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It is a stiaightfoiwaiu task to use Auiasma to cieate a tiiggeieu AR expeiience
using a suppoiteu uevice (ie most i0S anu Anuioiu mobile uevices)

0sing this appioach, oveilays aie limiteu to Auiasma's libiaiy (2B, SB,
Animateu) anu youi mobile uevice's
Bevice's cameia
Bevice's photo album
Blinkx (online viueo shaiing site)

The limitation is explaineu by Auiasma as necessaiy to exeicise contiol ovei
paiameteis iequiieu by the app. 0pening up to all possible viueo foimats at
piesent is unmanageable.

It is not possible to auu Actions using this appioach oi to use youi own content
oi to ieoiient an oveilay.

Auias cieateu by this methou can be auueu to existing channels oi maue piivate.

The Auia app has a tiiggei foi tuining on the light on youi uevice.

Test the app at http:www.auiasma.comauia

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To get staiteu you will neeu an account. 0nce you have completeu anu submitteu
youi application, allow 24 houis foi Auiasma to ieview anu piocess youi
account. They will email login uetails. Becoming a paitnei anu accessing
Auiasma's non-commeicial account is fiee.
0seis sign up foi an account on this website:

The non-commeicial account also allows cieation of unlimiteu Auias with
ueliveiy thiough the Auiasma app.
Paitneis make content using the online Auia cieation tool, Auiasma Stuuio.
This appioach involves uploauing content to this website.
An Auia, which links an image to a viueo, with an optional 0RL click thiough, can
be set up anu publisheu.

Note that content on the Auiasma app is accesseu by fiist seaiching foi anu
following a channel. Channels aie like folueis containing collections of Auias.
0seis can biowse oi seaich theii Auiasma app foi Channels with the option to
'follow' one to unlock anu view the Auias insiue. It is auvisable to auu as many
keywoius as possible to a Channel to ensuie that useis can finu it easily. Name
youi Channels cleaily, uesciibe the content anu uploau ielevant thumbnails.

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Tiiggei must be a jpeg oi png file less than Suuu,uuu total pixels.
Avoiu spaise, uaik, iepeateu, bluiieu oi ieflective images.
ueogiaphical location (uPS) tiiggeis aie possible.
Nasking is available.

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Nultiple oveilays aie possible.
Actions can be auueu.
viueos (mp4, flv iecommenueu but .mov, .wmv, mpg1 anu mpg2 aie
suppoiteu)), Images
SB scenes (collaua .uae only - see below)
Web pages

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Cieate the SB scene.
SB mouel suppoit is baseu on the Collaua foimat (v1.4 oi v1.S), as expoiteu by
Naya 2u12 anu SBS Nax 2u12. Auiasma suppoits the 0penC0LLABA Expoitei
anu the Autouesk Collaua Expoitei but iecommenus the 0penC0LLABA
0ploau the following files to Auiasma Stuuio as a .TAR file (Winuows use HI.*
anu on Nac use JKL'&%).
BAE file cieateu in SB using Collaua expoitei
PNu's foi textuies
PNu thumbnail nameu 'thumbnail' with .PNu extension
NPS (if auuio is iequiieu)

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Auiasma suppoits SB mouels baseu on the Collaua foimat (v1.4 oi v1.S). Foi
best iesults, the most compatible package is SBS Nax 2u12, using the
0penCollaua Expoitei. 0thei packages will also pioviue usable Collaua expoits.
Sketch0p is pioblematic.

Blenuei 2.62 uoes a goou job of expoiting a SB scene in the Collaua (BAE) foimat
foi use as an oveilay in Auiasma Stuuio. You just neeu to make suie you
inteipiet the newest veision of the Auiasma SB uuiuelines in a Blenuei 2.62
context. Foi a Blenuei 2.62 usei the most impoitant guiuelines to follow aie:
Nouels neeu tiiangulateu faces (Euit moue > Ctil+T)
No moie than foui lamps (lights) although thiee aie iecommenueu
Nouels aie to have no moie than one maptextuie
Cieate a .tai aichive to uploau to Ausiasma Stuuio maue up of .uae
(Expoiteu fiom Blenuei 2.62), .png (Textuie) anu a .png thumbnail (2S6 x

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2.SB gives you the ability to position 2B 0veilays in SB space iathei than just
appeai flat on a Tiiggei image. Click on the 'SB view' button at the bottom of the
Auia pieview winuow. A new winuow will open which you can look aiounu in
SB space, notice youi Tiiggei image will appeai in the centie of this SB woilu.

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Select the Channels icon anu follow the instiuctions. Nake it piivate oi public
(allows Following)

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Select Auius icon anu follow the instiuctions (Select tiiggei, channel anu
Position the 0veilay
Bolu Shift, click uiag to size the 0veilay

A usei goes to the seaich function in the Auiasma app, seaiches foi a public
channel anu hits 'follow.'

Beie is a quick way to shaie a Channel, especially foi :
1. Click on the Channel you want to follow, anu then the 'Link to Subsciibe'
2. Select anu copy (ctil + c) the link geneiateu into an email which you can
senu to youiself anu ieceive on youi uevice
S. Tap on the link fiom the email
4. Auiasma (if uownloaueu) will automatically open anu follow the Channel
Wait foi the pop-up message to say that you aie now following the Channel.
You can fieely euit, auu oi uelete any auia in youi channel in youi Auiasma
Stuuio account anu the Auiasma app will take the upuate without a usei having
to ie-subsciibe.

O#&' -$&'3%$, &%$ -%$$P
Fiee to uownloau Auiasma anu Auiasma Poweieu apps.
Fiee to view content.
Fiee to cieate own content in the Auiasma app.
Fiee to shaie youi content.
Fiee to stait youi veiy own Auiasma Stuuio account.
Fiee upgiaue to moie auvanceu featuies within the Stuuio (limiteu time offei).
Fiee to publish as much content as you'u like to the Auiasma app via channels
Existing apps poweieu by Auiasma 1.u will continue to be fiee of chaige.

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Cieation of an Auiasma 2.u app.
Access to suppoit team by email anu phone.
Style guiues, buttons, tiansitions.
API access to Auiasma seiveis.

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