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Course Competency #6 Sheri Johnson

Create developmentally appropriate math activities

We should build on the specific experiences of the children in the classroom. This includes using words and materials that are familiar to the children in terms of things they already know about. Instead of simply adding in a math lessons, we should try to incorporate math learning into our daily routines. Integrate math learning into all of the classroom areas. Math for young children should not mean sitting down and doing work sheets. We should make math learning a fun, interactive process that crosses other areas of learning such as reading, art, music, and physical education. Math can also be incorporated in regular play activities such as block building and dramatic play. Introduce the correct math terminology to the children so that preschoolers are able to understand and remember a word such as geometric when referring to a shape. Building early math skills is a crucial part of learning and development. A preschool math lesson can be as simple as counting animals or plastic bears. There are many different ways to introduce basic mathematical concepts to preschoolers. Preschool children can measure their feet or figure out whose shoes are the largest. A math activity for preschoolers does not mean flash cards or worksheets. Children learn through experience. Math and number awareness involves a variety of skills, including: numeral identification, counting, patterning recognition as well as sorting and classifying. Math learning is most exciting for children when hands-on manipulatives are included. Manipulatives give children tangible representations of the otherwise nonconcrete ideas related to numbers and counting. For example, when asking a child to count to 20, they may become confused halfway through. But, when you give the same child 20 cars and ask them to count them, they will probably be able to accurately count all 20 cars. Teaching early mathematics concepts to young children can truly benefit them as lifelong learners.

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