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Meg Jarvis May 7, 2013 Writing 2010 Obamacares Impact on America As the health in !

stry has evelope rapi ly "ithin the last cent!ry, the #!estion o$ health ins!rance has p!%%le many co!ntries& 'ome co!ntries, li(e )ai"an, have chosen a single* payer system that allo"s basic healthcare nee s $or everyone& +ana a has chosen a less socialist approach, b!t "ith similar o!tcomes o$ everyone being covere $or basic healthcare nee s& )he ,nite 'tates ha a private ins!rance company system !ntil recently "ith the passing o$ "hat is pop!larly (no"n as Obamacare or the A$$or able +are Act& -veryone (no"s that this ne" la" is being implemente , b!t not everyone (no"s "hat it is& Obamacare is not a single*payer system an it is not !niversal health ins!rance& Its the government establishing that Americans m!st b!y health ins!rance $rom a private company via ta.& )his system is a problem $or many reasons an has $ar reaching economic impact that is not necessarily positive $or America, nor necessarily constit!tional& /o"ever, some o$ the i eas an tho!ghts behin this ne" legislation are a step in the right irection& Obamacare sho!l not have been implemente beca!se o$ its economic impact, !n*constit!tionality, its impact on social programs, an the $act that ins!rance companies are not "or(ing as $ar as protecting the right $or every h!man to live& 0ecently, the impact o$ Obamacare economically has been $elt& In a recent )imes article, 'teven 1rill claims that Obamacare is a bitter pill 2bitter pill3& What is meant is that the cost $or the s!ppose A$$or able +are Act is so high that its c!tting into e.penses that "ere pai $or by the system prior to Obmacare& In a letter $rom the 4ranite 'chool 5istrict to its employees, the

5istrict states that 6This letter is written to inform you that due to the new Affordable Care Act and its budget implications it is necessary for the District to limit all hourly employees to no more than 29 hours per week (Jarvis). The school district due to not having efficient funds to supply their employees with health care and still have them work a full week was forced to limit how much its hourly employees work, in order to supply health insurance to its workers. As the letter says, this cut in budget and sudden inability to supply a needed benefit to the Granite School District hourly workers is directly due to the Affordable Care Act. However, on the White House Website, it clearly denies that any such cuts in spending for employers would happen (white house). The website states that Obamacare is a common sense approach that will benefit both big businesses and small businesses (white house), but if a school district cant pay its hourly employees for more than 29 hours, then something is wrong. It cant possibly be a common sense approach when bus drivers who drive children to school cant work because of the Affordable Care Act. In a more personal economic way, our health care system is costing its patients much more than it ever should. As Steven Brill says in his article called The Bitter Pill I discovered that our healthcare prices are out of whack for a reason that was hiding in plain sight a reason that should be obvious to anyone who has ever been a healthcare consumer, which means all of us: There is no such thing as a free market in healthcare... Instead, healthcare is... a lopsided sellers market. That became clear at both ends of the money trails I followed from the patients lack of any knowledge of what they were buying or its prices, much less any leverage to bargain over it, to the sellers ability and willingness to charge absurdly high prices on everything from gauze pads to ambulance services to cancer wonder drugs (Bitter Pill).

People dont understand healthcare therefore people can never buy health insurance or healthcare in a situation thats understandable. People are being ripped off by doctors and insurers alike, and ripping of the consumer is one way to ensure that the economy is not doing great. If people spend more money on healthcare than they can afford, what happens to consumers for other products? What happens to car salesmen and department store workers? And if people arent buying from stores, theyre being fired from stores and the cycle continues. The obvious answer is to change the way we view healthcare and to change it fast before we go even farther down this toilet spiral.

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