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Writing 1

Noun+Verb+Noun+to/for phrase

1. Definition Noun is a word that used to call name of human,thing,animal,place,and the other thing. 2. General classification of noun a. Concrete noun example : I just have one pencil

b. Abstract noun example : I wait for the agreement 3. Function of noun a. as subject of sentence example : Tommy is my friend b. as object complement example : She is a dentist c. as direct object example : You hit the snake on the head d. object of a preposition example : She was walking on the street when she was attacked

1. Definition Verb is a word that have function as action of subject 2. Classification of verb (based on its kind) a. Auxiliary verbs (helping verbs) example : Mr. Yuli is an teacher

b. Ordinary verbs (ordinal verbs) example : He writes a letter 3. Function of verb Verb has function to show you an action from the subject. Example : The baby cries its mean the word cries as verb is an action from the word the baby as a subject

1. Definition phrase is group of related word,but it is not contain Subject and verb 2. Classification of phrase a. Noun phrase example : Someone special

b. Adjective phrase example : Very beautiful c. Adverb phrase example : very good

So,the example for NOUN+VERB+NOUN+TO/FOR PHRASE is 1. He takes care the baby for special present N / V1 / N /for/ Phrase / 2. Dina put stickers to my book yesterday N / V2/ N /to/ Phrase/

For your attention ^_^

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