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The Red Tepee Now.

(Nov 2013)

The Red Tepee is a reality ready to be born into an installation, once the inner lining is sewn together in the oncoming weeks, so that it can soon be viewed by the public; BUT the Red Tepee has been made and erected. HERE SHE IS.

The Red Tepee was erected with prayers of intent bound by the 4 directions and the 4 elements, imbuing the tepee with the calling for women to heal and cycle within the depth of fire, water, air, fire and the cycle of birth death and rebirth, for the healing of both earth and individual to find harmony for their experience of transformation and evolution. The greater vision is to honour the sacred nature of life blood and the womb as a creative force. The artwork of the 90 women artists who have contributed their personal depictions of their womb, will be sewn together to form the lining of the Red Tepee. I feel deeply privileged and grateful for the work and commitment of the women supporting the project and for the financial and artistic and spiritual investment they have made. The artwork is a wonderful array of different expressions of diverse perspectives and a variety of creative processes.

There are a huge number of styles of artwork and although the theme is about the womens relationship with their womb many different stories and subjects have been expressed

Some used art therapy processes

Some women are established artists and many not Some explored archetypes and totem connection

Lineage within the matriarch An artist exploring the gifts of intuition that was passed through down the line of women

Connection to the Mother Earth

This artist using the orches from a gorge in Western Australia that she felt was like a womb and it prompted her to create it from natural materials on site.







Some have used their menstrual blood as paint (1), Womens spiritual connection with their womb was explored (2), Celebrations of Womens Mysteries and shamanic vision (3), Connection to land (4), Celebrating different phases of womens lives (5), Connection to the Moon cycles (6)










Some worked with their children to discover together what was it like in their mummys womb (7), Some went through their creative process with their teenage daughters while discussing periods (8), Some talked about the womb with 4 and 6 year old daughters (image 9), A menopausal artist explored what it felt to not be a bleeding woman (image 10), The connection to child and the ability to grow a baby (11), Images of babies that thrived in the womb & the ones who miscarried (12), Still born babys acknowledged (13), Exploring archetype & Some celebrated the Red Tent as retreat (14) And many spoke of experiences of their menstrual cycle shifting from dark to full moon, a 14 day shift (or alike) in 1 cycle over the course of creating their art piece (image 15).

This is a sneak preview to just a few of the kaleidoscope of images that will adorn the lining of the Red Tepee to inform, inspire and stimulate deep connection from experiencing different reflections from sisters within the safety of the universal womb The Red Tepee. Thank you to the courageous artists for saying YES to their process. Blessings Michelle Buggy

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