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Q: After summarily heari ! the "arties# may the $%urt auth%ri&e the "rese tati% %f testim% ial e'i(e $e )y ele$tr% i$ mea s* A: +es# the $%urt may auth%ri&e su$h "rese tati% "r%'i(e( that )ef%re s% auth%ri&i !# the $%urt shall (etermi e the e$essity f%r su$h "rese tati% a ( "res$ri)e terms a ( $% (iti% s as may )e e$essary u (er the $ir$umsta $e# i $lu(i ! the "r%te$ti% %f the ri!hts %f the "arties a ( ,it ess $% $er e(Q: What ,ill f%rm "art %f the re$%r( %f the $ase* A: The ele$tr% i$ e'i(e $e a ( re$%r(i ! there%f as ,ell as the ste %!ra"hi$ %tes %r tra s$ri"t shall f%rm "art %f the re$%r( %f the $ase Q: What are the $% te ts a ( "r%)ati'e 'alue %f the ste %!ra"hi$ %tes %r tra s$ri"t a (* A: Whe e.ami ati% %f a ,it ess is (% e ele$tr% i$ally# the e tire "r%$ee(i !s# i $lu(i ! the /uesti% s a ( a s,ers# shall )e tra s$ri)e( )y a ste %!ra"her# ste %ty"es %r %ther re$%r(er auth%ri&e( f%r the "ur"%se# ,h% shall $ertify as $%rre$t the tra s$ri"t (% e )y him- The tra s$ri"t sh%ul( refle$t the fa$t that the "r%$ee(i !s# either i ,h%le %r i "art# ha( )ee ele$tr% i$ally re$%r(e(- Su$h tra s$ri"t a ( re$%r(i ! shall )e (eeme( "rima fa$ie e'i(e $e %f su$h "r%$ee(i !sRule 11: Au(i%# 0h%t%!ra"hi$# 1i(e% a ( E"hemeral E'i(e $e Q: What is the rule ,ith re!ar( t% the a(missi)ility %f au(i%# 'i(e% a ( similar as e'i(e $e* A: Au(i%# "h%t%!ra"hi$ a ( 'i(e% e'i(e $e %f e'e ts# a$ts %r tra sa$ti% s shall )e a(missi)le "r%'i(e( is shall )e sh%, # "rese te( %r (is"laye( t% the $%urt a ( shall )e i(e tifie(# e."lai e( %r authe ti$ate( )y the "ers% ,h% ma(e the re$%r(i ! %r )y s%me %ther "ers% $%m"ete t t% testify % the a$$ura$y there%fQ: What are e"hemeral ele$tr% i$ $%mmu i$ati% s* A: 2E"hemeral ele$tr% i$ $%mmu i$ati% 3 refers t% tele"h% e $% 'ersati% s# te.t messa!es# $hatr%%m sessi% s# streami ! au(i%# streami ! 'i(e%# a ( %ther ele$tr% i$ f%rms %f $%mmu i$ati% the e'i(e $e %f ,hi$h is %t re$%r(e( %r retai e(Q: What is the rule ,ith re!ar( t% its a(missi)ility* A: E"hemeral ele$tr% i$ $%mmu i$ati% s shall )e "r%'e )y the testim% y %f a "ers% ,h% ,as a "arty t% the same %r has "ers% al 4 %,le(!e there%f- I the a)se $e %r u a'aila)ility %f su$h ,it esses# %ther $%m"ete t e'i(e $e may )e a(mitte(- It shall )e $%'ere( )y the "re$e(i ! se$ti% -

If the f%re!%i ! $%mmu i$ati% s are re$%r(e( %r em)%(ie( i a ele$tr% i$ (%$ume t# the the "r%'isi% s %f Rule 5 shall a""ly-

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