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School Name: Group Name: North Lawndale College Preparatory High School TBD To increase student intervention in peer conflicts and disruptive classroom behavior by providing students with appropriate leadership and conflict resolution skills. Goals: To facilitate the creation of a student led project for continuing leadership. Target Group: NLCP Sophomores Data to Identify Students: Counselor and teacher recommendations and student interviews.
Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance and/or behavior data to be collected)

School Counselor(s)

ASCA Domain, Standard and Student Competency

Outline of Group Sessions to be Delivered

Resources Needed

Process Data (Projected number of students affected)

Perception Data (Type of surveys to be used)

Project Start/Project En

Brea Adams

PS:A1.1 PS:A1.2 PS:A2.1 PS:C1.4 PS:B1.8 PS:B1.6 PS:B1.3 PS:B1.4 PS:A2.6 PS:C1.10 PS:C1.6 PS:C1.5 PS:B1.5 PS:B1.12

Pre-Group Meeting: Review of group expectations, group agreements and confidentiality agreement. Parent consent forms will be distributed and Leadership Traits Questionnaire and Conceptualizing Leadership Questionnaire will be given as an assignment. Name of group will also be decided.

Leadership Traits Questionnaire Conflict Styles Questionnaire Core Values Questionnaire These questionnaires can be found at: http://www.s orthouseintro 2e/study/reso urces.htm

5% percent of the sophomore class (6-8 students) will participate in the Student Leadership Groups.

Group 1: This session will focus on rights and responsibilities in school and how to advocate for oneself when speaking with disruptive peers. This group will explore the qualities of an ideal classroom. Students will Post-It Poster also share reflections from the leadership questionnaires. Tablet

The Leadership Traits questionnaire will be completed before and after the group and should represent an increase in leadership skills as self-reported by students and observed by staff. Anecdotal reports from teachers should include increased peer intervention in the classroom.

The number of write-ups will decrease by 20% and the number of sophomore incidences (i.e. fights and arguments) will decrease because students will intervene before teachers or staff become involved and complete a formal writeup.

April 15th 2014- May 27th 2014

Group 2: This session will explore common problems with peers in the building and how to more effectively deal with conflict between peers whether one is involved or not. Group 3: This session will focus on identifying adult allies and appropriate times for reaching out for adult support. Group 4: This session will serve as a reflection on the skills that have been acquired throughout the group process. This session will also serve as a time to set goals about how those skills will be used in the future. Group 5: This group will meet several weeks after the termination of the group to check in and see how students are applying what they learned and to discuss difficulties and successes since the termination of the group.

Writing Marker

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