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SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Beginn: September 2014 / Abschluss: Mai 2016 Die Austrian-American Educational Cooperation fhrt in Kooperation mit dem Mercy College, New York den Masterlehrgang fr Bildungsfachleute durch.
Zielgruppe: Ausma: Studium: Lehrer/innen, die eine leitende Funktion anstreben, Schulleiter/innen bzw. Bildungsfachleute in leitender Funktion 30 Credits (10 Kurse a 3 Credits) 8 Kurse - online 2 Kurse - face-to-face Kurs INTERNSHIP im Rahmen eines zweiwchigen Studienaufenthalts in New York im Sommer 2015 Absolvierte Ausbildungslehrgnge, deren Kursinhalte mit dem Curriculum von Mercy College bereinstimmen und in den letzten 5 Jahren absolviert wurden, knnen vom Mercy College im Ausma von maximal 6 Credits (= 12 ECTS) angerechnet werden 4.800 Euro (abzglich 920 Euro bei Anerkennung von Lehrgngen / 6 Credits durch Mercy College) Werden von den TN individuell getragen gnstige Unterbringung am Campus mglich 1. Professional School Administration and Supervision - EDSA 530 2. The Individual in the Organization - EDSA 550 3. Issues and Trends in American Education - EDSA 500 4. Managing the Teaching Learning Process EDSA 540 5. Critical Issues in Special Education EDSA 545 6. Internship EDSA 590 7. Internship EDSA 591 8. Organization of the Community Relations Program EDSA 535 9. Introduction to Action Research EDSA 510 10. Clinic for School Administrators EDSA 580 Candidates will receive ongoing support and mentoring throughout the program via online contacts, email and skype.


Lehrgangskosten: Reisekosten: Unterkunft in New York: Kursinhalte:

Austrian-American Educational Cooperation Association (AAECA) Mayerhofgasse 6, 1040 Wien Tel. (01) 408 78 12 E-Mail:

Nutzen fr die Teilnehmer/innen:

Auslandsaufenthalt verbunden mit einem Einblick ins amerikanische Schulsystem Networking Amerikanischer Universittsabschluss AbsolventInnen sind ExpertInnen fr lnderbergreifende Entwicklungen im Bildungsbereich

Inhaltliche Verantwortung und Betreuung MERCY COLLEGE, NYC Administrative Betreuung durch die AAECA, Wien

Dr. Alfred Posamentier - Dean of the School of Education Prof. Joyce Coppin Department of Educational Leadership Ms Edith Hammer Email:

Admission Requirements 1. Completed application form from Mercy College, curriculum vitae (incl. photo), testimonials. 2. Applicants must hold a bachelors degree or an equivalent to a bachelors degree quality. 3. A very good command of English (Level B2/C1 of the Common European Framework of Languages) Application Student applicants will submit the application form and scanned copies of the documents required to the AAECA which will then transfer the documents to Mercy College. After having received the formal acceptance from Mercy College, students will be registered for the masters program. Payment of the registration fee of Euro 200 is required. Fees Euro 1.150,-- per semester, i.e. Euro 4.800,-- for the full program (including registration fee, tuition, program, administration and continuous support by the Austrian American Educational Cooperation Association and the Mercy College School of Education). Students receive proof of payment for each of the terms, which can be used for tax reduction purposes. For further information do not hesitate to contact the coordinator of the program: Ms EDITH HAMMER, at the AAECA, (Austrian-American Educational Cooperation Association) Email:

Austrian-American Educational Cooperation Association (AAECA) Mayerhofgasse 6, 1040 Wien Tel. (01) 408 78 12 E-Mail:

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