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Student Questionnaire meeting minutes: Academic Instruction sub- committee January 31,2014 Present: Christina McElwee, Robin VanRooyen,

Cora Beute, Mary Lucas, Bill Faber, Paula Sullivan

We finalized the 14 questions listed below and talked about how departments could add their own discipline specific questions if desired. 1. The instructor makes good use of the instructional space they were given. 2. I feel free to ask questions in class. 3. The instructor creates a comfortable learning environment. 4. The instructor displays a clear understanding of course topics. 5. The instructor helps me apply course material (thinking/problem solving/making decisions). 6. The instructor makes good use of examples and/or illustrations. 7. The grading system is clearly explained. 8. Course materials and assignments are helpful in understanding concepts/facts/issues related to the learning outcomes of the course. 9. The instructor is responsive to me when help is requested. 10. The instructor returns my work in time to benefit me. 11. The instructor handles classroom disruptions effectively. 12. The instructor is organized. 13. The teaching methods used in this course help me to learn. 14. IF the instructor uses technology, the technology helps me to learn.

We talked about how to set up the Likert scale, 1-5, and including a does not apply option. We need to ask Heath about whether it makes a difference if we add does not apply to specific questions or if it should be added to all questions. Suggestions for open-ended questions included: I consider the instructors strengths to be.. Please provide suggestions that will help the instructor improve. Other comments:

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