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y Yunker CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)

Contextual Factors: This is a fourth grade classroom, consisting of 30 students; 18 boys and 12 girls. There are 10 ELL students, one of which, a boy named Rodrigo, has an IEP in place. Bella, is a student with a newly implicated IEP. Bella has Aspergers syndrome. She goes off task quite often, and makes noises, cries, or stomps her feet when she is overwhelmed. The students low in math are; Rodrigo, Sierra, Trinity, and Haidon. The students low in reading are; Haidon, Ernesto, Francisco, Tyson, and Rodrigo. Rodrigo goes to a pull-out program for math assistance. Rodrigo and Haidon go to reading-recovery. There are two sets of twins in this class, Kwinci and Korbin, as well as Kresley and Presley. Michael is a new student. Classroom environment:

Grade Level 4

Title FactVersus Opinion

This classroom was one large room at one point, but has now been divided into two rooms by a room divider. The other class cannot be heard much in this room, so it does not seem to be a distraction for the students. There is no door on this classroom, and when there are other classes passing by, it can be a distraction. There are two tables set up for small group instruction near the back on the room. The students desks are arranged in groups of 4 or 5, and the seating arrangement changes when behavioral problems occur. There is a sink with a water fountain in the classroom.
WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to do?)
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan): English Language Arts, Writing Standard 1; Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons and information. a. Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writers purpose. b. Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. c. Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for instance, in order to, in addition). d. Provide a concluding statement or section related to the opinion presented. Content Walk-Away: I will know the difference between a fact and an opinion. I will be able to write a paragraph about an opinion I have. Language Walk-Away: I will know the difference between a fact and an opinion. I will write a paragraph about an opinion I have. Vocabulary:

Fact and opinion

ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the students have learned the Walk-Away? )
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson): Throughout this lesson, I will be continually calling on students for ideas they would like to share. I will work the crowd while the students are working together to check for understanding, and offer help or answer questions that arise. I will check that the students are filling out their Fact versus Opinion worksheets, and that all students are actively engaged.

Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)

Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative): Students will work with the teacher, as a class, in groups, and individually to understand the differences between facts and opinions. They will know and understand this by working with the class, and groups to decide what a fact is, and what an opinion is with their worksheets. The students will also write a paragraph focused on an opinion they have. Students will know the definitions of the words fact and opinion.


Activate/Building Background Knowledge I will first begin this lesson, by posting my objectives for this lesson clearly, and in plain English on the board, for my students to see. I will also post the language and content objectives for my students, and the vocabulary words that will be introduced, discussed and used in this lesson on the board; fact and opinion. The students and I will read these objectives and vocabulary together. SIOP 1 Content objectives. SIOP 2 Language objectives. SIOP 3 Content appropriate. Class, I know that you have worked a bit on the difference between fact and opinion with Ms. Phillips. Today, Id like to do some more work on this topic. Id like to discuss the definitions of fact and opinion with you. The definition here on the SmartBoard for fact says something that actually exists; reality; truth. A truth known by actual experience or observation. And the definition for opinion says; A personal view, attitude, belief or judgment. Formative assessment: To make sure that the students understand the definitions so far, I will call on my higherachieving students such as Korbin and Cooper to offer an idea of a fact or opinion. This way the other students will get an idea from a peer who they respect and look to for information. SIOP 30 Assessment Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) Plain English definitions, so that low-level readers or ELL students can better understand the definitions. I will ask Rodrigo and Haidon if they understand, as well as ask if anyone else has any questions before I move on. SIOP 18 Wait time. SIOP 19 Opportunity for L1 students.

Focus Lesson (I do it) For this lesson on the differences of facts versus opinions, I have created these slides on the SmartBoard. I have also given you all a packet of worksheets. The top sheet we will do together as a class. You will use the second sheet in your group, and the last page is a lined paper that you will write an opinion paragraph on. SIOP 4 Supplementary materials. SIOP 5 Adaptation of content. SIOP 6 Meaningful activities. SIOP 9. Before we move on, Id like you all to answer question number one on the first worksheet, and I will answer any questions. Please do not move past the first question. We will finish this page as a class. Formative Assessment: I will walk around the classroom to check that the students have answered number one on the sheet before moving on, and answer any questions my students may have. SIOP 30. Modification/accommodations: Rodrigo is an ELL student with an IEP. For him, I have used the SmartBoard to present the main portion of the lesson, as well as the vocabulary definitions. I have used plain English since he has limited English proficiency. I have given many examples of the difference between fact and opinion to ensure that he has an easier time understanding the difference. Francisco is also an ELL student, but he does not struggle as much as Rodrigo does. I have decided my accommodation for Rodrigo will also be helpful to Francisco. I will also check with Francisco for understanding, and that he has written the right answer for question number one. Bella is a child who has Aspergers Syndrome. Because she has a hard time staying focused, I have decided to have the students only answer question 1, before moving on. I have broken down each section of the lesson to ensure that everyone, including Bella has wait time, and I can help Bella to stay on task with the lesson and worksheet packet. Guided Instruction (We do it) I have the first page displayed on the Elmo. Were going to fill in the blanks as a class, and discuss our reasoning as we go along. When we have decided whether the answer is fact or opinion, I will call on someone to tell the class why that is the correct answer. Please be sure to stay with the class.

That was great class; I liked how you all stayed with me, and the rest of the class. I appreciate all your input. Now Id like to hear a few of your ideas of facts or opinions before we move on again. SIOP -7, SIOP -8, SIOP -18 Thank you for sharing with the class. Those are great ideas. SIOP -29 Korbin is a student who was tested to go into the advanced school in the district for advanced learners. I have decided I will call on him to answer one of the questions in this section, as well as to give an example of his choosing. Because he thinks at a higher level than most students in the class, I believe he will be able to off insight and more clarity into the topic. Haidon is a low-achieving student who goes to resource for math, and reading recovery as well as speech therapy. I believe letting him have a chance to share an example of his own will allow me to test his knowledge so far on the topic, as well as an opportunity to speak. The more practice he gets using his voice in front of the class, the better for his speech. Formative Assessment: Here I will call on some of my higher students, as well as a few ELL students. The higher students can give good examples, and hopefully the rest will take important information from their ideas. I also need to ensure my ELL students are engaged and understanding the concept. SIOP -4, SIOP -5, SIOP -6 Modification/accommodations: Working through the first page on the Elmo with the students. ELL students can see clearly what the concept is, and lower students as well. I will give appropriate wait time for students to think about the correct answer, as well as write it, and share their ideas. Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) Now we are going to move on to the second page in your packet. I will not be doing this one with y ou. At your table groups, I would like you to read the short passage, and discuss each question together quietly. Think about each sentence, look at the board for clue words you may see, and decide if the sentence is a fact or an opinion. You can look at the definition of these words on your first page if you get stuck. After your group has finished all the questions, please put down your pencils, and sit quietly. When all the talking has stopped, we can move on. Please begin. That was wonderful group work I saw. I will call on someone from each group to share the answer your group came up with, and how you decided it was fact or opinion. Bella has a tendency to get off track during class. I have decided to let the students know before letting them begin the second page as a group that I will be calling on students randomly for their groups answ er so that everyone will stay with the group. I will call on Bella specifically. If she is not on task, I will give another student a chance to assist her in answering the question, and then I will redirect the question to her once more, to give her the chance to get the answer correct. Francisco is another ELL student who sometimes struggles with English, math and reading, although he does not go to any pull-out or resource programs. I will ask a few ELL students to trade places with some students who are proficient in English. I believe this will be good for the ELL students to be grouped with more Non-ELL students, than with other ELLs. I have decided I will place Francisco at a group with Korbin, because he is one of my advanced students. I think this will be an effective grouping for this activity. Korbin is a high achieving student with great ideas. I have placed him in a group with an ELL student, a struggling student, and also Haidon. I believe that with his input and ideas, he may be able to help these other students to understand the content. He can answer questions they may have, or share information with them about facts and opinions that they may not understand, or not have thought about. SIOP 16. SIOP 17 Grouping supports objectives. SIOP 18. SIOP 29.

Formative Assessment: I will work the crowd as the students work together. I will pay particular attention to Rodrigo, the other ELL students, Haidon and Bella. Also to Tyson to ensure he is on task, and working with his group. I will offer support or feedback and praise where needed. SIOP 19. SIOP 29. SIOP 30. Modification/accommodations: I will try to break up the groups of ELL students, so that I have at least one ELL student in each group. SIOP 19 Independent (You do it alone)

Students, Id now like you to return to your own seats, and turn to the last page of your packet. On this sheet, youre going to write a paragraph. You now know the difference between a fact, and an opinion. Id like you to think of something that you have an opinion about. This can be something you think is good, or bad, or could be better, or maybe you would like to change now, or one day. Anything you have a personal view or belief about. You have a lot of practice with writing an appropriate and strong paragraph. I will put the rubric on the Elmo to remind you of what I expect to see in this paragraph. SIOP 7. SIOP 8. SIOP 16. SIOP 18. SIOP 29. Haidon struggles with understanding, comprehension and spelling. I will keep the clue words slide up on the SmartBoard application, so that Haidon has the opportunity to remind himself easily of the clue words to distinguish between a fact and an opinion. I will also check with him a few times as I work the crowd, look at his paragraph, and ask if he has any questions, and how he is doing. Rodrigo also struggles with understanding, comprehension and spelling. Some of this is due to his ELL status, but not all. I think it is also a good idea for Rodrigo to keep the clue words slide up on the SmartBoard application, so that he has the opportunity to remind himself of the clue words to distinguish between a fact and an opinion. I will check with him a few times as I work the crowd, look at his paragraph, and ask if he has any questions, and how he is doing. I will remind both boys that they can turn to their first page for a reminder of the definitions of a fact and an opinion. Summative Assessment: I will work the crowd again while students work to make sure each student is on task. This will help me to control the crowd, and be available to give assistance where needed. SIOP -29 Modification/accommodations: I will try to keep an eye on Rodrigo and Haidon since I know they struggle with their literacy skills. Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions (Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.) Before closing the lesson, I will review the vocabulary and definitions with the students. We will go over the content and language objectives once more. SIOP -9, SIOP -27, SIOP -28

SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan) Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation of content, 6-Meaningful activities Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment

What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for this lesson? I need to have my walk-aways, vocabulary, and standards printed and posted for the students to see. I need to have my SmartBoard slides ready to go. I need 31 copies of my packet ready for the class. I also need to have two copies of my lesson plan ready.


How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set to improve my practice and student learning?

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