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India Home Health Care to partner with US-based BAYADA Home Health Care, Inc.

Bayada Home Health Care India We are er! happ! to ha e "o#nd BAYADA, a compan! that has pro ided e$ceptional care "or people in their homes "or more than %& !ears. It will be a 'reat "or the patients in India to bene"it "rom that (nowled'e. As the home healthcare ind#str! in India is still de elopin', BAYADA will help #s to s#cceed,) said *r. +ran( ,oller, C-. o" India Home Health Care. IHHC was incorporated in /001 to pro ide 2#alit! care to patients in their own homes. Usin' state o" the art protocols and processes IHHC was able to 'row its "ootprint in Chennai and Ban'alore and are the pre"erred home healthcare pro ider to all ma3or hospitals in those cities. Dr. Anitha Aroc(iasam!, Director o" Clinical .perations, has spent time with BAYADA at some o" their o""ices in the US. It is ama4in' to see the c#lt#re o" BAYADA team at all le els. 5he pride each care ta(er ta(es in helpin' the people in need and bein' part o" the BAYADA "amil! is tr#l! inspirin'. IHHC and BAYADA are not that di""erent alread!, which ma(es this a per"ect alliance.) IHHC will bene"it "rom the BAYADA e$pertise, incl#din' best practices in processes and e$tensi e trainin'. +or BAYADA, the partnership is ali'ned with the compan!6s ision to b#ild a le'ac! which will ser e millions o" people worldwide in the "#t#re. *ar( Baiada, BAYADA "o#nder and president, said, We are pleased to ha e the opport#nit! to partner with IHHC to help more and more people in India e$perience a better 2#alit! o" li"e in the com"ort o" their own homes.) BAYADA will in est an #ndisclosed amo#nt o er the ne$t "ew !ears to s#pport e$pansion into new 'eo'raphical re'ions and to increase the "ootprint in the e$istin' o""ices. Abo#t India Home Health Care 7 India Home Health Care is pro idin' 2#alit! care to patients at their own home since /001 and is now ser icin' h#ndreds o" patients a month in Chennai and Ban'alore. +oc#sin' on the need o" the need o" the indi id#al and ens#rin' contin#o#s 2#alit! care thro#'h state o" the art processes made India Home Health Care the tr#sted partner "or home care ser ices to all ma3or hospital 'ro#ps and the doctor comm#nit!. 5he 89I Comm#nit! is another lar'e bene"iciar! o" the ser ices, as the! can be ass#red that their lo ed ones are ta(en o"" d#rin' their absence. +or more in"ormation, isit http:;;

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