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Your Rubric: Making A Brochure : A Brochure for Democracy


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Making A Brochure : A Brochure for Democracy

Teacher Name: Mr. McBurney

Student Name:


CATEGORY Evidence from the Declaration of Independence Evidence from Lincoln\'s writing and speeches

All (or most) relevant points are selected from the Declaration of Independence.

Many relevant points are selected from the Declaration of Independence.

Some relevant points are selected from the Declaration of Independence.

Few (or no) relevant points are selected from the Declaration of Independence.

Three or four relevant points are selected from Lincoln\'s speeches and writings.

Two or three relevant points are selected from Lincoln\'s speeches and writings. The way in which the points are connected is clear and logical. Some explanation is given. The brochure has attractive formatting and well-organized information.

One or two relevant points are selected from Lincoln\'s speeches and writings. The way in which the points are connected is mostly clear and logical. Explanation is not sufficient. The brochure has well-organized information.

Zero or one relevant point is selected from Lincolns speeches and writings. The way in which the points are connected is unclear, illogical, and/or mostly unexplained. The brochure\'s formatting and organization of material are confusing to the reader. Several students in the group appear to have little knowledge about the facts or technical processes used in the brochure.

Logic and Clarity The way in which the points are of Explanation

connected is clear, logical, and well explained.

Attractiveness & The brochure has exceptionally Organization

attractive formatting and well-organized information. All students in the group can accurately answer all questions related to facts in the brochure and to technical processes used to create the brochure.

Knowledge Gained

All students in the group can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the brochure and to technical processes used to create the brochure.

Most students in the group can accurately answer most questions related to facts in the brochure and to technical processes used to create the brochure.

Date Created: Oct 28, 2013 01:54 am (CDT)

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