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Name/ Nombre ______________________________________________ Essential Question: How does the use of food in daily life enable communication?

Approaches to learning (ATL): Health and Social Education How do I think and act? How can I look after myself and others? Learner Profile: Knowledgeable and Balanced
Required Activity: Mercados / Markets - Research mercados (markets) around the world and how they are unique, different and similar. Learn what bartering is and where and when is it appropriate to barter? Explain why and how it is still used in many countries. You are in charge of a booth to sell items at a Mexican Mercado (market). To make our classroom market you will be finding pictures or drawing pictures of ____Fruits ____Bread products ____Drinks ____Vegetables ____Proteins ____Curios (Souvenirs)

Choose and rank the top three activities that you are interested in learning more about. ____ 1) Record yourself (in Spanish) making an authentic Hispanic dish and show it to the class. Emphasize Spanish food and cooking verb vocabulary. (Recording 5-10 minutes maximum) ____ 2) Explain the details in the famous mural La Gran Tenochtitln by Diego Rivera. In Diego Riveras style, make a giant mural that depicts the hard-working people of Mexico and their lifestyle. ____ 3) Become an expert dietician at a Spanish-speaking resort. Explain Mi plato / My plate and why certain foods are essential. Make a schedule of all the fun health activities that the resort offers its tourists. Use foods typical of the country that you choose. ____ 4) The 2014 Winter Olympics have just been completed. In Spanish, explain how exercise is healthy and important to maintaining good mental and physical health. Focus on one or two specific sports. Use examples of current athlete accomplishments. ____ 5) Make a Prezi or PowerPoint about different celebrations in Spanish-speaking countries. For example, 1) La Tomatina in Buol, Valencia, Spain, 2) the largest paella (or other food) competition, or 3) become an expert about el mate drink and its origins in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. ____ 6) What alternatives to conventional medical care are available in your community? In many Spanish-speaking cultures, herbal remedies have been accepted for centuries. Research and share what you learn about these remedies and curanderas (healers) in Spanish-speaking countries.

Would you prefer to work alone or with a partner to do your project? ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

Due Dates: 1) Market Items, el jueves, Thursday

February 27, 2014 2) Chosen activity: el martes, Tuesday March 4, 2014

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