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Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers Task 1 Contextual Factors Chart

This chart is designed to help you to understand that many factors affect teaching and learning. They include the community, classroom procedures, the students, and the physical environment in which you will be teaching. All this information will help you to determine teaching strategies and approaches that will support your students learning. In this chart, address each of the characteristics listed as they pertain to your teaching assignment. (You must attach this document as an artifact in response textbox . . .!

Source of Factor Community

Urban, suburban, or rural; socioeconomic; census data on families

Contextual and Environmental Factors Rural community. Population: 2,170. Town is 4.0 sq. miles total. 78.3% !ite, 20.1% "#rican$"merican, an% .38% &ispanic. T!ere are only 120 &ispanics in t!e entire town. &ouse!ol% income a'era(es )23,1*0. 42.+% o# are ,!oals resi%ents li'e -elow t!e po'erty line.

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; graduation rate; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; per pupil expenditure

T!e %istrict enrollment is *.4 stu%ents. T!e (ra%uation rate is +7..%. T!e sc!ool !as less t!an .% &ispanic stu%ents. T!ere are no /00 stu%ents. T!e stu%ent ratio is a-out 70 w!ite stu%ents to 30 "#rican$ "merican stu%ents. *0% o# t!e stu%ents are on su-si%i1e% meal plans. T!e per pupil e2pen%iture is )*,0*7. T!e sc!ool enrolls 473 stu%ents #rom (ra%es 7t!$12t!. T!e sc!ool recei'e% an e2cellent ratin( in a-solute an% (rowt! ratin(s. ,tu%ents scorin( a-o'e 70 on tests is 70.2%. 17.3% o# stu%ents !a'e an 3/P. 1...% o# stu%ents are consi%ere% 4i#te% an% Talente%. T!ere are 0 stu%ents w!o are /00. 80% o# stu%ents were at

Enrollment, percent free and reduced lunch; achievement scores; ethnic breakdown; percent with IEP; percent ELL; recognitions; teacher student ratio

5/T on P",,. 8+.+% passe% &,"P. 74% passe% t!e /n% o# 6ourse e2am.T!e stu%ent to teac!er ratio is 22.. to 1. T!e et!ic ratio is 70 w!ite stu%ents to 30 "#rican$"merican stu%ents. T!ere are no /,0 stu%ents. 3n Perio% 1 7*t! (ra%e orl% &istory8 t!ere are 12 #emale stu%ents an% 8 male stu%ents. T!ere are 14 w!ite stu%ents, . "#rican$ "merican stu%ents, an% 1 &ispanic stu%ent. T!ere are 3 stu%ents wit! 3/Ps in t!e classroom. "ll stu%ents spea9 an% write in /n(lis!. :# t!e 20 stu%ents in t!e classroom, none o# t!em are in a (i#te% an% talente% pro(ram. 5ost o# t!e stu%ents !a'e learne% t!rou(! -oo9wor9 an% !a'e -een in 4reenwoo% ;istrict .1 since 9in%er(ar%en. 4 ; ;istrict .1 is a 'ery low income sc!ool. "ca%emic scores an% (ra%es are e2tremely low #or most. 5ost test at -asic. " #ew test at pro#icient. T!e percenta(e o# stu%ents w!o will o-tain !i(!er e% is ri(!t at 2.%. "lt!ou(! most o# t!em !a'e %reams o# <o-s t!at require a %e(ree, most %o not apply t!emsel'es enou(! in sc!ool to o-tain suc!. T!e stu%ents are stan% o##is! until you (et to t!em personally. :nce you reac! t!em on a more personal le'el, t!ey will respect you an% listen to you. 5oti'atin( t!e stu%ents is %i##icult -ecause t!ey come #rom #amilies w!o %o not 'iew e%ucation as somet!in( t!at is o# importance. "roun% 40% o# t!e stu%ents play sports. "ccor%in( to my sur'eys, less t!an 20% !a'e <o-s outsi%e o# sc!ool. 5any stu%ents !a'e #amily responsi-lites at !ome t!at t!ey ten% to a#ter sc!ool.

Classroom Demogra hics

Ethnicit!, language needs, gender, identified special needs including gifted, ph!sical needs, and cultural characteristics

!no"ledge of Students
Learning st!les, prior learning experiences, academic proficiencies, behavioral differences, and areas of interest

6opyri(!t = 2013 -y /%ucational Testin( ,er'ice. "ll ri(!ts reser'e%. /T,, t!e /T, lo(o an% 03,T/>3>4. 0/"R>3>4. 0/";3>4. are re(istere% tra%emar9s o# /%ucational Testin( ,er'ice 7/T,8. PR"?3, an% T&/ PR"?3, ,/R3/, are tra%emar9s o# /T,.

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