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New Product Development :Process of developing a new prod c! or service for !"e #ar$e!% Develop#en! is considered !"e preli#inar& s!ep in prod c! or service develop#en! and involves a n #'er of s!eps !"a! # s! 'e co#ple!ed 'efore !"e prod c! can 'e in!rod ced !o !"e #ar$e!%% New prod c! develop#en! is essen!ial !o an& ' siness !"a! # s! $eep p wi!" #ar$e! !rends and c"anges% Distribution Channel:T"e pa!" !"ro g" w"ic" goods and services !ravel fro# !"e vendor !o !"e cons #er or pa&#en!s for !"ose prod c!s !ravel fro# !"e cons #er !o !"e vendor% A dis!ri' !ion c"annel can 'e as s"or! as a direc! !ransac!ion fro# !"e vendor !o !"e cons #er( or #a& incl de several in!erconnec!ed in!er#ediaries along !"e wa& s c" as w"olesalers( dis!ri' !ors( agen!s and re!ailers% Eac" in!er#ediar& receives !"e i!e# a! one pricing poin! and #ovies i! !o !"e ne)! "ig"er pricing poin! n!il i! reac"es !"e final ' &er% Pricing:Me!"od adop!ed '& a fir# !o se! i!s selling price% I! s all& depends on !"e fir#*s average cos!s( and on !"e c s!o#er*s perceived val e of !"e prod c! in co#parison !o "is or "er perceived val e of !"e co#pe!ing prod c!s% Segmentation Advertisement:Paid( non+personal( p 'lic co## nica!ion a'o ! ca ses( goods and services( ideas( organi,a!ions( people( and places( !"ro g" #eans s c" as direc! #ail( !elep"one( prin!( radio( !elevision( and in!erne!% An in!egral par! of #ar$e!ing( adver!ise#en!s are p 'lic no!ices designed !o infor# and #o!iva!e% Extended Product line A series of differen! prod c!s w"ic" for# a gro p( all #ade '& !"e sa#e co#pan& PLC:Trac$ing a specific prod c! or service !"ro g" !"e s ccessive s!ages of i!s life c&cle% T"e s!ages in !"e average prod c! life c&cle incl de develop#en!( in!rod c!ion( grow!"( #a! ri!& and decline Sales Promotion:-

S!i# la!ion of sales ac"ieved !"ro g" con!es!s( de#ons!ra!ions( disco n!s( e)"i'i!ions or !rade s"ows( ga#es( giveawa&s( poin!+of+sale displa&s and #erc"andising( special offers( and si#ilar ac!ivi!ies% References :1) Business Dictionary ,

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