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Shooting Schedule Date: 27 January 2014 Location: Nunnington Hall

Equipment: (Equipment must be booked

in advanced and approved by a tutor ! ! ! "anon #00 ($rot%er&s 'elep%oto (ens ($rot%er&s 'ripod ()ossibly

Booked? (Y/N)
! ! ! *es *es N+a

Models: (,ll models need to sign a model release -orm N+a

!ops: N+a

"isk assessment completed? *es #ontingenc$: ! .n t%e event o- bad /eat%er . /ill /ear suitable clot%ing and use covers to protect equipment0 ! ,ll equipment /ill be tested be-ore%and to ensure suitability and reliability0 ! .n t%e event o- in1ury . /ill report to t%e accompanying tutors and sta-present0

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