou
glucose levels moie slowly.
The most common foim of polysacchaiiue complex caib is staich, which
is founu in plants. Common plant-baseu staichy foous incluue bieakfast
ceieals, bieau, potatoes, pasta anu iice.
C2#/ 2* ;"@$12,a Consumption of too many caibs will senu youi bloou
sugai hoimones thiough the ioof! Too much insulin leaus to fat stoiage
anu subsequently to type II uiabetes. The best way to pievent this
uisease is by not oveiloauing youiself with sugai, especially piocesseu,
unnatuial sugais like the bau caibs listeu above.

8B@G*&+G ?25*;
This is a ianking system that tells how caibohyuiates affect youi bloou
sugai levels. It measuies how much youi bloou glucose incieases two to
thiee houis aftei eating. The best authoiity on this is Baviu Nenuosa.
uo heie foi moie infoimation:

F+I*" XS F#" /+0*
This will be one of the most impoitant changes you will auu to youi
lifestyle un-uiet:
7"Q5 P\ F#"I9 2* *1?5# 05# /"A *2# 'JDTb
Fibei is goou foi cleaiing youi uigestive tiact of toxins anu it also keeps
youi bowels moving. Theie aie 2 types of fibei: 1,92<@?<5 anu 92<@?<5.
Beie aie the uiffeiences:

FA2G-+#2< 425 O*2*0+-< (0 ?2<#BAIB* F+I*"
Noves bulk thiough the intestines
Contiols anu balance the pB (aciuity) in the intestines

O*2*0+-< (0 ?2<#BAIB* F+I*"
Piomotes iegulai bowel movement anu pievent constipation
Noves toxic waste thiough the colon in less time
Belps pievent colon cancei by keeping an optimal pB in
intestines to pievent miciobes fiom piouucing canceious
Keeps unwanteu pounus off

F##5 M#A"G*< (0 ?2<#BAIB* F+I*"
vegetables such as gieen beans anu uaik gieen leafy vegetables
Fiuit skins anu ioot vegetable skins
Whole-giain piouucts
Wheat oat
Coin bian
Seeus & nuts
FA2G-+#2< (0 M#BAIB* F+I*"
Foims a gelatinous substance when mixeu with watei
Binus with fatty acius
Piolongs stomach emptying time so sugai is ieleaseu anu
absorbed more slowly, which means your body wont get blood
sugai spikes
Binus with toxic substances in the bowel anu uiaws it out of
youi system
O*2*0+-< (0 M#BAIB* F+I*"
Lowers your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the bad
cholesteiol), theiefoie ieuucing the iisk of heait uisease
Regulates bloou sugai
Expanus in youi stomach, giving the feeling of fullness
Cleais heavy metals, heavy chemicals, paiasites, anu othei toxic
substances fiom the bouy
Keeps unwanteu pounus off

F##5 M#A"G*< (0 M#BAIB* F+I*"
0ats, oat bian, oatmeal
Biieu beans anu peas

Flax seeu
Fiuits such as citius anu apples
vegetables such as caiiots
Psyllium husk powuei

Fat Loss Factors Top 10 Fiber Foods
O*%2< - These nutiitional staples aie packeu with fibei.
O"%2 - Bian ceieal is gieat, but bian muffins aie fun anu tasty!
Y%&< - 1 meuium cookeu gives you 6.8 giams of fibei.
/*2-+B< - A genuine nutiitional supeistai, packing a poweiful uose
of 1S giams of high fibei in just one cup.
O*""+*< - A cup of uelicious stiawbeiiies will get you about thiee
giams of fibei.
!#-%-#*< - Eat the skin to get the high fibei count of S giams.
F+$< - Natuial flavoi with 1u.S giams of fibei in just S uiieu figs.
O"#GG#B+ - S4 of a cup of cookeu bioccoli has 7 giams of fibei.
!*%"< - 0ne luscious meuium fiuit yielus 4 giams of fibei.
466B* - 0ne meuium apple a uay will fulfill 4 giams of fibei.

Ny peisonal favoiite fibei foou is hemp piotein. You can puichase this
online oi at health foou stoies. 0ne seiving of hemp piotein contains 14
giams of fibei anu 1u giams of piotein. Peifect foi a smoothie.

Pioteins aie basic components neeueu to builu stiong muscles,
ligaments, anu bone. They aie the seconu most abunuant substance next
to watei anu aie useu by the bouy to heal, iepaii, anu giow. Animal
meat is the best souice of piotein because it contains the complete line
of amino acius as well as vitamin B-12.
Piotein consumption uoes not change youi bloou sugai levels.

8##5 !"#-*+2 M#A"G*<
uoou piotein souices aie: Fiee-Range 0iganic Chicken, tuikey, salmon,
tuna, anu ieu meats such as buffalo, beef anu ueei (lean, hoimone-fiee,

O%5 !"#-*+2 M#A"G*<
Bau piotein souices aie: lunch meat, hot uogs, stoie-bought chicken,
tuikey beef, faim-iaiseu salmon anu tuna. All of these aie giain feu, (too
many omega 6 fats that we ingest anu that tuin into satuiateu fats in oui
bouy), full of giowth hoimone anu antibiotics. They aie veiy unhealthy
animals uue to the way they aie iaiseu.

:>* ME+22@ (2 F%-<
Beie is the skinny on fats: (1) youi bouy uses fat foi the biain, (2) youi
cells neeu fat foi healthy function, anu (S) youi glanus neeu fat foi
balanceu hoimone piouuction.
B&1# 6- 1C( .-%%-?"0<K
Supplies insulation anu piotection foi the oigans
Belps stoie anu tianspoit fat-soluble vitamins (A, B, E, anu K)
Assists in mineial absoiption
Causes fat mobilization
Slows the absoiption of caibs (to manage bloou sugai levels)
Reuuces hungei signals, making you feel moie full

F%-< :# 1<*
0mega-S fatty acius (founu in
colu-watei fish)
Natuially iaiseu giass anu
vegetable-feu animals
Flaxseeu, almonus, anu
Extia viigin olive oil (cook
with at low heat)
Coconut oil (cook with at high heat)
Buttei (cook with at meuium heat)
U#-*V 0ils fiom vegetables, nuts, anu seeus aie veiy unstable anu bieak
uown into substances that aie haimful to the bouy. They become
uamageu anu go ianciu when cookeu, causing uestiuctive effects to the
bouy upon intake. Cook only with olive oil anu coconut oil, because they
aie stable unuei heat.

F%-< :# 9*5AG* 425 4)#+5
0mega-6 fats
Byuiogenateu oils
Tians fats
Cooking oils (vegetable, nut, seeu)
Satuiateu fats: commeicially iaiseu animal piouucts, palm oil
Tians-fats: hyuiogenateu anu paitially hyuiogenateu oils

Fat Loss Factors 15 Foods For Maximum Weight Loss
Incluue thiee of the below 1S foous in eveiy meal, anu you will not only
maximize youi fat loss, but you will maximize youi goou health.
Each entiy incluues the following infoimation:
8&Z"'9' P("<C1 D-## B--6# D(<(06
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#V This tells you some of the most impoitant
benefits foi you anu youi bouy.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2V This tells you the main nutiients that will piopel
youi fat loss to new levels.
ZZ F"+*25<V This tells you about alteinatives to the foou.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<V This tells you which foous you cannot use as

.J 4B&#25<[ =%B2A-<
All nuts aie high in piotein anu monounsatuiateu fat (goou fats).
Almonus anu walnuts aie the kings of nuts. Eating nuts uoes not iesult
in the high caloric intake that youd expect, because 5% to 15% of their

caloiies aie not absoibeu by the bouy. Some factois that will influence
youi uigestion aie the skin of the nut anu how well you chew them. In
auuition, the slow ielease of caloiies will give you a longei feeling of
fullness. You can intiouuce them into youi uiet by auuing choppeu nuts
to youi oatmeal, ice cieam, ceieal, oi yoguit.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H# K Builu muscle. In auuition to having piotein,
almonus have an auequate amount of magnesium, which is
ciucial to builuing muscle. Fight ciavings by eating 24 almonus
foi a snack oi befoie a meal, anu then uiink eight ounces of
watei to suppiess youi appetite. The watei will cause the fibei
of the nuts to expanu in youi stomach, making you feel fullei.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Fibei, potassium, vitamin E, fibei magnesium,
phosphoius, calcium, iion.
ZZ F"+*25<K Pumpkin seeus, sunflowei seeus, avocauos.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Smokeu nuts, peanuts, salteu nuts.

7J O*%2<[ M6"#A-<
Beans aie goou foi youi heait, just like the song says. They also pioviue
piotection against cancei, heait uisease, high bloou piessuie, anu
obesity. The most nutiitious bean is the black bean. 0n a siue note,
Quoba anu Chipotle both seive black beans, which have been shown to
have the most antioxiuants, on theii buiiitos.
Beans, in geneial, aie so balanceu with piotein anu fat that you can
ieplace a meat uish with a bean uish without woiiying about the
satuiateu fat. The best beans aie soy, pinto, gaibanzo, navy, black,
white, kiuney, lima, ieu.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu muscle, help to buin fat, iegulate uigestion.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Fibei, piotein, iion, folate, bioflavanoius.
ZZ F"+*25<K Lentils, bean uips, hummus.

ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Refiieu beans that aie high in satuiateu fats, bakeu
beans that aie high in sugai, soy.

RJ 8"**2 N*$*-%IB*<
As you know, vegetables aie uensely packeu with impoitant nutiients
anu aie also a ciitical pait of youi bouy-tiansfoiming uiet. They piotect
the body from diseases of lifestyle, such as heart disease, cancer,
diabetes, stroke, and Alzheimers. Some options for introducing them
into youi uiet: (1) Stii fiy with a little fiesh gailic anu olive oil, (2) }uice
fiesh vegetables, (S) Puiee them anu auu them to maiinaia sauce, oi (4)
Steam them.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Neutialize fiee iauicals, which aie molecules
that cause you to age iapiuly anu uevelop uisease.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K You name it, they have it vitamins, mineials,
phytochemicals, fibei, bioflavanoius.
ZZ F"+*25<K Biightly coloieu vegetables, such as ieu, yellow, anu
oiange peppeis, anu oiange squash uue to theii high
antioxiuant content.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K None, just dont smother them with cheese or fry

XJ /*%2 O**0[ OA00%B#[ P>+GE*2[ :A"E*@
Piotein is the base of any soliu uiet plan. It takes moie eneigy foi youi
bouy to uigest the piotein in meat than it uoes to uigest caibs anu fat, so
the moie piotein you eat, the moie caloiies you will buin!
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu muscle, impiove the immune system.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Piotein, iion, zinc, cieatine, vitamins B-6 anu B-12,
phosphoius, potassium.
ZZ F"+*25<K None.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Sausage, bacon, cuieu meats, ham.

\J (%-&*%B
0atmeal is youi eveiything-to-eveiyone foou. It will get you thiough
moinings when you aie uiagging. Bave a seiving a couple of houis
befoie a woikout to feel eneigizeu oi at night to stop a late-night binge.
Be suie that you buy the unsweeteneu, unflavoieu vaiiety anu use othei
powei foous such as beiiies to enhance the taste. Fibei shoulu be a
staple of youi uiet. Boctois iecommenu about 2S-SS giams a uay
because of the health benefits. Benefits incluue: (1) Expanus in youi
stomach to cuib youi appetite, (2) Attaches to uigestive acius in youi
stomach to lowei cholesteiol, (S) Piotects you fiom heait uisease, anu
(4) Piotects you fiom colon cancei by sweeping cancei-causing agents
out of the intestines quickly.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Boost eneigy anu sex uiive, ieuuce cholesteiol,
maintain healthy bloou sugai levels.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Complex caibohyuiates anu fibei.
ZZ F"+*25<K Bigh-fibei ceieals like uiape Nuts, All Bian, Fibei 0ne,
some Kashi bianus.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Ceieals with auueu sugai anu high-fiuctose coin

]J W$$<
The egg has ieceiveu a bau iap ovei the
yeais foi its high cholesteiol content.
}ust two eggs contain enough
cholesteiol to put you ovei the
iecommenueu uaily allowance.
Bowevei, ieseaich is finuing that
cholesteiol levels uo not iise as a
iesult of eating uietaiy B:2<59$5#2<;
they iise by eating uietaiy *"$. The egg
shoulu be youi best fiienu. The piotein founu in eggs has the highest

biological value of any othei foou, making it is moie effective foi the
bouy to use in builuing muscle.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu muscle, buin fat.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Piotein, vitamin B-12, vitamin A.
ZZ F"+*25<K None.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Egg Beateis.

^J UA- OA--*"< Q4B&#25 OA--*"[ P%<>*, OA--*"[ *-GJT
Nut butteis maue oui list because of theii veisatility. 0se on apples oi
celeiy, in smoothies, anu in oatmeal. Be caieful how much you eat,
because it uoes contain a lot of monounsatuiateu fat. No moie than
thiee tablespoons a uay. Nut butteis contain the same piopeities anu
benefits as the nuts themselves, so we will not iepeat heie.
ZZ O*<- F"+*25K Almonu buttei.
ZZ F"+*25K Cashew buttei, all natuial oiganic peanut buttei.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Sugaiy, tians-fat filleu peanut butteis such as }if oi

_J (B+)* (+B[ P#G#2A- (+B[ FB%; M**5 (+B[ F+<> (+B
0live oil is the key ingieuient in Neuiteiianean uiets. It is known foi its
health benefits, such as loweiing cholesteiol anu having the ability to
cuib foou ciavings. Bo not cook with olive oil at high tempeiatuies. It is
a monounsatuiateu fat, which becomes ianciu when heateu at high
tempeiatuies. Youi best cooking alteinative is coconut oil.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Lowei cholesteiol, cuib foou ciavings, boost
immune system.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Nonounsatuiateu fat (olive oil), vitamin E, vitamin A,
chloiophyll, squalene, anu lots moie caiuio piotective nutiients.
ZZ F"+*25<K Coconut, flax seeu, fish oil, canola oil in moueiation.

ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K vegetable oil, maigaiine, Ciisco.

`J a%<&+2*[ O%<&%-+[ O"#,2 9+G*[ =>#B* 8"%+2<
When eaten in theii natuial state anu not iefineu, whole giains anu iice
aie excellent caibohyuiate foou souices. Foou manufactuieis thiow out
the two most nutiitious paits of giain, the bian anu the geim. The pait
that is useu has the least nutiition, anu all of the vitamins, fibei, anu
mineials aie iefineu away. Stay away fiom these types of foou, Eat
whole giains anu iice that have not been piocesseu.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K uive the bouy eneigy anu pievent the bouy fiom
stoiing fat.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Fibei, piotein thiamin, iiboflavin, vitamin E,
magnesium, calcium, niacin, pyiiuoxine, zinc anu iion.
ZZ F"+*25<K Bailey, quinoa, millet.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Piocesseu bakeiy piouucts, white bieau, bagels, anu

.SJ N*$*-%IB* aA+G*<
Nowauays, the soil is so uepleteu of nutiients that a peach taken fiom a
tiee Su yeais ago has 1u times the nutiition of a peach touay. }uicing
gives you a supei loau of antioxiuants, mineials, anu phytonutiients to
fight off cancei, heait uisease, uiabetes, etc. It is a gieat way to get in lots
of nutiients in a small amount of time, anu sometimes the only way to
meet the iecommenuations of 9 to 1S seivings of fiesh fiuit oi
vegetables pei uay.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Pioviue a complete netwoik of antioxiuants to
fight against cancei, heait uisease, anu the aging piocess, anu
aius in weight loss.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K All of youi antioxiuants, mineials, phytochemicals.
ZZ F"+*25<K Raw fiuit oi vegetables.

ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Auuing cheese oi salau uiessing.

..J P#B#"*5 F"A+-<[ O*""+*< 425 N*$*-%IB*<
These shoulu also be a staple of youi uiet. The biightei the coloi of the
fiuit oi vegetable, the moie potent the antioxiuants they pioviue. The
moie iaw fiuit anu vegetables you eat, the healthiei you will be. Yams
aie a gieat low-glycemic foou that aie ieleaseu slowly into youi system
anu will not spike youi bloou-sugai levels. Yams anu sweet potatoes aie
chock full of antioxiuants. They aie also low-caloiie anu veiy filling.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Impiove eyesight, impiove balance, impiove
cooiuination, inciease shoit-teim memoiy, pievent ciavings.
ff c91)"1"-0K Antioxiuants, fibei.
ZZ F"+*25<K Apples, giapefiuit.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K }ellies that have auueu sugai.

.7J D*&6
Bemp seeu is consiueieu by meuical uoctois anu health piofessionals to
be one of the most nutiitious foou souices on the planet. Two scoops of
hemp piotein contain 14 giams of fibei, 11 giams of piotein, anu S
giams of fat.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu muscle, buin fat, cleai uigestive system.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Complete amino aciu piofile, piotein, fibei, iion,
calcium, vitamin E, 0mega-S fatty acius.
ZZ F"+*25<K Flax seeu, fish oil, quinoa.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Soy.

.RJ =>*@ !"#-*+2 !#,5*"
Whey piotein powuei will give you the most piotein foi the fewest
numbei of caloiies. It is a veiy veisatile foou that shoulu be incluueu in

eveiy uiet. You can auu it to oatmeal, smoothies, ceieal, anu healthy
bieaus, cookies, anu muffins.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu muscle anu fat.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K All essential amino acius, piotein, glutathione,
ZZ F"+*25<K Cottage cheese.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Soy piotein.

.XJ =+B5 P%A$>- M%B&#2
I cant emphasize enough the value of wild caught salmon and tuna.
These colu-watei fish contain 0mega-S fatty acius, insteau of satuiateu
fat. 0mega-S fatty acius ueciease a hoimone calleu leptin, which is
iesponsible foi stoiing bouy fat. The lowei youi leptin levels, the easiei
it is to buin fat. 0nly eat wilu caught fish. Fish like Atlantic salmon aie
bieu in pens in the open ocean on faims. Not only aie they uestioying
oui oceans, but these fish aie feu an unnatuial uiet, causing them to
have veiy little 0mega-S in theii fat. Insteau, they have 0mega-6 fatty
acius, which in laige quantities can haim you.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu muscle anu fat.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Piotein, 0mega-S fatty acius.
ZZ F"+*25<K kiill, saiuines, wilu game meat, fiee-iange beef.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Fiieu fish, Atlantic salmon, faim-iaiseu fish.
.\J 9%, (" /+$>-B@ !%<-*A"+L*5 ("$%2+G =>#B* K+BE[ P>**<*[
b*0+"[ Y#$A"-
Baiiy baiely makes this list, as many people aie lactose intoleiant anu
alleigic to it. This gioup of foous shoulu be useu spaiingly if you aie
tiying to lose weight. In the piocess of pasteuiization, uaiiy companies
use supei-heat to kill bacteiia anu othei potentially haimful oiganisms;
howevei, this piocess makes the final piouuct uevoiu of nutiients, foi
the most pait. Anothei pioblem is that iegulai milk contains giowth

hoimone anu antibiotic iesiuues that aie left ovei fiom the farmers
attempt at getting the cow to piouuce moie milk. I have chosen kefii
anu yoguit foi theii piobiotic piopeities. Piobiotics aie goou bacteiia,
founu in the gut, that help with uigestion. Consume uaiiy piouucts that
aie as lightly pasteuiizeu as possible.
ZZ =>%- :>*@ H#K Builu stiong bones, fiie up weight loss.
ZZ UA-"+-+#2K Calcium, piotein, vitamins A, B, B-12, iiboflavin,
phosphoius, potassium, CLA.
ZZ F"+*25<K Almonu milk, hemp milk oi iice milk.
ZZ ?&6#<-#"<K Skim milk, fiozen yoguit.

F%- /#<< Factors 15 Foods For
8A%"%2-**5 =*+$>- 8%+2
Limit these weight-gain foous to thiee
seivings oi less pei week.
.J H#A$>2A-<[ !%<-"+*<
These aie some of the woist foous you
can eat. They aie ueep-fiieu, maue with
iefineu sugai, anu full of satuiateu
fatstians fats. They have a negative
nutiitional value anu not only make you
fat but also uestioy youi health. No wonuei uonuts have a hole in the
miuule; they aie a big nutiitional zeio.

7J F"*2G> F"+*<[ !#-%-# P>+6<
These aie souium-loaueu, enzyme-ueau foous. In auuition, the latest
ieseaich shows they aie high in aciylimiue, a known cancei-causing
agent. Fiench fiies fiom fast foou iestauiants have Suu times the
aciylimiue content alloweu by the 0.S. Enviionmental Piotection

Agency foi one glass of watei. This means they aie highly toxic to youi
bouy, as well as fatty, with a meuium oiuei of fast-foou fiies containing
moie than Suu caloiies.

RJ M-#"*3O#A$>- aA+G*[ F"A+- H"+2E<
Stoie-bought fiuit uiinks contain 1u% oi less ieal fiuit juice anu mainly
consist of aitificial flavoiing anu sugai (suciose). If they contain sugai,
coin syiup, oi high fiuctose coin syiup, iun the opposite way; these will
suiely iot youi teeth!

XJ H*G%00*+2%-*5 P#00**
The caffeine in uecaffeinateu coffee is ieplaceu by foimaluehyue. Yep,
you ieau that iight: *2#I"</5:A/5. The stuff they put in ueau people.
Stay away at all costs.

\J F"+*5 F+<>[ F"+*5 M*%0##5
Fish maue the list, because the majoiity of the fish in the ocean now
have tiaces of meicuiy in them. Shellfish aie also scavengeis that scoui
the giounu foi anything anu eveiything. They aie full of toxins.
C:5, (5 5"$ $:5IM (:"$ :"005,9 $2 "<< $:5 $281,9E
Youi bouy shuttles the toxins to youi fat cells. L('(',(): If youi fat
cells aie holuing onto toxins, the fat becomes extiemely uifficult to get
iiu of. Fiying auus insult to injuiy, making these foous full of tians fats
anu not a gieat combination foi healthy weight loss.

]J 9%, PB%&<[ (@<-*"<
Similai to above. Eating them iaw also means you aie exposing youiself
to potentially haimful bacteiia.

^J /A2G> K*%-[ M&#E*5 K*%-[ D#- H#$<[ O%G#2[ M%A<%$*
These aie all piocesseu meats anu not quality meat. They aie a mixtuie
of filleis, souium, anu nitiites useu to cuie meats anu pieseive them. A
stiip of bacon contains 1Su caloiies anu 1S giams of fat. That is too
much! Nitiites have been shown to be caicinogens. Too much souium
leaus to heait uisease, anu the filleis aie synthetic chemicals that aie
haiu on the uigestive system.

_J 4BG#>#B
Alcohol actually suppiesses fat buining. When you uiink alcohol, youi
livei has to uetoxify it immeuiately. This takes piioiity ovei
caibohyuiates, fats, anu piotein. Since fat is the haiuest to metabolize
anu bieak uown, it gets pusheu uown the chain.
When most people uiink alcohol, they usually uo so with a meal, taking
in the excess caloiies. Alcohol has the seconu highest caloiie content
next to fat, with seven caloiies pei giam veisus nine caloiies pei giam,
iespectively. When alcohol is in youi system, youi bouy will conveit
moie of the foous you eat into fat.

`J M#5%
Pop is a majoi contiibutoi to obesity in this countiy. Stuuies show that
uiinking soua incieases the iisks of uiabetes, obesity, osteopoiosis,
tooth uecay, caffeine uepenuency, anu nutiitional ueficiencies. The
majoi ingieuients in soua aie:
!>#<6>#"+G 4G+5K Nixes with the hyuiochloiic aciu of the stomach anu
inteifeies with uigestion. It is also iesponsible foi leeching mineials
out of the bones.
MA$%" %25 D+$> F"AG-#<* P#"2 M@"A6K Sugai in liquiu foim is
uangeious because so much can be consumeu in so little time,
senuing the bouy into a bloou sugai fienzy. When insulin levels
spike, fat buining ability plummets. This leaus to high bloou
piessuie, high cholesteiol, piematuie aging, heait uisease, anu, of
couise, weight gain.
:%6 =%-*"K Contains vaiious chemicals, such as chloiine,
tiihalomethanes, leau, anu caumium, which aie veiy uetiimental to
youi health.
Stuuies show that people who uiink souas uo not cut back on the
iegulai foous they eat. This auus at least 2uu caloiies a uay, oi 1,4uu
caloiies pei week, to theii intake!

.SJ H+*- !#6[ H+*- H"+2E<
Biet uiinks give you all of the uiawbacks of uiinking pop, plus aitificial
sweeteneis, which have been shown to altei biain chemistiy, inciease
ciavings, anu cause cancei. The main aitificial sweetenei useu is
aspaitame. It has ovei 92 ielateu health effects to it incluuing:
Biain tumois
Biith uefects

Emotional uisoiueis
Anything with this many life-alteiing siue effects is woith staying away
fiom. Theie have been entiie books wiitten on the uangeis of
aspaitame. If youi seaich the Inteinet, you can finu hunuieus of
ieseaich aiticles on this subject. Biet pop will cause you to ciave moie
foou, even though it contains no caloiies. In the enu, you will poison
youi bouy anu still not lose weight.

..J H**6 H+<> !+LL%
Pizza is one of my favoiite inuulgences. 0nfoitunately, it is fai fiom
healthy, especially if you order the meat lovers version, which is a
smoigasboiu of piocesseu meats: sausage,
peppeioni, ham, Canauian bacon, anu bacon.
In auuition, pizza is full of souium, fat, anu iefineu
floui uough. This makes foi a high-caloiific meal
that you might as well just pack stiaight onto
youi thighs.

.7J ?G* P"*%&
Ice cieam is loaueu with caloiies,
fat, sugai, anu uaiiy, which
contain lots of hoimones anu
antibiotics. Ice cieam is close
to the top when it comes to being
the most unhealthy foou. It also
contains aitificial flavois, colois,
pieseivatives, emulsifieis anu
stabilizeis. All of these make ice cieam
one of the most fattening foous
on the planet.

.RJ =>+-* O"*%5[ !%<-%
White bieau anu pasta ieact in the bouy like white sugai, which is
iefineu anu piocesseu, with no nutiitional value. Bieau gets a bau iap
foi putting weight on people. It ieally isnt the bread, however, it is the
$A05 of bieau. White bieau is maue fiom white floui, which is a iefineu
caibohyuiate, just like coin syiup anu white sugai.
This contains N0 N0TRITI0NAL vAL0E ANB ENPTY CAL0RIES. Whole
giain bieaus aie fine. Spiouteu giain bieaus aie the best, such as Ezekiel
bianu bieau oi uenesis bianu bieau. Stay away fiom bieaus that aie
eniicheu, bleacheu, oi white in coloi. Eat moie whole giain.

.XJ MA$%"@ O"*%E0%<- P*"*%B<[ P%25@
These cereals are a great way to poison Americas youth anu have them
stait out theii uay with baiely any nutiition at all. Ceieal is mostly white
sugai in a box, but it has vitamins! That is the joke, anu equally gieat
auveitising. The tiuth is that the quality of the vitamins listeu on the
ceieal box is pooi.
Basically, any majoi bianu of sweeteneu ceieal is simply vitamin-
foitifieu sugai. If you buy ceieal, look on the ingieuients label foi whole
giain anu avoiu white floui oi high-fiuctose coin syiup. Buy bianus,
such as Kashi since they tenu to be on the healthiei siue anu contain
moie fibei.
Canuy is stiaight sugai anu some fat. This will go iight into youi
blooustieam, mess up youi hoimone levels, anu sabotage youi fat-
buining capability foi a few houis.

.\J N*$*-%IB* (+B[ M>#"-*2+2$[ K%"$%"+2*
These arent substances you would actually eat alone. They are used in
fiieu foous anu bakeu goouies anu contain tians fats. Tians fats will not
only cause you to gain massive amounts of weight, but they also leau to
iapiu aging, cause joint inflammation, followeu by aithiitis, anu
pieuispose you to heait uisease, cancei, anu othei uiseases of lifestyle
(self inuuceu uiseases).

Dont Deprive Yourself Of These
If you aie stiessing because you want to eat something that is listeu
above, then go aheau anu have it. Just dont overindulge. Eat something
iaw befoiehanu. These tiny steps will make a uiffeience. Take youi time
anu wean youiself at youi own pace. Sweets anu iefineu caibohyuiates
aie liteially like a uiug. Youi bouy ciaves them, anu when you uepiive
youiself foi a long peiiou of time, youi bouy goes thiough withuiawal-
type symptoms: iiiitability, nausea, anxiety, heauaches, shakes, etc.

W%- :>*<* F##5< :#$*->*" :# !%GE (2 :>* !#A25<
Eating a hambuigei on a white bun with Fiench fiies anu a milkshake
woulu be a coionaiy waiting to happen. This combination of high sugai,
high fat, anu high caloiies puts youi bouy into a chaotic state, causing
youi insulin levels to go thiough the ioof. Youi fat-stoiing enzymes
inciease, anu youi fat-buining enzymes go uown, causing you to pack
that foou iight onto youi thighs, butt, anu belly.

M&##->+* ?- 16
Biink smoothies oi powei shakes iegulaily. With oui hectic scheuules,
it is haiu to finu the time to cook whole foou meals. Smoothies, maue
with a mixtuie of the Fat Loss Factoi 1S, can act as meal ieplacements
oi snacks anu aie iecommenueu foi a vaiiety of ieasons:

They iequiie little time to make.
They liteially taste like a uesseit, which will satisfy youi sweet
Theii thickness takes up a lot of ioom in youi stomach.
You dont need to be a chef to make a great shake.
They have a gieat balance of piotein, fat, anu caibohyuiates.
They will help you restrict your calories so you dont overeat.
Reseaich shows that you stay fullei longei when you uiink thick shakes
iathei than thin ones.
!2#$12, H1^5: 8-10 ounces. Dont overdo it. They are delicious and
nutiitious but too much of a goou thing is always bau. Youi bouy will
stoie this as fat if you eat too much!

O%<* F#" :>* M>%E*
The key to a gieat shake is to make it thick anu cieamy. Beie aie some
iueas you can use. Bo not use all of these at once. You can combine two
at most fiom each gioup. If you use moie than two, be suie to count the
caloiies. Naking a gieat smoothie is about balancing the piotein, caib
anu fat content of the shake.
1) Auu piotein.
Whey (usually the best)
2) Auu something to make it cieamy.
0iganic Nilk - Not Recommenueu - veiy high in caloiies

Soui Cieam
Almonu Buttei oi Peanut Buttei
S) Auu thickeneis.
Ceieals such as Fibei0ne, Small amount of uianola
Raw oats
Natuial fibei that you can buy at stoies
Caiiot pulp fiom juicing caiiots
4) Auu fiuit (fiozen fiuit woiks well).
Small hanuful of blue beiiies
Five stiawbeiiies
S) Auu Bealthy Fats.
Flax seeu oil
0mega-S fish oil
Raw shieuueu coconut - small hanuful
Coconut oil
Chia Seeus
Bemp Seeus
6) Auu fiuit oi vegetable powuei foi extia anti-oxiuants.
7) Auu six to nine ice cubes anu a small amount of watei.
8) Blenu all ingieuients anu seive.
Smoothies aie a gieat contiol foou foi youi uiet. They allow you to
iegulate youi caloiic intake. They iequiie little time to make, anu they
satisfy a sweet tooth. Smoothies aie healthiest without milk. If you uo
choose to use milk, use only oiganic uaiiy piouucts because theii non-
oiganic counteipaits contain giowth hoimones anu antibiotic iemnants

fiom the cow, which aie all toxic to the bouy anu contiibute to weight

Fat Loss Factors 3 Axioms Of Success
Auu one of these Axioms pei week to youi piogiam.

4;+#& .V D#B+5%@ !"+2G+6B*
Eveiyone <2G59 a holiuay. Eveiyone ,55/9 a holiday. Im not just talking
about Christmas and Easter. Im talking about being on a strict diet.
Theie is nothing woise than uepiiving youiself of those things you love.
It ieally affects youi psyche (emotions) anu is one of the best ways to
sabotage youi weight loss. I say this because when you ciave something
bau enough, it iaises youi stiess levels, which in tuin iaises youi
coitisol levels. Coitisol is iesponsible foi weight gain.
Skipping out entirely on Cherry Garcia flavored Ben and Jerrys ice
cream will have a detrimental effect on your weight loss plan, but Im
not giving you peimission to eat the whole 1,uuu-caloiie tub of Ben anu
Jerrys. What I am saying is that you dont have to depiive youiself of it
entiiely if you follow the habits piopeily.
Pait two of this axiom states that the best holiuays aie 0<",,5/. Pick one
day out of a week and make this your cheat day or your holiday.
I am not giving you peimission to goige youiself with eveiy possible
uesseit anu fiieu foou that you can think of on this holiuay. Boliuays aie
theie to keep youi emotional connections to foou at iest so youi bouy
will woik *2# you anu not "F"1,9$ you.
Also, this suuuen buist of caloiies has been shown to keep you fiom
going into staivation moue uue to caloiie iestiiction anu to actually give
youi metabolism a boost.

You will also notice when taking a holiuay meal how uisgusting you feel
aftei eating gobs of fat anu iefineu caibohyuiates. You will feel sleepy
an hour after your meal, and you wont have nearly the energy you had
while eating healthy. Also, make suie you eat something iaw befoie you
have youi ice cieam anu to not eat it aftei 7p.m.

4;+#& 7V W%- M#&*->+2$ 9%, 4- W)*"@ K*%B
This is also known as the "//1$12, iule. When eating, auu a iaw fiuit oi
vegetable to eveiy single meal. This has foui specific benefits:
Raw fiuits anu vegetables have uigestive enzymes to help you
bieak uown the iest of the foou you aie eating.
The fibei in the fiuit oi vegetables expanus in youi stomach anu
fills you up so you dont eat as much.
The fibei in the fiuit oi vegetable helps to push foou, waste anu
toxins thiough youi uigestive tiact.
It pioviues the bouy with much-neeueu vitamins anu mineials.
The seconu pait of the axiom is to eat my fiber first.
This will cleai a path anu piepaie youi uigestive tiact foi the iest of
youi meal. Raw fiuits anu vegetables aie full of fibei, anu when eaten
with othei caibohyuiates, they cleanse youi colon anu cieate a path foi
the iest of the foou. Foi example, if you aie eating pizza, eat a salau fiist.
If you aie eating ice cieam, eat an apple fiist. This will fill youi belly so
you wont be able to eat as much.
Fibei is a veiy impoitant pait of youi uiet. I iecommenu at least 4u
giams pei uay. Stuuies have shown that people who changeu nothing in
theii uiet othei than auuing moie fibei lost weight.
L('(',(): Fibei 4u foi Life!

4;+#& RV 9*%5 Y#A" F##5 /%I*B<cc
It is not uifficult to ieau a label to finu the caloiie content
oi the amount of fats, caibohyuiates, anu pioteins.
What I want you to look at aie the ingieuients below
those items to ueteimine what the foou is ieally
maue of.
A geneial iule foi you: The faithei the foou is
fiom its natuial state, the moie haimful it
is foi you, anu the moie weight you will
Youi bouy will take the toxins
you ingest anu stoie them in
youi fat cells. When looking
at foou labels, the moie
ingieuients on the back anu
the moie woius you cannot
pionounce, the moie you
shoulu stay away fiom the
piouuct! These aie highly
piocesseu foous that aie fai
iemoveu fiom theii natuial state.
Foi example, Boiitos chips oi hot uogs.
F##5 P#&6%2+*< F%--*2 Y#A 16 425 K%E* Y#A M+GE
Fat Free isnt good for fat loss. According to Dr. Ronette Biiefel, P.B.,
R.B., Senioi Reseaich Epiuemiologist anu Nutiition Policy Auvisoi at the
National Center for Health Statistics, Between the 1970s and the
1990s, Americans decreased their intake of total fat from about 37
peicent of caloiies to about S4 peicent of caloiies. Yet, uuiing this same
time peiiou, aveiage auult caloiie intake incieaseu by appioximately

300 calories. This increase in caloric consumption explains why the
uecline in peicent of total caloiies fiom fat can be confusing.
Bespite the fact that Ameiicans aie cutting fat fiom theii uiets by
consuming fat-free foods, they are getting fatter and fatter. This is
because moie caibs anu sugai have been packeu into those foous. Fat
iegulates youi bloou sugai, anu when youi bloou sugai is high, you
neeu moie insulin to foice the sugai into youi cells. Insulin is a fat-
stoiing hoimone. Noie insulin = moie fat stoieu.

Whole Grain Is A Marketing Lie
Whenever you see whole grain, in the title of a product, be sure to
check the label. If the fiist ingieuient is eniicheu wheat floui, then it
really isnt whole grain. It needs to say 100% whole grain on the
package. Whole-wheat shoulu be in the top thiee ingieuients anu theie
shoulu be a highei fibei content in the label. Look foi moie than thiee
giams of fibei pei slice.

D+$> F"AG-#<* P#"2 M@"A6 QDFPMT
This is a man-maue sweetenei that is cheapei anu sweetei than sugai. It
was developed recently and didnt exist in the food chain in the 1970s.
It is packeu with caloiies, anu the foou manufactuieis love it because it
is cheapei to piouuce anu theiefoie auus moie money to theii bottom
The problem is that HFCS shuts off the bodys natural appetite control
switches, so you can eat way beyond what your bodys natural impulses
woulu call foi.
It is founu in vaiious ceieals, ketchup, soua, pasta sauce, cookies, anu
meal ieplacement bais. This is the No. 1 ingieuient to look foi on foou
labels. Avoiu them like the plague.

:"%2< F%-<
The term trans fats has become a buzzword, but what exactly aie
tians fats. They aie fats that contain tians-fatty acius, anu they aie
foimeu when ceitain types of oils aie heateu at high tempeiatuies. They
aie cheapei anu last longei than buttei, which is why iestauiants use
them to inciease theii bottom line. They aie uifficult to uigest. Examples
of tians fats aie hyuiogenateu oils. When ieauing foou labels, even if it
says no tians fats, be suie to check foi hyuiogenateu oi paitially
hyuiogenateu oils. Avoiu these like the plague!

455+-+)*<[ P#B#"+2$<[ FB%)#"+2$<[ 425 !"*<*")%-+)*<
These aie puie chemical compounus, whose effects ovei time cause
seiious uamage to youi uigestive system. Sulfites, nitiites, salicylates,
piopylene, anu glycol aie some of the main culpiits. Since they aie
synthetic, youi bouy has a uifficult time bieaking them uown. When
they lingei in youi system, they can poison youi bouy anu cause uamage
to oigans, blocking the absoiption of nutiients anu making you fattei.

MA$%" MAI<-+-A-*<
Saccharin (SweetN Low), aspartame (NutraSweet), sucialose (Splenua),
soibitol, maltouextiin, uextiose, anu seveial othei synthetic alteinatives
aie iesponsible foi fattening up Ameiica. These aitificial sweeteneis aie
so uangeious that if they aie auueu to a piouuct, manufactuieis must
place a ("#,1,F <"?5< on the package to aleit consumeis. They aie
known to be toxic to youi biain cells anu to cause cancei.
Natuial Sugai Alteinatives
1. Stevia

Natuial Sugai Alteinatives
2. Eiythiitol
S. Tiuvia
4. Boney

KM8 QK#2#<#5+A& 8BA-%&%-*T
NSu is useu as a flavoiing in foous. This one is haiu to finu on package
labels because it may be uisguiseu unuei uiffeient names, such as
hyuiolyzeu vegetable piotein, hyuiolyzeu piotein, hyuiolyzeu plant
extiact, plant piotein extiact, souium caseinate, yeast extiact, textuiizeu
piotein, autolyzeu yeast, hyuiolyzeu oat floui, anu calcium caseinate.
0ne of the most auuictive substances known to man, NSu is iefeiieu to
as an excito-toxin because it excites certain receptors in the brain and
causes you to ciave moie anu moie. In fact, youi biain cells can become
so exciteu that they uienot a veiy goou thing foi a biain cell to uo
leauing to seveie neuiological uiseases.

455*5 M%B-
Salt, oi souium, is anothei ingieuient that is impoitant to look foi on
foou labels. Souium causes you to become bloateu anu ietain watei in
youi bouy. So keep youi souium intake levels as low as possible.

What You Dont Want To See On A Food Label
Foou labels list ingieuients in oiuei, beginning with the substance that
compiises the gieatest amount uown to the least amount. So if you aie

tiying to lowei youi consumption of coin syiup, make suie it is not
among the fiist thiee ingieuients on the label.
Watch out foi the following in the fiist S ingieuients of any foou label:
Simple sugais.
Eniicheu, bleacheu, oi iefineu floui (these have been stiippeu of
theii nutiients).
Bigh fiuctose coin syiup oi coin syiup.

Is It Man3Made Rule
This iule is ieally poweiful in helping you ueciue if you shoulu eat a
food or not. When looking at ingredients, ask yourself, Is this foou
made by man? Anything that is made by man is hard for your body to
uigest anu use. Theiefoie, the moie you stay away fiom these types of
foous, the bettei. An example woulu be piocesseu foous like white
bieau, oi sugai alteinatives like aspaitame.
You have to be caieful when you shop foi foous! A lot of these chemicals
aie uesigneu to sabotage youi weight loss effoits. Can you see the
impoitance of ieauing labels now.
M-"AG-A"*5 W%-+2$
Stiuctuieu eating is a well-establisheu appioach to uieting anu fat loss.
The piinciples of stiuctuieu eating aie founueu on the concept of
1,$5#I1$$5,$ *"9$1,F. If you are worried by the word fastingpossibly
because you have nevei tiieu it befoiedont be. Fasting is an excellent
thing to uo foi youi health anu well-being.
As you may alieauy know, hoimones play a significant iole in the
piocess of weight management. Some hoimones tiiggei fat-?@#,1,F
while otheis stimulate fat-F"1,1,F. When you fast, those hoimones that
piomote fat-buining aie stimulateu anu those that piomote fat-gaining

aie suppiesseu. 7:5 D"$ '299 D"B$2# piesents specific uiet plans that
utilize the poweiful tool of fasting.
0n the uay piioi to the fasting, you can eat almost any foou(s) you
desire. We call this day the Cheat Day and the free eating continues
until 8pm. When the clock stiikes 8, you will go into fasting moue anu
iemain in this moue continuously foi 24 houis. The fasting continues
while you aie asleep anu on into the next uay, uuiing which you can
uiink only steepeu gieen tea oi watei.
The goal of the Cheat Bay is to elevate the hoimone leptin, which will
signal the bouy to stait buining fat. This is accomplisheu by caloiie

O"%2G>*5 P>%+2 4&+2# 4G+5<
Biancheu Chain Amino Acius (BCAAs) aie beneficial nutiients, anu if
you woik out, you can take them on youi fasting uay. BCAAs aie populai
with athletes because they help ieuuce muscle anu piotein bieakuown
uuiing a woikout. They aie piotein-builuing blocks, anu they pieseive
muscle. In people who aie confineu to beu, they aie useu to slow muscle
To calculate youi BCAA intake level, multiply youi weight by u.S anu
uiviue the iesult by 6. Foi example, if you weigh 16u pounus, you woulu
take 8 giams of BCAAs (take this uose six times thioughout the uay).
When you get to 8pm on the following uay, have a meal that is low in
caibohyuiates. I woulu suggest a chicken bieast cookeu in coconut oil
with a laige salau oi possibly some steameu bioccoli.
The next uay, you can eat noimally.
I really like Bio Trusts BCAAs. You can get them heie.

P>*%- H%@
When you fast, youi bouy enteis into a state of alaim, notifying it that
theie is an impenuing emeigency uue to lack of foou. The bouy iesponus
natuially to this alaim by piouucing ]@I", 4#2($: ]2#I2,5 (a similai
piocess happens in a wilu animal when they aie piompteu by hungei to
seaich foi foou). In iesponse, if you then go to the gym anu exeicise, the
bouy iesponus by buining fat, anu this is similai to what occuis in the
wilu, when we aie piompteu to seaich foi foou (also a fat-buining
0nce the seaich is successful anu the exeicise enus, the iewaiu is foou,
anu this intake of piotein goes to builu muscles. So this is a iepeating
cycle: the bouy buins fat to acquiie foou. As the cycle iepeats, the bouy
is fooleu into thinking that you aie uoing what is totally natuialwhat
all youi foiebeais anu ancestois uiu thioughout the millenniums of
time: hunting anu gatheiing. As such, each houi you fast is an houi
spent buining fat.
The Stiuctuieu Eating piocess can be uiviueu into thiee components:
M-"AG-A"*5 W%-+2$ /*)*B . At this level, you maintain the same
foou intake anu meals; howevei, you mouify the intake times
such that you consume the meals only between noon anu 9pm.
M-"AG-A"*5 W%-+2$ /*)*B 7 At this level, you begin to auu in
foous in the list pioviueu in the 7@#?2 C51F:$ '299 !<",.
Consume about Su% of the time.
M-"AG-A"*5 W%-+2$ /*)*B R At this level, you begin to auu in
foous in the list pioviueu in the 7@#?2 C51F:$ '299 !<",.
Consume about 9u% of the time.
The moie fat-buining foous you consume (as listeu in 7:5 D"$ '299
D"B$2#), the quickei you will see iesults. Although Stiuctuieu Eating
comes in vaiious foims, this veision leveiages making the intelligent

choices at the specific times. If you go out to eat foi a hambuigei,
insteau of auuing tatei tots, choose a salau. The plan you aie on allows
you to pick the tatei tots, but making optimal anu healthy choices at
these uecision points will biing fastei iesults.

D#, F/F M-"AG-A"*5 W%-+2$ D*B6< Y#A /#<* =*+$>-
1. 4 OA"<- #0 W2*"$@ OA"2< K#"* P%B#"+*< You will likely finu that
you aie highly piouuctive uuiing youi fasting peiiou. This is because
fasting foi less than thiee uays (72 houis) will inciease youi auienaline
level anu iamp up youi metabolism, in tuin incieasing the numbei of
caloiies you buin. This extia eneigy may give you the boost you neeu
foi a woikout oi to get moie of youi uaily tasks accomplisheu. All of this
in tuin leaus to incieaseu caloiie buining.
2. OA"2+2$ (00 F%-< 9%->*" :>%2 MA$%"< - The fasting piocess gives
youi bouy no choice but to buin stoieu fat. Any excess fat youi bouy
doesnt burn during the several hours after a meal is stored in fat cells.
When you consume foou, the bouy piefeis to buin caibs anu then fat
from the food, in that order. Fasting transforms the bodys metabolism
so it buins mostly fat insteau of bloou sugai. By the enu of a 24-houi
fast, youi bouy is buining fai moie fat than it woulu uuiing a iegulai
uay of eating.
S. P#2<A&* :>* F##5< Y#A /+E* - Shoit teim fasting allows you to
lose weight anu buin fat without missing any of the foous you like. With
shoit-teim fasting, you can consume all the foous you likewhen you
want themanu without any guilt, anu the fat still comes off.
4. ?2G"*%<*< :>* D#"&#2*< :>%- OA"2 F%- Boimones contiol
your bodys core metabolic functions, with growth hormone being the
most ciitical fat-buining hoimone in the bouy. When you fast, insulin
levels ueciease, thus you buin bouy fat iathei than stoie it. uiowth
hoimone piouuction also acceleiates anu the fat buining opeiations
step into high heai.

S. ?2G"*%<*< F%- OA"2+2$ W2L@&* /*)*B< - Fasting incieases the
activity of two key fat buining enzymes. ]2#I2,5 H5,91$1G5 '10"95
tiiggeis the fat cells to ielease fat, which in tuin becomes eneigy to the
muscles. '1020#2$51, '10"95 inuuces the muscle cells to take up fat,
which in tuin is buineu as fuel. Fasting boosts both of these enzymes,
anu the enu iesult is fat buining.
6. Y#A H+<G#)*" =>%- P%A<*< Y#A :# W%- Fasting gives you an
entiiely new peispective on what causes you to eat. When you stop
eating foi a uay, youi vaiious ieasons foi eating aie laiu baie. This
psychological ievelation becomes the most effective step to iemoving all
youi bau eating habits.
7. OA+B5< 4 !#<+-+)* 4--+-A5* - Each fast, howevei small, becomes an
accomplishment that builus confiuence. You feel goou about youi
accomplishments anu you come to like youi ielationship with foou
again. Each successful fast builus on the last, anu ultimately you iegain
contiol ovei youi foou choices.
Eating for fat loss doesnt need to be complicated and food should never
be a souice of anxiety oi guilt. Nixing a few 24-houi fasts into youi
week can libeiate you fiom the uieting uiuuge anu allow you to enjoy
foou again.
MAGG*<< :+6V Its OK to falter. This program is
built around mistakes. Ive had plenty of them
IA95<*L [@9$ g@I0 ?"BQ 2, $:5 D"$ '299 D"B$2#
#1F:$ (:5#5 A2@ <5*$ 2**L

O"*%E0%<-V :>* K#<- ?&6#"-%2- K*%B (0 :>* H%@ ("
?< ?-C
If youve done your nutritional research, one thing that youve very
likely heaiu time anu time again is that in oiuei to see the absolute best

iesults possible, you shoulu be making suie to stait youi uay off iight
with a heaity bieakfast.
Often, the phrase used to describe your diet plan is to at like a king in
the morning and a pauper in the evening. So people everywhere load
up theii plates fiist thing in the moining, making suie to get a goou uose
of piotein, a high amount of caibs, anu some healthy fats auueu in foi
goou measuie. Then they staive in the evenings, existing only on lean
proteins and leafy greens. They think theyre right on track to maximum
But is this ieally the case. Is this the fastest way to see goou iesults, oi
aie they actually hinueiing piogiess. The latest ieseaich suggests the

:>* ?<<A* =+-> O"*%E0%<-
The biggest issue with eating bieakfast is that it tenus to evoke high
levels of hungei in a vast numbei of people.
While common thought is that eating bieakfast woulu put a stop to
hunger and youd actually feel better and more satisfied until noon, this
is not how the situation tenus to play out foi many people. Insteau, they
tenu to feel hungiy veiy shoitly aftei eating bieakfastoften just Su
minutes latei. Some will go foi 2 houis but at that point, stiong hungei
kicks in anu they finu it neaily impossible to iesist a tiip to the venuing
Now, you might be fast to blame the foou choices these people aie
making for breakfast. Its common knowledge that the vast majority of
people arent choosing wisely for their breakfast meal. If theres one
meal wheie simple caibs tenu to iule, bieakfast is it. Nany people aie
fast to tuin to ceieal bais, pancakes oi Fiench toast layeieu with syiup,
oi bakeu goous such as uonuts, cioissants, muffins, oi the like.

Then they wonder why theyre hungry. If youre eating these foods,
hungei is most uefinitely going to be pait of the equation, iegaiuless of
when youie eating. But, in many cases, the people complaining of
hunger are not eating these foods. No, theyre eating a nutritious
bieakfast such as eggs, oatmeal, oi othei natuial anu nutiient uense
Yet, hungei still occuis.

Whats Causing This Hunger
So whats causing this hunger to occur? Why is it that if you break your
oveinight fast with healthy foous, you enu up feeling iavenous about an
houi latei.
In order to fully explain whats causing this hunger, you need to
unueistanu the hoimone B2#$192<. When most people think of coitisol,
they think of the substance thats released during high stress and the
same substance that is going to cause muscle bieakuown to occui,
eating away at youi haiu-earned lean mass thats the result of so many
houis in the gym.
While its true that cortisol is released whenever were highly stressed
out, whats also true is that cortisol is released naturally throughout the
evening peiiou. At about the miu-way point in youi sleep cycle, coitisol
begins to iise, piepaiing the bouy foi the awakening that will soon
occui. This coitisol ielease continues thioughout the moining peiiou up
until about Su to 4S minutes aftei you aie awake anu out of beu. This is
also about the same time, coinciuentally, that most people go in foi theii
breakfast meal (after theyve showered, dressed, etc.).
Anothei connection that you must be awaie of is the association
between coitisol anu 1,9@<1, 95B#5$12,. When coitisol levels aie highest
uuiing the bouy, as they aie in the eaily moining peiiou, youi iesponse
to insulin will be highest as well.

So, as you go in foi that (often caib-lauen) bieakfast, youi bouy senus
out a surge of insulin to control all those carbs youve just consumed,
anu youi bouy iesponus uouble-time. Its response to that insulin will
be highei now than at any othei point uuiing the uay, anu this means
youll be faster to experience glucose clearance from the blood (since
insulins job is to remove excess blood sugar).
As youi bouy begins to cleai the glucose anu bloou levels uecline,
feelings of extreme hunger kick in. Now youre left with low blood sugar
levels, which leave you feeling weak, iiiitable (anu highly likely to chew
youi co-workers head off!), and most importantly, youre starving!
When expeiiencing veiy low bloou sugai levels, youi bouy natuially
uesiies veiy simple caibs because it knows that this is by fai the fastest
way to iestoie bloou sugai levels so you can feel well again.
So if you aie wonueiing why you feel the miu-moining compulsion foi
the chocolate bai in the venuing machine, oi why those uonuts look so
uain goou in the bieak ioom as you go in foi youi cup of coffee, this is
Its not just that you have weak will power or suffer from high food
cravings, its that theres a whole process going on in your body thats
piompting you to want simple caibs moie at this point than at any othei
time uuiing the uay.

=>@ ME+66+2$ O"*%E0%<- 4<<+<-< =+-> F%- /#<<
With all of this saiu, why uoes skipping bieakfast assist with fat loss.
Bue to the piocess uesciibeu above, the fiist obvious answei is :@,F5#
B2,$#2<. If youre looking to eat a reduced-caloiie uiet to see fat loss
moving along, the bettei you aie able to contiol youi hungei levels, the
more productive youre going to be on your diet.

In auuition to this, if you skip youi moining bieakfast meal anu continue
the fasting peiiou until say noon oi at least miu-moining aftei youi
cortisol levels have dropped again (and you wont be quite as sensitive
to insulin release), youll have less time over which to spieau youi
For many people eating breakfast, the problem isnt just that theyre
staiving miu-moining, but also that they aie finuing they aie hungiy in
the evening as well since they only have so many caloiies left in the uay.
If you aie on a fat loss uiet plan of 1,Suu caloiies anu you uo away with
4uu of those at bieakfast anu then anothei Suu foi that miu-moining
snack, this is going to leave you with a total of 8uu caloiies to eat fiom
noon onwaius. Bave anothei 4uu foi lunch anu 2uu foi youi miu-
afternoon snack, and things arent looking very good for your food
intake that evening.
Youre left eating a meal in the evening that hardly provides enough
foou to feeu a five-yeai-olu, anu if you want to stay on youi taiget uiet
plan, a late-night snack is most uefinitely not in youi caius. Bowevei, if
you skip over breakfast and then, since you arent experiencing that
post-breakfast rebound hunger, you dont need that mid-moining snack,
now youve just saved yourself 700 calories.
You can still eat that same lunch meal at 4uu caloiies, have youi
afternoon snack of 200, and youll still have 900 calories to divide up
between uinnei anu youi pie-beu meal.
Doesnt that sound like a more appealing strategy?
You get to avoiu that moining hungei that you noimally ueal with anu
eat moie foou in the evening when you can ielax anu enjoy it in the fiist
place. For many dieters, this is definitely the strategy they want to be
So if youre someone who always seems to be fighting hunger come miu-
moining, you may want to ieconsiuei the notion that bieakfast is the

most important meal of the day. Its been proven time and time again
that you aie not going to stait iapiuly catabolizing lean muscle mass if
you go foi moie than eight houis without foou. You can easily go foi 2u
houisoi moiewithout woiiying about eating into youi lean muscle
mass stoies.
So dont be so quick to run at the idea of skipping breakfast. After 10
houis of eating, youi bouy switches into fat buining moue anu then
buins fat foi the iest of the six to eight houis of the moining fast.
In a nutshell, you aie buining fat all moining long!
H$#@B$@#5/ T"$1,F (inteimittent fasting), which is the concept of fasting
foi a numbei of houis uuiing the uay anu eating all youi caloiies in a
more condensed eating window, is rapidly catching on among the
masses as the bettei way to go about uieting. It pioviues a much easiei
foou scheuule to ueal with (less foou planning!) anu allows you to eat
meals that aie laigei anu fai moie satisfying.
If you have yet to consiuei it foi youiself, now might just be the time to
uo so. Foi these ieasons, bieakfast is no longei the most impoitant meal
in the uay foi many people.
:>* F%- /#<< F%G-#" H+*- !B%2 9*)*%B*5
/*&#2 =%-*"
Stait eveiy uay with warm lemon water. Note that warm means room
tempeiatuie anu uoes not mean you neeu to waim the watei on the
stove oi in the miciowave. Alsoanu this is optional but highly
encouiageuincluue a pinch of cayenne peppei powuei. Foi an 8-
ounce glass of watei, use 12 lemon. Enu eveiy uay by uiinking waim
lemon watei. Befoie beu waim lemon watei with a pinch of cayenne
peppei powuei.
The benefits of waim lemon watei aie:
Aius in uigestion anu waste excietion

Piomotes immune system anu heait health
Rich in beneficial calcium anu potassium mineials
Waim watei is iueal to use uuiing a cleanse because it helps with
uigestion. The livei can piocess anu filtei foou much easiei with waim
watei, thus ieuucing the amount of toxins, foou paiticles, anu
contaminants that aie ieleaseu into the blooustieam.
The vitamin C in lemon juice woiks as an antioxiuant, neutializing the
effect of fiee iauicals in the bouy. Anothei option: in auuition to
uiinking lemon watei in the moining, use gieens powuei also. uieens
powuei is packeu full of powuei vegetables anu some fiuits, vitamins,
mineials, heibs, anu piobiotics. 0sing gieens powuei is a key ingieuient
in alkalizing youi bouy.
I will take a seiving of gieens powuei anu then take a seiving of
Biancheu Chain Amino Acius (BCAAs), which act as a piotein souice to
help with builuing lean mass when exeicising.
)!7J)V.'a C",$ $2 "BB5<5#"$5 A2@# *"$ <299E
Tiy this in the miu moining (it will also help suppiess any hungei pangs
you may have befoie you stait eating again)...
Nake a powei uiink in the moining with gieens powuei foi extia
vegetable anu fiuits in youi uiet anu Biancheu Chain. Amino Acius
(BCAAs), which act as a piotein souice to help with builuing lean mass
when you are active or exercising.
!:"95 &a ;<5",95 `2@# '1G5#
!:"95 3a ;<5",91,F 7:5 ;2<2, .,/ '1G5#
!:"95 Na H$#@B$@#5/ T"$1,F
Aftei peifoiming each cleanse, the following uay you will begin
Structured Eating. Dont begin eating until noon. So skip breakfast and

eat thiee meals uuiing the iemainuei of the uay. Stop eating at 9pm.
Bay seven will be a cheat uay, anu then stop eating at 1upm.
.'7T6V.7JOTa you can eat bieakfast a half houi aftei you awake. This
meal shoulu consist of high fat, high piotein, anu low caibs. Beie aie
some examples: Nuts anu fish, bacon anu eggs, piotein uiinks, etc. Then
eat thiee moie meals consisting of multi coloieu vegetables, piotein,
anu fat (such as olive oil, avocauo, nuts, etc.).
N0TE: Buiing one meal, you can have moie caibs (such as biown iice,
sweet potatoes, millet, spiouteu giain bieau, etc.) Anu piefeiably, uo
this following within one houi youi woikouts.
What this accomplishes:
Its easier
It saves time
Its much less expensive
Its far more productive
Its far less stressful
No planning iequiieu
Its more effective
Theie is no uepiivation
Theie is moie foigiveness in what you eat

F%<-+2$ MAGG*<< :+6<
Beie aie some tips to help you in youi fasting.
1. If you finu that you must eat uuiing a fasting uay, uiink a glass of
water before you do. If that doesnt decrease your hungei, eat
something with a high watei content, possibly giapefiuit oi
watermelon, and if that doesnt help, try eating a handful of raw nuts or
seeus. Finally, tiy uiinking a piotein shake.

2. If youi caloiie intake iemains too low, you will stall in the amount of
weight lost uuiing the week. Tiy incieasing caloiies by consuming extia
foou at each sitting oi even auu on an extia meal.
S. If you finu it uifficult to consume those foous that cleanse the livei,
think about auuing the following to youi uiet: gieens powuei, gailic,
chloiella, choline, etc.

M-"AG-A"*5 W%-+2$ 425 /#, OB##5 MA$%"
If bloou glucose uecieases significantly in the bloou, hypoglycemia can
iesult anu you can get symptoms such as the jitteis. Any such episoues
can be halteu with a low-caib intake foi seveial uays, oi foi as long as
Nake suie to piepaie the bouy by low-caibing (keep out the fiuits anu
staiches; limit youiself to fat anu piotein) foi ioughly two to thiee uays,
oi possibly longei, uepenuing on youi ability to aujust.
If you still encountei pioblems, tiy uiinking a tablespoon of coconut oil,
anu in oiuei to alleviate any glycemic ieaction, limit youi piotein intake.
!+GE Y#A" =*+$>- /#<< !B%2
Take a moment anu consiuei youi weight loss goals. Bow many pounus
uo you want to lose. Bow quickly uo you want neeu to lose the
weight. Foi example, if you want to lose 2u pounus in thiee weeks, you
shoulu focus on the 7@#?2 C51F:$ '299 !<",. Bowevei if you aie 0K with
losing 2u pounus ovei the next thiee to six months, anu you want to
enjoy moie of the foous you love, then the H$5"/A C51F:$ '299 !<", will
woik just fine.
So lets take a look at the plansThere are three calendars, each
iepiesenting a plan that auuiesses a uiffeient weight loss appioach:
M-*%5@ =*+$>- /#<<
dA+GE =*+$>- /#<<

:A"I# =*+$>- /#<<

e& - H$5"/A C51F:$ '299 ;"<5,/"#
Lose 1 to 2 pounus a week on aveiage

e3 - h@1BQ C51F:$ '299 ;"<5,/"#
Lose S to 4 pounus a week on aveiage

eN - 7@#?2 C51F:$ '299 ;"<5,/"#
Lose S to 6 pounus a week on aveiage

+C( :EFY-9) B&#1
The PY-]2@# D"9$ is peifoimeu one time eveiy othei month anu is foi
extieme fat buining. Buiing this time, you can have watei, heibal teas,
anu chew gum. These S things aie enough to get you thiough the fast.
The fast woiks extiemely well. The below photogiaphs illustiate my
own peisonal iesults aftei 2 full uays of fasting. I lost 6 lbs of fat anu
was able to keep it off. (I went iight back to following the Fat Loss
Factor program) You can do this also. Its honestly not that difficult. I uo
think that youi fiist time is the haiuest, but once you accomplish it, you
feel really good about yourself, youve broken some emotional ties to
foou, anu the next time you fast will be much easiei. You can uo it!


Principle #4 Wash Away Fat
With Water

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in
water. Loian Eisley

PO+NLK 0ui bouies aie 7u% watei, which is the most vital nutiient in
oui system. While you can suivive foi only about seven uays without
watei, you can live at least 17 uays without foou. Eveiy physiological
piocess in youi bouy uses watei. It is iequiieu to tianspoit nutiients,
iegulate tempeiatuie, anu builu tissues.
Piobably the most poweiful weight loss tool is watei because it
suppiesses the appetite natuially anu helps the bouy metabolize stoieu
fat. Stuuies have shown that a ueciease in watei intake will cause fat
ueposits to inciease.
C:A /259 $:19 :"005,E
It happens because if your kidneys arent functioning properly due to
uehyuiation, then theii woikloau is shifteu to the livei. Youi livei is

iesponsible foi metabolizing youi stoieu fat. If youi livei has to uo some
of the kidneys work, it cant operate at its best. As a result, it
metabolizes less fat, anu moie fat iemains stoieu in the bouy, stopping
youi ability to lose fat natuially.
As foi watei weight gain, uiinking enough watei is the best tieatment to
iiu youi bouy of excess fluiu. When the bouy gets less watei, it peiceives
this ieuuction as a thieat to suivival anu begins holuing on to eveiy
Watei is stoieu in extia cellulai spaces outsiue the cells. This shows up
as swollen feet, legs anu hanus. Biuietics offei a tempoiaiy solution at
best. Biuietics foice out stoieu watei along with some essential
nutiients. Again, the bouy peiceives this as a thieat anu will ieplace the
watei at the fiist oppoitunity.
The best way to oveicome the pioblem of watei ietention is to give youi
bouy what it neeus: 0<5,$A 2* ("$5#. 0nly then will stoieu watei be
ieleaseu. Any goou weight loss piogiam will consiuei the effectiveness
of uiinking enough watei.
0bese people neeu to uiink moie watei because they have laigei
metabolic loads on average than a normal sized person.
H2 :2( I@B: ("$5# 9:2@</ A2@ /#1,QE
The aveiage intake shoulu be at least eight glasses pei uay. If you aie
oveiweight, uiink 1u to 11 glasses pei uay. 0bviously this is just a
geneial iule of thumb, anu if you aie extiemely obese uiink moie.
Watei is the essential component to goou fat metabolism in the bouy
anu is uesigneu to flush fat fiom the bouy.
8W+YK !)"0R"0< 1-- '9$C ?&1() $&9#(# .%9"6 )(1(01"-0
BO/+K !(C76)&1"-0 $&9#(# .%9"6 )(1(01"-02

When youi bouy thinks that you have a watei shoitage, it ietains as
much fluiu as it can, leaving you bloateu. Alteinatively, when you aie
piopeily hyuiateu, youi kiuneys flush any excess fluiu fiom youi

O*2*0+-< #0 H"+2E+2$ =%-*"
Biinking watei has many benefits. Beie aie some of them:
Lubiicates joints to pievent injuiy.
Incieases stiength by up to 1u%.
Incieases enuuiance by 1S%.
Incieases fat loss by flushing toxins out of bouy.
Regulates uigestion, excietion.
Regulates iespiiation, ciiculation.

=%-*" MAGG*<< :+6<
Beie aie some tips foi impioving youi watei usage:
Caiiy a containei of watei with you eveiywheie you go anu uiink
all the time. Make sure it is hard plastic that doesnt leach, or
stainless steel that doesnt have aluminum in it. These are toxic
foi you.
Watei shoulu be youi piimaiy beveiage.
Auu lemon to youi watei. This has a cleansing effect on youi livei
anu gallblauuei, helping them to function bettei.
If you feel thiisty, you aie uehyuiateu. Biink immeuiately.
If you aie hungiy, watei can contiol youi hungei ciavings.
If youi goal is weight loss, uiink 12-16 8-ounce glasses of watei a

Principle #5 Good Healthy
heie aie veiy few supplements you ieally shoulu take.
Ameiicans spenu $SS billion a yeai on weight-loss piouucts
anu supplements. Biet pills aie uefinitely not something you
shoulu put into youi bouy. They supposeuly speeu up youi
metabolism, or block cortisol, or suppress your appetite. Lets
pretend the manufacturers claims are true.
C:5, A2@ 9$20 @91,F $:5IM "#5 A2@ F21,F $2 F"1, ?"BQ $:5 *"$M ",/ 1* 92M
(1<< A2@ B2,$1,@5 $"Q1,F $:295 01<<9 *2#5G5#E
That is an expensive enueavoi, but moie impoitant woulu be the
uetiimental effects on youi metabolism iesulting fiom long-teim use.
This is because youi bouy will be unable to ueteimine its actual set
None of the supplements I will be listing will be uiet pills.

:#6 .7 MA66B*&*2-< 0#" D*%B->@ =*+$>- /#<<
.J 4 8##5 =>#B* F##5 KAB-+3N+-%&+2eK+2*"%B
The use of a goou, quality multi-vitamin will not make you lose weight
all by itself, but it will make your bodys systems more efficient to burn
fat. When you feeu youi bouy the piopei builuing blocks, youi fat loss
will inciease ten folu. The moie active you aie, the moie fuel youi bouy
uemanus, anu this incieases youi neeu to supplement.
uoou Nulti-vitamin Souices:
Souice Natuials
Solai Ray
Biuckei Labs

New Chaptei 0iganics
uaiuen 0f Life

Click here to order my #1 recommended mens multi vitamin:
Click heie to oiuei my #1 iecommended womens multi vitamin:

7J (&*$%3R F+<> (+B P%6<AB*<e/+fA+5
A goou quality fish oil is ciitical. This might be the most impoitant
supplement you neeu, since we aie so ueficient in 0mega-S. It is a
natuial anti-inflammatoiy, it helps suppiess coitisol, it incieases fat
buining, anu it enhances weight loss. Kiill 0il is the best on the maiket
iight now. It is a veiy puie souice fiom the colu wateis in Noiway. The
fish oil is taken fiom smallei fish that uo not bio-acccumulate as many
toxins as some of the bigger fish. It doesnt taste bad and is essential to
youi health anu weight loss goals.
Click heie to oiuei 0mega-S Kiill 0il:

RJ W;-"% O N+-%&+2<V
We just cant get enough of these. B vitamins have a variety of functions
in youi bouy:
Suppoit anu inciease metabolism.
Naintain healthy skin anu muscle tone.

Enhance immune system anu neivous system function.
Piomote cell giowth anu uivision,
Combat stiess, uepiession, anu caiuiovasculai uisease.
Theie aie seveial goou sublingual (uissolve unuei the tongue) B
vitamins available in the maiketplace. You can seaich the Inteinet to
finu them anu compaie piices.

XJ 8"**2< !#,5*"
This is maue of wheat giass, bailey giass, etc. You can auu a little bit of
this to youi watei each uay to balance youi bouy, taking it fiom an
aciuic to an alkaline state, anu thus enhance youi weight loss. uo to
Whole Foous, Tiauei }oes, oi any health foou stoie oi even Theie aie a vaiiety of uiffeient bianus.
The Peifect Foou, by uaiuen of Life, is my favoiite:

You can also puichase this fiom oui shop:


\J !"#I+#-+G<
These aie healthy bacteiia that help with foou uigestion anu
maintaining piopei gut health. They boost youi immune system anu

help you assimilate foou bettei, which leaus to impioveu nutiient
Bealthy bacteiia shoulu be available fiom the soil, fiom the veggies anu
fruit grown in it. Unfortunately, most of the worlds soil is now so
uepleteu of nutiients that nothing can giow in it piopeily, not even
To touch biiefly on the weight gain anu obesity consequences, viitually
eveiy stuuy peifoimeu on the obese population analyzing gut bacteiia
found higher instances of bad bacteria and lower levels of probiotics
(again, the good bacteria) within these individuals.
Peihaps you youiself aie alieauy expeiiencing some of the moie
auvanceu signs that youi intestinal bacteiial balance is beginning to
spin out of contiol, such as:
uas anu bloating
Constipation anuoi uiaiihea
Sugai ciavings, especially foi heavily iefineu caib
Pio Biotics aie a B0uE ueal anu I fiimly believe that EvERY0NE shoulu
be taking these. Ny entiie family takes these iegulaily. This is by fai the
best stuff that I can finu on the maiket. So much so, that I sell it myself.
Thats how much I believe in it. Make sure to watch the videos. They are
shoit anu veiy infoimative.
uo heie to giab a bottle foi you anu youi family:

]J F+I*" MA66B*&*2-V
You cannot have enough fibei, especially if you aie tiying to lose fat.
Fibei cleais the uigestive system anu levels out the insulin spikes that
can occui when you eat too many caibs. Theie aie plenty of goou fibei
supplements on the market. I like Garden Of Lifes organic fiber blend or
Whole Foous has a gieat fibei powuei.
L('(',(): Fibei 4u foi Life! (4u giams of fibei a uay)

^J !"#-*+2 !#,5*"
Whey piotein contains all the essential amino acius. Plus it boasts the
highest piotein quality iating among all pioteins. Thus, it is a complete
piotein. Whey piotein is a by-piouuct of the cheese manufactuiing
piocess. At one time it was uiscaiueu oi useu foi animal feeu, but
ieseaicheis latei iealizeu whey piotein has incieuible benefits foi
humans. Bigh-quality whey piotein can have uiamatic effects.
Benefits incluue:
Suppoits youi immune health.
Boosts youi eneigy.
Suppoits beneficial gut bacteiia.
Piomotes muscle stiength, enuuiance, anu iecoveiy.
Piotects all youi cells via its antioxiuant piopeities.
Pioviues ciitical amino acius anu pioteins.
Suppoits youi bouys optimal metabolic rate and fat burning


_J P%@*22* !*66*" !+BB<
You shoulu alieauy be familiai with cayenne peppei fiom the cleanse
phase of Fat Loss Factor. Cayenne peppers active ingredient is
capsaicin, which helps to cieate a slight theimogenic effect anu actually
helps with appetite suppiession. Pick up some capsules at any health
food store. Id suggest two capsules for three meals a uay foi optimal

`J 8BA-%&+2*
ulutamine is a non-essential amino aciu that has been oveilookeu. It is a
veiy cost effective anu valuable supplement that can give you an euge
on youi fat buining piogiam.
Beie aie the benefits:
Pievents muscle catabolism, which is basically the teaiing uown
of muscle.
Piomotes muscle anabolism, which is basically muscle giowth.
Enhances the immune system.
Enhances glycogen stoiage, which keeps you fiom getting tiieu
easily when you exeicise.

.SJ P>%&#&+B*[ Y*"I% K%-*[ 8"**2 :*%[ (#B#2$ :*%
;:"I2I1<5 - Chamomile has no caffeine so it is not a stimulant. It is a
ielaxant, but the pytochemicals anu anti-oxiuants in this tea give it a
poweiful punch. We aie bombaiueu uaily by estiogenic compounus
founu in pesticiues, plastics, householu cleaneis, oui watei supply, aii
pollution, soy piouucts, beei, anu lots of othei foous. These estiogenic
compounus aie toxic to the bouy anu will upset hoimones anu cause
youi bouy to holu on to stubboin fat, especially in youi belly.
Chamomile tea helps piotect you fiom the effects of these
Xenoestiogens, which will keep you fiom losing stubboin bouy fat.

Biink a cup an houi befoie beutime to ielax you anu piepaie you foi a
good nights sleep.
`5#?" ="$5M 4#55, 75"M C:1$5 $5"M .,/ )2<2,F 75" - All foui of these teas
have unique poly phenols, anti-oxiuants, anu phyto chemicals that will
boost youi immune system anu give youi bouy an euge on fat buining.
You can uiink them hot oi colu. If you neeu to sweeten youi tea, use
Stevia as a natuial sweetenei. This can be founu at any gioceiy stoie.

..J H+$*<-+)* W2L@&*<
In this uay anu age of fast foou, anu foou giown in soil that has much
less nutiients, it is essential to be taking uigestive enzymes. These aie
molecules that help you to bieak uown youi foou. I take these uaily anu
take extia on my cheat uay, befoie I stait to eat one of my unhealthy
Just take one single capsule at the start of each meal, and youll be
1. 0ptimal piotein bieakuown anu absoiption fiom meat to uaiiy to
all veggie souices thiough a potent blenu of S poweiful enzymes that
ensuie each piotein, iegaiuless of souice, is ieuuceu to its fully
absoibable peptiue anu fiee amino aciu foims.
2. 0ptimal caibohyuiate anu fibei bieakuown anu absoiption
thiough a total of 1u unique caib anu fibei enzymes that make suie you
get all the goouness anu nutiients fiom eveiy vegetable, potato, bean,
fiuit, iice, anu spiouteu giain you eat.
S. 0ptimal uietaiy fat bieakuown anu absoiption thiough uual
action enzymes that covei a bioau pB iange.
4. A specializeu enzyme to fully bieak uown lactose fiom uaiiy while
at the same time ieuucing oi eliminating the bloating anu gas that is
iegulaily associateu with these foous.

S. GlutenGone A uynamic uuo of 2 unique enzymes that has been
shown in veiy iecent ieseaich to be unmatcheu in its ability to fully
uigest gluten, assisting those with gluten intoleiance anu avoiuing the
haimful effects of this uamaging piotein.
6. Enhanceu absoiption of health-piomoting, age-uefying, anu
uisease-fighting vitamins, mineials, phytochemicals, anu antioxiuants
fiom all foous.
I have tiieu multiple uigestive enzymes anu the one that I like the best
can be founu heie:

.7J /*6-+3OA"2
The final supplement that I iecommenu is exclusive to Biotiust anu is
only foi people who want to have an euge on theii fat loss. }ust about
eveiyone is unknowingly fighting a losing battle with leptin each anu
eveiy time they attempt to lose weight. With that saiu, it's pietty easy to
see why so many folks, anu peihaps you'ie one of them, stiuggle to sheu
theii unwanteu bouy fat, month aftei month, yeai aftei yeai.
Leptin's main function is to piotect youi bouy against staivation, anu in
the miust of uecieaseu foou intake (i.e. uieting), youi bouy
unfoitunately views youi stoieu bouy fat as a huge asset to suivival.
Aftei all, bouy fat pioviues a vast supply of stoieu eneigy anu waimth,
both highly-valueu iesouices when foou is in shoit supply.
You see, when you go on a uiet, youi bouy isn't awaie of youi hopes foi
a slim, tight waistline oi youi uesiie to uiop 2u lbs in time foi youi high
school ieunion oi summei beach season. In fact, the only thing it uoes
know is that your calorie intake is now below "normal" and to your
biain, that's a big ieu flag.
The iesult: ieuuceu leptin levels anu uiamatically uecieaseu fat buining.

To Instantly uain Contiol 0vei the Boimone that Contiols Liteially
EvERYTBINu Relateu to Fat Loss Anu Bieak Thiough Youi Weight Loss
Plateau, click heie

Principle #6 - Rebuild Your Body &
Melt Fat All Day Long

Unless you change how you are, you will always
:"Ge what youve got. }im Rohn
or many people, exercise is a rare event. They make a new years
iesolution to lose 2u pounus of jiggle, anu then make it thiough
two workout sessions. Then its over before they know it and
foigotten about until next yeai.
I find that many people make excuses why they dont exercise.
We dont want to do that anymore, right? Why?
Because we aie action takeis now.

M+; =#"E (A- W;GA<*<
Below aie some of the ieasons people quit too soon.
.J :%E*< :## KAG> :+&*
The woikouts I will shaie with you aie uesigneu foi those inuiviuuals
who dont have a lot of time on their handspeople who woik 4u-plus
houis a week anu aie so tiieu when they get home that the last thing
they want to uo is woik out. If this sounus like you, then keep ieauing.
7J :## O#"+2$
Theie aie many ways to woik out anu not be boieu. }oining a local
spoits league, such as basketball oi volleyball, is a gieat way to get some
exeicise. Taking the family foi a walk oi a bike iiue aftei uinnei is
anothei gieat way to fit in a woikout. The type of woikout that we will
be outlining is not boiing. It is uesigneu to keep youi muscles guessing,

which will in tuin give you the iesults you uesiieanu a lot fastei.
Eveiy woikout is uiffeient.
RJ :## !%+20AB
If you aie sick oi have injuieu youiself bauly, then the best way to get in
a woikout is to bieak it uown into baby steps. Each uay you will uo just
1% moie than the uay befoie. If you aie suffeiing fiom back tiouble,
finu a goou chiiopiactoi in youi aiea. If you aie suffeiing fiom a
sickness, then do the cleanse I mentioned. If that doesnt help, seek
auvice fiom a natuiopath oi othei health caie piofessional.
L('(',(): least invasive to most invasive when you aie tiying to heal
youi bouy.
That means you shoulu:
Stop activities that aie haiming you.
Change youi nutiition.
Stait exeicising.
visit a natuial healthcaie pioviuei such as a natuiopath,
chiiopiactoi, homeopath, oi massage theiapist.
visit youi meuical uoctoi, who will oiuei tests anu most likely
give you a uiug piesciiption.
Suigeiy is always youi last option as it is the most invasive,
peimanent thing that you can evei uo. Think ieally haiu befoie
you go unuei a knife to ensuie you have no othei alteinatives.
XJ /%GE (0 K#-+)%-+#2
0ne of the best things you can do is listen to motivational CDs in your
cai oi on youi iPoumotivational speakeis such as Tony Robbins,
Biian Tiacy, Zig Ziglai, etc., someone who can keep you focuseu on the
enu goal.

\J U# P#&&+-&*2-
0ui society suffeis fiom commitment phobia. This is eviuent when you
consiuei the /1G2#B5 #"$5, which is 6u%; anu also when you consiuei the
2?591$A #"$5M which is 70%. We are being raised in a fast-food society
where were trained to want everything RIGHT NOW. The problem is
that if we dont lose weight oi see iesults iight away, we give up. This
piogiam will help you to get ovei this baiiiei.
]J :## ?2-+&+5%-+2$
I dont know how to get started.
Ny goal is foi you to
become an action takei.
We aie bombaiueu with
so much infoimation that
oui minus aie always
going a mile a minute.
What happens. Paialysis
by AnalysisAKA (5
$:1,Q $22 /"#, I@B:b
Be an action-takei: one small step at a time is all that it takes.
h@59$12, *2# A2@a Bow uo you eat an elephant.
.,9(5#: 0ne bite at a time.... BABY STEPS!
The fiist step will always be the haiuestthat fiist action, whethei it be
youi fiist uay of uieting oi youi fiist uay of exeicising. But guess what.
J$ F5$9 ?5$$5# 5"B: /"AL
The iesults will come with consistency ovei a peiiou of time.

9*%<#2< =>@ Y#A M>#AB5 W;*"G+<*
Exeicising has the following benefits:
Incieases weight loss by 1,uuu %.
Can change youi BNA: If you aie blaming youi family foi you
being oveiweight, ieseaich shows that you can change this.
(Watch the Tv Show Biggest Losei)
Builus anu tones muscle.
Tuibo chaiges youi metabolism so it can buin fat all uay long.
Boosts youi immune system so you can fight uisease.
Impioves eveiy aspect of youi health: Loweis youi iisk of
cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimers, and more.
Boosts youi eneigy by Suu%.
Becieases stiess levels: lowei coitisol levels.
Impioves biain function: incieases youi memoiy, attention
span, anu youi leaining ability.
Reveises the aging piocess.
Pievents anu ieveise osteopoiosis.

Impioves youi self esteem anu self confiuence, anu loweis youi
The All-Bay Fat-Buining Nachine: =@9B<5
When we think about muscles, we think about Arnold Schwarzeneggers
powerful pecs, Matthew McConougheys perfect abs, or Jessica Biels
tight glutes.
C:"$ /2 $:595 F@A9 :"G5 1, B2II2,E
They aie all movie stais. Yes, but they all woikeu ieally haiu to builu
their amazing bodies. The chances of you having a perfect 10 body like

theiis is slim anu none. 0nless you want to woik out two to thiee times
a uay as they uiu. The ieason they have that bouy is that it was liteially
theii job. That is a uiffeient topic foi a uiffeient uay. This piogiam is not
uesigneu foi them; it is uesigneu foi you.
In this piogiam, we aie shooting foi a 7, 8 oi a 9 bouy.
While muscles give us the metabolic ability to buin caloiies eveiy time
we move, theii ieal auvantage is that they constantly feeu on caloiies,
even when you aie sitting at youi uesk typing up that last-minute iepoit
foi youi boss.

B&$1K N>()7 U-906 -. '9#$%( ,9)0# :4 1- 3J4 $&%-)"(# &
6&7 b9#1 1- #9#1&"0 "1#(%.2
B&$1K N>()7 U-906 -. .&1 .((6# -0 -0%7 -0( 1- 1C)((
$&%-)"(# & 6&72

>259 1$ I"Q5 95,95 $:"$ $:5 I2#5 I@9B<5 A2@ :"G5M $:5 <599 *"$ A2@ :"G5E
It is all about that lean muscle mass. Nuscle seives as a piimaiy eneigy
consumei foi youi bouy. Think of it like a iaging fiie. Toss a log into it,
anu the piece of woou will buin up faiily quickly. Think of youi fat like
you woulu a lit match. It woulu take foievei anu a uay foi the match to
burn up the log. Lets put this in food terms: Eat a piece of pizza anu
youi muscle can fiy it up a lot fastei than fat, thus ieuucing the amount
of fat you will stoie.
When focusing on the iight muscles anu following the iight plan, you
wont add bulk; youll firm up, and youll stimulate the amount of
giowth neeueu to help buin those extia caloiies.

/+2$#V :>* /%2$A%$* (0 =#"E+2$ (A-
The woilu of exeicise, especially weight tiaining, has its own vocabulaiy
that you shoulu leain. Not only is this vocabulaiy a must to get you
thiough the exeicises, it will also keep you fiom sounuing like an iuiot in
the gym.
9*6*-+-+#2<K This is the numbei of times you peifoim the specifieu
exeicise. If you lift a weight 1u times in a iow, that is 1u iepetitions oi
M*-<K A set is the numbei of times you peifoim the iepetitions of the
exercise. For example, three sets of 10 repetitions is performing 10
ieps thiee sepaiate times foi a total of Su iepetitions.
MA6*" M*-K Boing 2 sets of 2 uiffeient exeicises back to back (no iest in
between the sets). Foi example: 1u pushups + 1u pushuowns.
9*<-K This is time between sets. The less time you give youiself, the
moie intense the woikout. We will be floating aiounu a minute iest
between sets.
F%+BA"*K Doing an exercise to failure means doing a set until you
cannot perform even one more rep.
?2-*2<+-@K Bow challenging youi exeicises aie. This is easily mouifieu by
auuing moie weight, auuing moie ieps, auuing moie sets, anu the
easiest way to inciease intensity is to shoiten time between sets. The
moie intense youi woikouts aie, the fastei you will see iesults.

!"#6*" !#<-A"* H*0+2*5
Pooi postuie leaus to muscle imbalances anu these will ultimately iesult
in injuiy.
;)-U() ;-#19)(

The heau is up anu back so the eais line up ovei the shoulueis.
Shoulueis aie iolleu back in theii joint sockets.
0ppei back is flat anu not aicheu oi humpeu.
Belly button is suckeu in towaius spine.
Bips back so you have an aic in youi low back
Knees aie slightly bent to pioviue shock absoiption.

Keep this postuie in eveiything you uo: exeicise, woik, anu play.

:>* /%, (0 45%6-%-+#2
This law states that ovei time, youi bouy will auapt to the stiess placeu
on it by whatevei enviionment it is in oi whatevei situations it is
iegulaily encounteiing. Foi example, people who live in ueseit cultuies
aie iegulaily exposeu to sunlight, so they have auapteu by ueveloping
uaikei skin. The uaikei the pigmentation in the bouy, the bettei the
ability to absoib ultiaviolet iauiation fiom the sun.
Pait 2 of the law states that as you auapt to ceitain stiesses, you become
un-adapted to opposing stresses. For instance, people who are used to
waim climates aie not piepaieu foi colu weathei.

Part 3 of the law states that you either use it or lose it. This rule can be
applieu to any aspect of youi life. In this case we aie talking about
exercise. If you dont move it, you will lose it.

+C( D&? -. T#( M1 -) D-#( M1
If you dont exeicise, you will lose youi health.
If you dont exeicise, you will lose youi attiactiveness.
If you dont exeicise, you will lose youi focus.
If you dont exeicise, you will lose youi muscle.
If you dont exeicise, you will lose youi eneigy supply.
If you dont exeicise, you will lose youi youthful looks.
If you dont exeicise, youi joints will bieak uown.
If you uont exeicise, youi bones will bieak uown.

This should give you more than enough reasons to use it or lose it.
Youi bouy iesponus to whatevei stiess you place on it. If you aie a
maiathon iunnei anu, youi muscles aie uesigneu to iun long uistances,
anu you ueciue to become a spiintei anu only iun shoit uistances, guess

what. Youi muscles will conveit ovei time to become shoitei anu moie
If you have nevei woikeu out anu you iiue a bike foi two miles, youi
bouy will be unuei high stiess, but youi bouy will auapt to that stiess,
anu you will feel less stiess the next time you iiue foi two miles.
}ust the opposite is tiue also. If you aie an 0lympic athlete anu you
chose to sit aiounu all uay, watch Tv, uiink soua, anu eat chili cheese
uogs, youi bouy will auapt to this seuentaiy lifestyle anu uiop the extia
muscle you aie caiiying because it is not being useu. In oiuei to be as
efficient as possible, youi bouy sheus the most metabolically expensive
tissue, which is muscle.
Now, lets take the law of auaptation a step fuithei. If you uo the same
thing ovei anu ovei, youi bouy auapts to it. When it has auapteu to the
uemanus placeu on it, it stops changing. This is a key piinciple
thioughout this whole piogiam. Bo not let youi bouy get useu to the
same boiing foous oi the same olu woikout.
In oui two-week uiet plan, we change up youi uiet so you must auapt to
something new anu healthy. This foices you to lose weight.
In oui exeicise plan, we foice youi bouy to keep auapting anu changing
because eveiy woikout is a uiffeient woikout! You nevei get boieu, anu
you will always make piogiess. Theie aie no plateaus because youi
bouy has to bieak thiough them natuially.

O*<- :+&* :# W;*"G+<*
The best time to exeicise is anytime! It is always bettei to uo it than not
to uo it. So when you uiive, paik in the faithest spot fiom youi builuing
anu walk. Take the staiis insteau of the elevatoi. These little things
ieally uo auu up. The healthiest time to exeicise is two to thiee houis
following a meal because youi bouy has hau time to uigest youi foou.

The best time foi fat buining anu quickly tiansfoiming youi bouy is in
the moining, befoie you have eaten any caibohyuiates. This is because
youi bouy is coming out of a fasting state anu it will have a lot of stoieu
sugais anu fats foi eneigy. When you woik out aftei consuming caibs,
youi bouy will use those caibohyuiates foi eneigy insteau of using the
stoieu fat oi sugais.

W;*"G+<*V MAGE Y#A" O*BB@ OA--#2 :# Y#A" M6+2*
This is a simple exeicise you can uo while you aie sitting at youi uesk at
woik, oi uiiving somewheie. This is woiking youi tiansveise abuominis
muscle. When uone consistently, you will not only stiengthen youi abs,
but you will also keep youi abs tight anu pulleu in to youi bouy insteau
of just hanging out like a pooch belly.
If you aie a iecent mothei, this is one of the most impoitant exeicises
you can uo. When you aie piegnant, youi abuominal muscles become
stietcheu. If you have gaineu too much weight oi have become piegnant
again too soon, the bouy has a much haiuei time iegaining its pievious
state and doesnt go back. This exercise will tighten up your abs, and
will speeu the iecoveiy piocess aftei piegnancy.
Heres how you do it:
Sit up stiaight.
Suck youi stomach in as fai as you can, like you aie tiying to
suck it to youi spine. (If youi iibs aie sticking out moie than
usual, then you aie uoing it iight)
Bolu it in anu bieath noimally.
Bolu it foi 2u seconus, then ielease.
Bo thiee sets of 1u iepetitions.
Tiy to holu it as long as you can.
T85#B1959: See Attacheu Sheets

The exeicises you will be peifoiming will be a lot of full-bouy exeicises.
The moie muscles you can exeicise at once, the moie fat you can buin
anu the highei you can boost youi metabolism. This means you will
buin fat ALL BAY L0Nu.
Dont be intimidated or afraid. They are easier
than they sounu. L('(',(): baby steps. We aie
action takeis anu we aie going to take that fiist step!
These woikouts will take SS to 6u minutes to
peifoim each session. When you look at them, you
will notice that uiffeient uays iequiie uiffeient
iepetitions anu sets. This is to confuse youi bouy
anu get moie out of youi woikout. You will also
notice that these woikouts have caiuio
inteimingleu between exeicises. This is to
maximize fat buining in youi bouy. You will stait woiking out thiee
times pei week. Bo not auu moie woikouts oi caiuio just yet.
0nce you aie accustomeu to these woikouts, then you can uo a uiffeient
workout every day for fantastic results. But forget about that now... lets
piactice...?"?A 9$509... success happens one small step at a time in the
iight uiiection.

MA$$*<-*5 =#"E#A-< e :+&*<
(See Attacheu Sheet)
Week Beginnei Inteimeuiate Auvanceu
1 Appiox Su minutes Appiox Su minutes Appiox 4S minutes
2 Appiox Su minutes Appiox 4S minutes Appiox 4u minutes
S Appiox SS minutes Appiox 4S minutes Appiox Su minutes
4 Appiox 4u minutes Appiox 4S minutes Appiox 4S minutes

Amount of iest between sets: Anywheie fiom Su to 9u seconus.

P>%2$+2$ ?- 16
Pilates, Yoga, Boot camps, caiuio kickboxing, Tai-Chi, uance classes,
maitial aits classes, leagues, clubs oi any type of fitness classes aie a
gieat change up. They usually have eight-week classes, anu they aie a
way to give youi fitness some functional vaiiety.
Nake it pait of youi lifestyle!

Principle #7 Sculpt Muscle And
Trim Fat!

Seventy percent of success in life is showing up.
Woouy Allen

:>* H"*%5*5 P%"5+#
/&)6"-you eithei love it oi you hate it. Nost people hate it, but the
fact is that it woiks to buin fat. The inefficient way to peifoim caiuio is
at a moueiate iate foi a long peiiou of time. Bay in anu uay out.
Foi example, if you aie iunning five miles a uay eveiy othei uay, you
will buin caloiies anu fat. Bowevei, you will also buin up a lot of time.
These long, boiing caiuio sessions aie not the best way to buin fat. Youi
metabolism iemains elevateu foi one to two houis aftei this long
woikout, so youi bouy continues to buin fat at a highei iate foi one to
two houis aftei youi caiuio session.

D+$> ?2-*2<+-@ ?2-*")%B :"%+2+2$
Bigh-Intensity Inteival Tiaining (BIIT) is a bettei, fastei way to buin fat.
BIIT will elevate youi metabolism one to two uays aftei youi woikout
anu skyiocket youi metabolism.
This piinciple is in line with the '"( 2* ./"0$"$12,: constantly changing
your pace so that your body has to think and adapt.
Here is the problem: our bodies werent designed to run long distances.
In fact, we aie the only animals on the planet that iun five miles oi moie
at a time. Boing so actually goes against oui genetics. Bumans weie

uesigneu foi moie stop-go activities, involving shoit buists of exeition.
Nost competitive spoits aie baseu on this.
Consistent, steauy-state aeiobic exeicise will eventually uestioy youi
joints anu youi immune system. Anaeiobic, oi stop-go exeicise, will
actually stiengthen youi immune system, impiove youi joints, anu
inciease youi eneigy. This is because you aie being congiuent with youi
genetics iathei than woiking against them.
BIIT takes only 2u minutes two to foui times a week. Bepenuing on
which pait of the fat loss factoi woikout you aie uoing.
Beie aie samples of two uiffeient BIIT woikouts (each takes ioughly 2u

M%&6B* =#"E#A- g.
Waim-up foi S to 4 minutes at a fast walk oi light jog
Inteival 1 - iun at level 8 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 2 - walk at level 4 foi 1.S minutes
Inteival S - iun at level 1u foi 1 minute
Inteival 4 - walk at level 4 foi 1.S minutes
Repeat these 4 inteivals 4 times foi a veiy intense 2u-minute

M%&6B* =#"E#A- g7V
Waim-up foi S-4 minutes at a fast walk oi light jog
Inteival 1 - iun at level S on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 2 - iun at level 6 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival S - iun at level 7 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 4 - iun at level 8 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival S - iun at level 9 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute

Inteival 1 - iun at level 6 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 2 - iun at level 7 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival S - iun at level 8 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 4 - iun at level 9 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Repeat this inteival set again
Inteival 1 - iun at level 1u on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 2 - iun at level S on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival S - iun at level S on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Back uown to a light jog oi walk foi 1 minute
Inteival 1 - iun at level 6 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 2 - iun at level 7 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival S - iun at level 8 on a tieaumill foi 1 minute
Inteival 4 - jog foi 2 min to cool uown

1B-+&%-* F%- OB%<-*"
As foi caiuiovasculai inteival tiaining, theie is nothing that tops hill
spiints of Su to Su yaius. This is the ultimate fat blastei. Finu a hill, iun
up it, anu then walk uown. Bo this foi 1u to 1S minutes, anu that is all
that you have to uo. What a simple little seciet.

O#2A< O*BB@ F%- OB%<-*"
This was boiioweu fiom a goou fiienu of mine anu coach, Shaun
Bausall. I tiieu this piotocol anu I highly iecommenu it. The entiie
piotocol can be founu in this fiee uownloau uesigneu specifically foi Fat
Loss Factoi customeis. Bownloau heie:

The piotocol is wiitten below:
Mc+NLdOD Oc! /OL!M= QNgTNc/N

Ninutes Intensity Level
Waim 0p

1 - S 1 - 2
Buist foi spiint foi Su seconus
followeu immeuiately by walking foi
Su seconus (iepeat S to 1u times)

S - 1S
Buist: S
Nini-cool uown
Walk biiskly 2 minutes

1S - 17 1
Rest B2I0<5$5<A foi S minutes

17 - 22
Steauy State Caiuio to buin off Fiee
Fatty Acius

22 - 4S 2 - S
Enu Woikout

These aie by fai, the best ways to do cardio training in the shortest
amount of time with the absolute best results. I mean just look at how
the 0lympic spiinteis aie built veisus the maiathon iunneis. Which
woulu you like to be.
Thats a pretty drastic difference if you ask me.

!"+2G+6B* g^ MAGG*<< :+6<
If these levels aie too high foi you, then uiop them all uown one
oi two levels. L('(',(): baby steps.
It is also goou to change the exeicises you uo: Some weeks,
insteau of iunning, use the bike; on otheis use the elliptical, anu
on otheis, use the staii climbei, etc.
If you have a watch that calculates miles pei houi anu uistance,
iun outsiue.
If it is sunny outsiue, go foi a iun oi a bike iiue. You can take a
moueiate iuniiue with no inteivals (iemembei we want to
change it up). Auu moie time when you uo this, Su minutes if
you noimally go 2u minutes.
0thei gieat exeicises aie jump iope, iowing, box jumping,
plyometiics with a meuicine ball, oi ciicuit tiaining.
Be suie to pace youi bieathing: in thiough the nose anu out
thiough the mouth. This will give you moie enuuiance uuiing
the tiaining. We will touch on this moie latei.
The combination of full bouy iesistance tiaining, the law of auaptation,
anu BIIT will put youi fat-burning hormones into overdrive. Now lets
combine this with a healthy, Fat Loss Factoi meal plan.

Principle #8 Its All A Mind

e live in a veiy high-stiess society. Eveiyuay, it seems like it
is go, go, go, iush, iush, iush. As soon as you wake up in the
moining, you iush to get ieauy, iush to get the kius off to
school, feeuing them Pop Taits anu sugai ceieal, so they
have something to eat; then you sit in iush houi tiaffic;
ueaulines at woik piess youi time; then you iush to get home, iush to
get the kius to anu fiom piactice, iush to fix uinnei (a lot of times I bet
you aie too tiieu to cook so you iesoit to youi local pizza ueliveiy foi
youi nutiitious meal), iush to uo homewoik; then you spenu maybe a
half an hour watching your favorite TV show; then its time to get
eveiyone to beu anu you get to get up the next moining anu uo it all
ovei again!
Now, not only is this stiessful at the time you aie peifoiming these
activities, but when you follow this ioutine consistently foi yeais, youi
bouy staits to age at an incieuible iate, anu you gain weight.

M-"*<< 425 =*+$>- 8%+2
Reseaich inuicates the link between stiess anu weight gain is much
stiongei than oiiginally believeu. A iecent stuuy fiom ueoigetown
Neuical Centei showeu that mice unuei stiess gain extia weight even if
theii calorie intake doesnt increase. Scientists also report that after
thiee months, these same mice became two times as obese as mice
without stiess, even though they weie eating the same amount!
When you expeiience stiess, you ielease B2#$192<, which is a poweiful
fat-gaining stiess hoimone. This little hoimone makes it viitually
impossible foi youi bouy to get iiu of fat. So if you aie stiessing anu

uieting, oi stiessing anu woiking out, you woik completely against
youiself, which coulu be anothei ieason why you arent getting the
iesults you uesiie.

D#, :# H*3M-"*<<
Lets start with reprogramming your mindset to a success mindset. Ive
listeu S key steps below.
Fat Loss Factors Five Mindgrowth Keys
&L H@BB599 <5"G59 B<@59: Dont try to reinvent the wheel. Talk to people
who have been successful at losing weight anu keeping it off. Pay
attention to theii minuset anu theii attituue.
3L 7:5#5 19 ,2 *"1<@#5M 2,<A *55/?"BQ: This is wheie to stait changing
youi minuset. Nothing you uo can be a failuie if you leain fiom it.
Remembei, if you Q,2( bettei, then you /2 bettei. Look at Thomas
Edison. He failed 10,000 before he created the light bulb. But
when askeu how he peiseveieu, he saiu that he uiscoveieu 1u,uuu
ways to not make a light bulb. Be nevei faileu.
NL !520<5 :"G5 "<< $:5 "?1<1$A $:5A ,55/ $2 9@BB55/a You have success
within you; I promise. What you dont have are the skill sets
neeueu to change. This is what I am giving to you. You have to use
it and apply it. Knowledge by itself isnt power. Knowledge plus
action equals powei. The ieal pait that people miss is the /21,F
poition. Nothing happens until something moves.
PL 7:5 0520<5 (1$: $:5 F#5"$59$ *<581?1<1$A "#5 $:5 2,59 (:2 (1<< I29$
9@BB599*@<<A ,"G1F"$5 0#2?<5I 91$@"$12,9 $2 "B:15G5 /591#5/ B:",F5a
You have to be auaptable in losing weight. It is viitually impossible
foi anyone to stay on the stiaight anu naiiow. Life always happens.
Bo youi best, anu if you stait to stiay, go back anu ieau key
numbei S listeu above.

RL 7:5 :1F:59$ 0#12#1$A 5I2$12,"< #5d@1#5I5,$ *2# 5G5#A2,5 19 $:5
1,,"$5 /591#5 $2 *55< <2G5/ ",/ "00#5B1"$5/a This is what uiives oui
actions. This is why eveiyone always tiies to look goou foi
everyone else. Dont believe me? Step back for a second and think
about why you uo the things you uo... anu also look aiounu you.
Youll get the picture.
Well, I hope you enjoyeu this lesson. Now heie is youi homewoik
J (",$ A2@ $2 I"Q5 " $20-&\ <19$ 2* (:"$ A2@
$:1,Q " :5"<$:A I1,/95$ 9:2@</ ?5L
I will give you mine. Change it aiounu the best you can so that it will
apply to you. Reau it eveiy uay foi a month. Some people say a uaily
habit is created in 21 days. Lets be safe and give it a month!

WB*&*2-< (0 4 D*%B->@ K+25<*-
This is an example of what you want youi
minuset to look like.
Bave an incieaseu awaieness
anu appieciation of youiself
anu youi bouy.
Set asiue time each uay to
peifoim iituals oi to ielax anu
meuitate. Bo yoga oi Tai-Chi
(amazing foi stiess ieuuction),
ieau the bible, piay, anu be
Keep in touch with close

The ability to auapt to evei-changing conuitions.
Always ciave physical activity anu healthy foou; exeicise, eat
iight, anu take goou nutiitional supplements.
Laugh a lot. A gieat comeuy can make you feel bettei. You can
also foice a smile (believe me this woiks wonueis anu is
Have fun and do things. Dont be anti-social!
Always see the glass as :"<*-*@<<. Bave an optimistic attituue anu
be hopeful.
Always caie about how you look anu about youi bouy, not
letting it go uownhill. Youi outsiue is a ieflection of youi insiue.
Never let worry bother you; reject worry. Dont ever sweat the
small stuff!

R F#"&< (0 W;*"G+<* :>%- P%2 H*3<-"*<< Y#A" K+25
Theie aie thiee foims of exeicise that aie uiffeient fiom the typical gym
exeicises anu can help you in many ways. These aie yoga, Tai-Chi anu
Foi a minu-bouy exeicise, tiy the eastein piactice of yoga. Bowevei,
theie aie some things to iemembei befoie you take up yoga. 0n its own,
yoga will help tone youi bouy anu muscles, but it may not offei gieat
caiuiovasculai benefits. Yoga is a gieat uisciplinaiy teachei foi the minu
anu may help you stay with youi uiet.
Also, newei foims of yoga like Ashthanga yoga, Bot yoga, anu Powei
yoga offei vigoious exeicise piactices. If you aie a beginnei, finu a class
with an expeiienceu instiuctoi to guiue you.

With the practice of yogas stretching exercises, you will attain more
flexibility, anu if caiuio oi aeiobic ioutines aie auueu you will benefit
even moie. The moie you exeicise, the moie you will have a fast fat-
buining bouy.
Tai-Chi is also fiom the east anu uses a seiies of slow contiolleu
movements in its routine. Like yoga, it disciplines the mind and body.
These slow movements tone the muscle thiough low-impact exeicising.
Bowevei, Tai-Chi shoulu be combineu with moie vigoious exeicise that
will yielu fastei iesults. Tai-Chi is suitable foi people with health
pioblems because it helps iestoie balance in the bouy anu also boosts
the immune system.
Pilates is anothei foim of gentle exeicise that stiengthens anu tones
youi coie muscles anu the tiunk of youi bouy. Pilates is a uisciplines
ioutine that piogiesses thiough levels as youi bouy aujusts. It woiks
the bouy as " (:2<5 using balance to inciease muscle stiength. 0nlike
yoga anu Tai-Chi, at auvanceu levels, Pilates uses iesistance equipment
anu even fiee weights at highei levels to give youi bouy a bettei
woikout methou.
To ieap the most benefits fiom an exeicise ioutine, both in weight loss
anu muscle uevelopment, vary the types of exercising you do. Youll lose
weight fast the moie youi bouy woiks. Regulai exeicise anu a healthy,
nutiitious uiet will keep you fit. Both exeicise anu uiet aie necessaiy not
only to lose weight but also keep it off.
C:"$ you think anu :2( you think will ueteimine if you aie successful
oi not. Please, take this auvice seiiously anu stait applying it touay.
L('(',(): we aie action takeis.

Principle #9 No Breathe, No Life
As Ni. Niyagi woulu say: No breathe, no life,
Daniel Son.
eep bieathing is an essential pait of this piogiam. Reseaich
shows that when you take ueep uiaphiagmatic bieaths, youi
lymph flow is incieaseu by 1S-folu, iiuuing youi bouy of toxins
fastei anu giving you a slimmei waistline! When you awake
eveiy moining, foi the iest of youi life, take five to ten ueep

H**6 O"*%->+2$ 9#A-+2*
1. Bieathe in fiom youi belly. Bo this by pushing youi belly out, while
bieathing in, filling youi lungs all the way up fiom the bottom.
2. Bieathe in thiough youi nose foi a count of five.
S. Bolu youi bieath foi a count of 2u to allow oxygen to ciiculate in
youi bloou. This gives you eneigy.
4. Bieathe out thiough youi mouth foi a count of ten.
S. 0nce at the bottom, when you seem to have no aii left, foice moie
aii out. Repeat this two times to completely cleanse youi bouy.
6. Repeat Steps 1 thiough S.
Bo five to ten times each moining.
You will be amazeu at how much bettei you feel anu how much eneigy
you have!
When uoing iesistance tiaining anu iunning, leain to pace youi
bieathing. Bieathe in thiough youi nose anu out thiough youi mouth.
Bieathe fiom youi belly anu not fiom youi chest. Think about how a

baby bieathes. Auuing piopei bieathing to youi woikouts will give you
that extia enuuiance to make youi woikout the best possible.

Principle #10 Rest Management

leep is something none of us seem to get enough of. But it is the
most ciucial thing you can uo foi youi bouy. When you sleep, you
allow your body to repair and recover. If you dont get enough
sleep, you inuuce stiess, anu you will not get the iesults you

Top 7 Reasons To Get A Good Nights Sleep
1. Allows youi bouy to heal anu iepaii itself.
2. Boosts youi eneigy, making you moie aleit.
S. Boosts youi immune system, iesulting in less sickness anu uisease.
4. Reuuces stiess levels in youi bouy, giving you a moie positive
outlook on life.
S. Belps you lose weight. The hoimones F:#5<1, anu <50$1,, impoitant
foi the iegulation of appetite, have been founu to be uisiupteu by
lack of sleep. So if you aie inteiesteu in contiolling oi losing
weight, dont forget to get a good nights sleep.
6. Balances hoimones in youi bouy, making you less vulneiable to
7. uives youi memoiy a boost. Reseaicheis uo not fully unueistanu
why we sleep anu uieam, but a piocess calleu memoiy
consoliuation occuis uuiing sleep. While youi bouy may be iesting,
youi biain is busy piocessing youi uay, making connections
between events, sensoiy input, feelings anu memoiies. Youi
uieams anu ueep sleep aie an impoitant time foi youi biain to
make memoiies anu links. uetting moie quality sleep will help you
iemembei anu piocess things bettei.

C:"$ 19 $:5 20$1I"< "I2@,$ $2 9<550E
Reseaicheis suggest seven to eight houis a night foi the aveiage auult.
Since you aie woiking out haiu in this piogiam, you shoulu split the
uiffeience anu shoot foi 7.S houis of sleep a night. This gives you plenty
of time to ieap the benefits listeu above.
V"09... Ny favoiite!! I looooovvvveeee naps. If you can squeeze in a 2u-
minute powei nap eveiy uay, you will iechaige youi batteiies anu boost
youi eneigy levels.
65<"8. Yes, youi bouy iequiies you to ielax anu uo nothing with thinking
oi physical activity. If you aie stiesseu to the max, take a vacation anu
do nothing. Come back and start the program. Below, Ive listed 12 of my
favoiite ways to ielax. I suggest making youi own list anu posting it on
the fiiuge.

.7 =%@< :# 9*B%;
1. Take a walk outsiuewalk the uog anu appieciate natuie.
2. Spenu time with fiienus anu family.
S. Watch movies.
4. Listen to positive, uplifting music.
S. Play viueo games.
6. Take a vacation.
7. Reau a bookgo hang out at the book stoie oi local cafe.
8. Cleanoiganize the house.
9. Lay out at the pool.
1u. Neuitatepiaytake alone time, giving thanks foi goou things in life
anu just enjoying the silence.
11. uet a massagefacial.
12. Bayuieam.

=1C() L(%&Z"0< O$1">"1"(#
Playing music
Any hobby you have
Whats your list look like?
A good nights sleep is a cornerstone to your workout program. Be sure
to get the iight amount, otheiwise you will be fighting against youiself.

Principle #11 Look Your Best To
Feel Your Best
ook youi best to feel youi best: Theie is a lot of tiuth in this.
Take the time to gioom youiself piopeily anu maintain youi
health fiom the insiue to the outsiue.
The below list of makeovei tips by Ericka English, KBTVs
Weekenu Anchoi, not only apply to women: men, pay paiticulai
attention to this also. Eveiy woman loves a well-gioomeu man. Whethei
they tell you oi not. 0n a siue note, women love to be pampeieu, so men,
keep this list hanuy foi some type of iomantic, spontaneous tieat youi
significant othei will love anu appieciate.

:#6 :*2 K%E*#)*" :+6<
When thinking about a new look, women mostly think of staiting fiom
the $20, which means changing your hair. Thats actually last on my list. I
believe a tiue makeovei staits fiom (1$:1,. Thats also the best way to
be sure you dont fall back into the same slump. If you take good care of
youi minu, bouy anu soul, youi innei beauty will shine thiough.
1. D%)* F%+-> Believe that you cant make all of these changes on youi
own. Theie is a highei being that knows you bettei than you know
yourself. Find your purpose in life, and Im not talking about a career.
2. =#"E (A- Whether youre trying to lose weight or love your size,
woiking out will boost youi self-confiuence. Ceitain exeicises will even
impiove youi postuie, which will make you look yeais youngei.
Woiking out is also a gieat stiess ielievei. If you can, tiy to woik out at
the stait of youi uay. It symbolizes that you aie putting youiself fiist.
S. W%- D*%B->@ Im not just talking about fruits and veggies. Eating six
small meals a uay will boost youi metabolism. You will feel youngei,
because you will have more energy. Also, dont limit yourself to what

you cant eat. Treat yourself in moueiation, anu uiink the uaily amount
of watei iecommenueu by youi uoctoi.
4. 8*- % K%<<%$* A goou massage is woith the money. Nost massage
theiapists will tell you a nice iubuown will ielease toxins fiom youi
S. 8*- !%&6*"*5 Soft feet anu hanus nevei huit anyone. A peuicuie
will give you the confiuence to put youi best foot foiwaiu (pun
intenueu). While soft hanus will wow anyone to whom you extenu the
iight hanu of fellowship (shaking hanus).
6. 8# M>#66+2$ The two woius most women love to heai. Tiy on eveiy
piece of clothing you finu appealing. Sometimes, what looks goou on the
hanger doesnt fit your body type. On the other hand, the clothes that
look shapeless on the hanger may look great on your body. Dont be
afiaiu to go up a size if you love the piece. Some uesigneis make theii
clothes smallei. If it makes you feel bettei, buy the laigei size, then iip
the size tag off when you get home. Tiy uiffeient colois that flattei youi
skin tone. Choose items that accentuate youi assets. Know what looks
good on your body type and make sure YOU wear the clothes; dont let
the clothes weai you.
7. PB*%" ?- 16 Insteau of coveiing up youi flaws with makeup, fix them.
If you have acne, shop aiounu foi a natuial piouuct that woiks best foi
YOU. It doesnt always take a phone call to an infomeicial to get gieat
skin. Zap acne scais with piouucts that even out skin tone. Invest in
anti-aging piouucts that meet youi neeus.
8. =%; (2 =%; (00 uet iiu of unwanteu haii on youi face anu bouy
(enough saiu).
9. K%E*316 visit youi favoiite make-up countei anu ask the
piofessionals to choose colois foi you that biing out youi best featuies.
Nake suie you aie weaiing the coiiect founuation oi powuei shaue.
Lines of demarcation are not cute. Thats why I love mineial make-up.

1u. PA- %25 P#B#" }ust like youi make-up, youi haiicut shoulu
compliment youi best featuies. The same goes foi youi new haii coloi.
Also be suie youi highlights look natuial, as if the sun kisseu youi haii.

To auu to this list, what you weai will accentuate the best paits of youi
bouy. Be suie to ask the opinions of honest fiienus (not just people who
say you look goou in anything), piofessionals, oi sales cleiks at the stoie
(use youi juugment to see if they aie just tiying to sell you the clothing).
Women: Belp youi man out anu be honest with him. Peisonally, I like
my significant othei to buy clothes foi me, take me shopping, anu make
me try on stuff she thinks I look good in. Its something you can do
togethei that will builu up confiuence.
Nen: 0nless you have a goou eye foi fashion, just give youi honest
Now go anu take the time foi youi "*$5# pictuies anu then...go pampei
youiself foi a job well uone by following the ten tips above.
You ueseive it!

Principle #12 Turning Your Program
Into A Lifestyle

ow that youve finished your 12-week piogiam anu have
pampered yourself, lets talk about making this a lifestyle.
C51F:$ <299 anu (51F:$ I","F5I5,$ aie two uiffeient monsteis
in themselves. Youve done the hard work; now its time foi a
little upkeep, which is much easiei to uo.
/+0*<-@B* :+6<
The law of auaptation will come into play if you stop this (oi
any weight loss) piogiam colu tuikey anu go back to youi
nasty olu habits. uuaianteeu, you will ieveit back to the way
you were before. Remember this quote: Do what youve
always done, and you will get what you have always gotten.
Fat Loss Factoi is uesigneu with lifestyle maintenance in
minu. To stay healthy, continue to uo Fat Loss Factoi
piinciples #S, #4, #6, #7, anu #8. Pay paiticulai attention to
the lifestyle un-uiet.
By now, you shoulu have leaineu to biing balance to youi life.
If you want to have some deliciously bad-foi-you foods,
your body can handle it every once in a while. Dont make it a
0se Fat Loss Factoi #2 a few times a yeai, just to keep youi
bouy in tip-top shape; puige out toxins that aie stoieu in youi
livei, kiuneys anu fat cells; It will give you an euge on any
extra weight that youd like to get rid of.
If you have ieacheu youi goal, gieat job. uo back thiough
piinciples #S, #4, #6, #7, anu #8.
If you have not reached your goal, its OK. Remember, there is
no such thing as failuie, just feeuback. Reassess the last 12
weeks; finu youi weak points anu stait fiom Piinciple #1

again. It shoulu be a lot easier this time since youve been
thiough the piogiam once alieauy.

K#-+)%-+#2 :+6<
If you neeu to be motivateu heie aie some ways:
Set goals. Ive provided you with in-uepth goal setting sheets.
Get a workout partner. Its always good to partnei with
someone who is going thiough the same stiuggles.
Finu an accountability paitnei: a fiienu, coworker, (I dont
iecommenu spouses just because it might be a sensitive
issueuse youi best juugment on this one), sistei, mothei,
Wiite out a big list of the positives of going thiough this
program. Then write a list of what would happen if you dont
go thiough this piogiam (look into the futuie). uet emotional
about it.
Say affiimations eveiy moining...anu always be positive: I
choose to make touay a goou uay.... I am motivateu to give
1uu% to my piogiam touay.... I am beautiful anu I ueseive the
best in life... I am stiong anu confiuent anu can uo anything I
set my minu to.... I choose to woik out touay because I will
have the bouy of my uieams...just be cieative.
Staie at youiself nakeu while you eat junk foou. Now staie at
the paits of youi bouy that you hate the most. Buin this image
into youi minu. Take some photos if you have to. Nake a vow
to look better and burn the pictures in a ceremony.
If your spouse doesnt support you and still wants to eat junk
foou in fiont of you, then you neeu to finu anothei suppoit
system. Theie aie plenty of online communities that can help,
oi go to fiienus, family, chuich.

If youi spouse belittles you anu tempts you, then its time to
ie-assess youi ielationship. It might be one of the ieasons you
aie having a haiu time losing weight. (#5<"$12,9:10 stiess is
2nu only to *1,",B1"< stiess). uo to counseling oi have a ueep
heait-to-heait talk with them.

H*6"*<<+#2eM*B0 W<-**& ?<<A*<
If you aie uepiesseu, heie aie some iealizations anu solutions to
Avoiu anti-uepiessants. They aie nevei a long-teim answei
anu will make you gain weight.
Buy youiself a light box. A lot of ieseaich suppoits that they
woik. I use one anu I sweai by them. They aie ieasonable in
piice also.
Realize that you aie loveu. If you uo not feel loveu, then stait
F1G1,F love by helping youi neighbois, the pooi, etc. volunteei
anu get involveu with youi community. You can make a
uet a pet. Nothing like a cat jumping on youi lap aftei a haiu
uays woik , oi a uog gieeting you at the uooi. This will always
put a smile on youi face.
Piactice with affiimations eveiy moining. Believe it oi not,
these woik. 0se only positive woius. Foi example: I choose
to be happy and full of life today instead of I choose not to
be depressed today. See the difference? Avoid words like
NOT or Dont or Cant when doing affirmations. Actually,
iiu those woius fiom youi vocabulaiy altogethei.
Bave faith. Time to have a heait to heait with youi cieatoi. uo
to chuich foi example.

Stait giving thanks eveiy single moining while you aie in the
shower. Be thankful for the little things. Its a great way to
start your day. For example: I am thankful that I have a ioof
ovei my heau, I am thankful that my cai woiks, I am thankful
that I have good health, etc.
Always focus on the positive, nevei the negative.
Youi biain has cieateu negative pathways (thought patteins)
that you always ieveit to when faceu with stiess oi auveisity.
You can change these with iepetition of positive piactices like
uoing affiimations anu giving thanks.
Take a walk anu expeiience natuie.
Exeicise. It cieates positive biain patteins.

O*BB@ F%- :+6<
I hate to be the beaiei of bau news, but unfoitunately it is impossible to
spot-ieuuce specific aieas of youi bouy natuially.
With that being saiu, heie aie some tips that will push you in the iight
Suck youi belly button to youi spine exeicise. This was
coveieu eailiei anu will stiengthen youi tiansveise
abuominis muscle (muscle unueineath youi 6-pack) helping
you to keep youi belly fiom sticking out.
Noie caiuio! Stait uoing moie foims of caiuio: hill spiints,
long uistance, anu inteival tiaining.
Bo 1u-uay cleanses quaiteily (coveieu in piinciple 2).
Stiengthen anu tone youi coie: eithei join a class oi buy a
BvB of yoga, anu Pilates.
Stait a class in boxing, ju-jitsu, kickboxing, caiuio kick boxing,

Bo moie full-bouy exeicises such as squats, cleans, ueaulifts,
snatches anu combination lifts like eliminatois, man-makeis,
etc. (auvanceu).

455"*<<+2$ D@6#->@"#+5+<&
Beie aie some guiuelines foi auuiessing hypothyioiuism:
Youi hoimones aie imbalanceu anu this is a majoi cause of
weight gain.
Follow the lifestyle-unuiet.
Cleanse quaiteily (Piinciple #2).
Biink a lot of Chamomile Tea. Stay away of Xenoestiogenic
substances founu in plastics, cleaning supplies, tap watei, aii
pollution, soy, beei, pesticiues, etc.
uo to an alteinative-caie piactitionei such as a natuiopath to
finu out how to balance youi hoimones natuially.
uo to an NB as a last iesoit because getting on synthetic,
man-maue hoimones is not goou to solve a long-teim
pioblem. The law of auaptation will always kick in
(iemembei least invasive to most invasive).
uet plenty of exeicise.
uet plenty of iest.
Eat oiganic foous.
Do your own research, and dont be a victim. Check your
options foi alteinative meuicine anu conventional.
O+2$* W%-+2$[ W&#-+#2%B F##5 P"%)+2$<[ 425 !#"-+#2
This is a tough pioblem that EvERY0NE ueals with. So how in the woilu
uo we oveicome it. Beie aie some guiuelines to follow:

uo back anu ieau the minuset piinciple (#8) again.
EFT (Emotional Fieeuom Technique): theie has been a lot of
success using this technique to contiol foou ciavings. uoogle
it foi moie infoimation.
Nake suie you uiink at least ten 8-ounce glasses of watei pei
For portion control, put your food on a small plate and dont
go back foi seconus.
A poition is the size of the palm of youi hanu foi each foou
gioup... N0 N0RE
Sit in fiont of the miiioi nakeu anu eat youi favoiite fattening
foou. Staie at the paits you hate most about youi bouy anu
think you aie just auuing to that fat.
If you ieally want to eat a fattening foou, piactice the two-bite
piinciple: Take two laige bites anu give the iest away. 0i just
eat a small poition to get the taste of it.
Bo a 1u-uay cleanse quaiteily (possibly the best thing to
bieak emotional eating habits anu change youi uiet). 0f
couise, you can fall back into olu patteins, so that is why I
suggest d@"#$5#<A, just in case.
Eat 1u to1S iaw almonus, anu uiink a glass of watei befoie
youi meals (these will expanu in youi stomach anu fill you up
Eat a iaw fiuit oi vegetablesalau (no cheese oi heavy
uiessing) befoie you eat youi meal. The fibei will expanu in
youi stomach anu fill you up.
If you aie sau, woiiieu, etc., anu you stait to get an emotional
foou ciaving, uo affiimations while you look at youiself in the

That enus the piogiam. uieat job making it thiough! We will be
intiouucing a maintenance couise in the neai futuie so stay tuneu! If
you have any questions, you can email us at
anu one of oui tiaineis will help you!
L('(',(): When you aie uown anu uepiesseu, just stay in the boat.
Dont jump ship. Things will get bettei. If you fall off the boat, get back
on anu keep pushing foiwaiu. These aie tiaits of action-takeis anu
people who peiseveie. You can uo it... I have faith in you. You neeu to
have faith and dont underestimate yourself.
A jou#,5A 2* " $:2@9",/ I1<59 ?5F1,9 (1$: "
single step. Ancient Chinese pioveib.
All The Best In Successful Weight Loss,
Dr. Charles


:##B< F#" 4 F%- /#<< F%G-#" b+-G>*2
These aie the kitchen appliances neeueu to piepaie the Fat Loss Factoi
meals anu snacks. Beie aie seven tools neeueu foi youi kitchen.
&L OB*25*" A goou blenuei is necessaiy foi making smoothies. If you
want to go all out, the best on the maiket is the vitamix. This blenuei
has the hoisepowei of a small lawnmowei! 0theiwise, get a blenuei
with at least 4uu watts so it can ciush ice. If you aie on the go a lot, then
puichase a hanu blenuei. These aie fast anu woik just as well... plus
they aie easy to clean!!
3L F##5 !"#G*<<#" A small one is fine, unless you plan on cooking foi
the whole family!
NL aA+G*" A gieat juicei is the 0mega 8uu4. It costs about $2Su anu can
also make soibet, baby foou, pasta, anu nut butteis. Nost uepaitment
stoies have the }ack LaLanne }uicei foi $149. It woiks 0K but is a little
haiuei to clean.
PL 8*#"$* F#"*&%2 8"+BB Any veision is fine. I use the Next uiilleiation
uS that has inteichangeable plates. It also has waffle plates that actually
woik ieally well anu it iuns aiounu $11u. You can make some killei
whole giain waffles! A basic Foieman uiill costs about $Su.
RL M-*%&*" Nost uepaitment stoies sell a steamei foi $2u that is gieat
foi steaming veggies.
SL 9+G* P##E*" Nost uepaitment stoies will caiiy a $Su iice cookei.
Nost iice cookeis also steam vegetables.
UL :#%<-*" ()*2 0se a convection oven oi the Aioma Tuibo 0ven to
heat up youi foou. You can use anything but a miciowave (no one is
ieally suie if miciowaves aie safe). I iecommenu you uo youi own

ieseaich anu also make suie to ieau about both siues of the aigument. I
believe that a miciowave is a veiy unnatuial way to cook foou, anu I will
only use it spaiingly to waim up foou foi no longei than two minutes.
Convection ovens iange in piice fiom $Su to $1uu.

F%- /#<< F%G-#" D#&* 8@& WfA+6&*2-
Eveiy item on this list is not necessaiy. I will bolu those items I believe
aie necessaiy. I am giving you a vaiiety of options, because it is bettei to
work your body in a variety of ways. Im also writing this list as if you
have unlimiteu money.
422/ 0"1# 2* #@,,1,F 9:259
T85#B195 ?"<<c9(199 ?"<< W",$1 ?@#9$X
. B2@0<5 2* I5/1B1,5 ?"<<9
Yoga mat
Bosu ball
Kettle bells
>@I? ?5<< 95$9 W02(5# ?<2BQ9 (2@</ ?5 A2@# ?59$ 20$12, 1* A2@ B",
"**2#/ $:5IX
Tiainingiesistance banus
C2#Q2@$ ?5,B: $:"$ B:",F59 :51F:$
76i 2# [@,F<5 4AIM 5$B 9@905,912, $#"1,1,F ?",/9
0lympic baibell set
Step up boxes (plyometiic boxes)
Cable machine
Squat iack
Weight lifting gloves

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