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CLD Eastern Woodland Indians Seasonal Adaptations Day 1 and Day 2

Level: 4th Grade Subject: Virginia Studies Title: What are Seasonal Adaptations? Designer: Taylor had!an

VS%& The student 'ill de!onstrate (no'ledge o) the physical geography o) native peoples* past and present* o) Virginia by e$ describing ho' A!erican +ndians related to the cli!ate and environ!ent to secure )ood* clothing* and shelter ,nglish 4%- The student 'ill use e))ective oral co!!unication s(ills in a variety o) settings% b$ contribute to group discussions across content areas d$ use evidence to support opinions 4%. The student 'ill read and de!onstrate co!prehension o) non)iction te/ts )$dra' conclusions and !a(e si!ple in)erences using te/tual in)or!ation as support

W+DA Standard: ,LD Standard 01 Language o) Social Studies* grade 41 Level 21 Developing1 "rgani3e in)or!ation on A!erican +ndian seasonal adaptations through investigation using graphic or visual support 'ith a partner Situation Time: 90 minutes (2 days) The purpose o) this situation is to help students beco!e !ore a'are o) the need to adapt to the environ!ent* particularly the seasons o) Virginia* and ho' people past and present cope 'ith the environ!ent% They 'ill pretest* !a(e a list o) characteristics o) seasons and 'ays that hu!ans today adapt to those challenges and co!pare that list to choices available to A!erican +ndians% The situation 'ill continue the )ollo'ing day 'hen students 'ill also read a variety o) articles about Virginia +ndians and the seasonal challenges they )aced as 'ell as adaptations they !ade to

Groupings Time: 45 minutes

cope 'ith the!* co!pleting a graphic organi3er to record 'hat they learn* and practice by co!pleting a seasonal )ood sort% A% Day a% Students 'ill independently ta(e the pretest b% Students 'ill 'or( as a 'hole class to discuss and de)ine seasonal adaptations and characteristics* 'hich 'ill be recorded on the S!art4oard% i% +) needed* students 'ill thin(1pair1 share this* recording the share on the S!art4oard c% Students 'ill 'or( as a class to reason out 'hich adaptations 'ould have been available to A!erican +ndians% These 'ill be circled and discussed 'hole1group i% We 'ill start 'ith su!!er* then repeat )or each season 4% Day & a% Students 'ill 'or( in pairs to co!plete the readings b% As a 'hole class* students 'ill discuss seasonal adaptations* co!pleting a graphic organi3er and The teacher 'ill activate prior (no'ledge o) seasons and things people can do to adapt to seasonal changes and challenges by as(ing students about their e/periences 'ith this* 'hich creates a connection to the ,astern Woodland +ndians5 e/periences% The teacher 'ill use 6uestioning and 'hole group discussion to !a(e students reali3e that hu!ans* past and present* need to adapt to their environ!ent in order to survive% Students 'ill also be the providers o) in)or!ation about 'hat (inds o) adaptations 'e use that 'ould or 'ould not have been available to Virginia +ndians #e%g%* hunting and gathering versus buying )ood )ro! Wal!art$ During the discussion o) seasonal adaptations: o What is the 'eather li(e in the su!!er? What (ind o) clothes do you 'ear? What (ind o) shelter do you use in the su!!er? 7o' do you change it to help you adapt? During the discussion o) 'hich adaptations ,astern Woodland +ndians could have used:

Bridge Time: 15 minutes

Questions Time: 10 minutes

Exhi it Time:

o Which o) these could have been used by the +ndians? Did they have access to stores8electricity8other !odern conveniences? What resources did they have? ould they have done this 'ith the resources available? What else could they have done? 7o' is it adaptive to gro' plants in the su!!er rather than another season? The 9A: section o) the interactive journals 'ill as( students to: Dra' a picture to sho' ho' people adapt to each season using a 41s6uare During the reading* students 'ill be given )ocus 6uestions #posted on the Doc a!$ o What (inds o) adaptations did ,astern Woodland +ndians !a(e to survive in each season? o What (inds o) )ood could they have eaten in each season? o 7o' could their clothing and shelters have been adaptive to season changes? The discussion about seasonal characteristics and adaptations provided by students 'ill be recorded on the S!art4oard and displayed throughout the lesson% Students 'ill also in)or! the teacher o) 'hich adaptations 'ere available to the ,astern Woodland +ndians "n day &* students 'ill be as(ed to thin( o) one thing they learned during the past & days so )ar and share it 'ith their table group% Table groups 'ill then pic( one thing to share 'ith the 'hole class% Day -: The teacher 'ill pass out hal) sheets o) paper to each student* and as( the student to 'rite co!plete the )ollo'ing sentences* 'hich 'ill be displayed on the Doc a!: Today* + learned ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; + still )eel con)used about ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Day &: The W+" section o) the interactive journals 'ill as( students to choose an adaptation and dra' a picture to help the! re!e!ber it* labeling 'hich season it is* 'hat is being adapted #e/% <ood1 beans* corn* s6uash in the Su!!er$ and to 'rite a short piece about ho' it is

!e"le#tions Time: 5 minutes (day 1) 5 minutes (day 2)

ELL $odi"i#ations

adaptive =odi)ications 'ill be !ade )or Level 2* Developing

1 1

%ey &o#a ulary Language o 'e#ti&es

Adaptation* season* su!!er* 'inter* )all* spring* 'eather related vocabulary #hot* cold* rain* etc% $* past tense verbs

1 1

The student 'ill co!plete a graphic organi3er 'ith the class and orally discuss seasonal adaptations )or A!erican +ndians )or each season% The student 'ill participate in a picture sort% The student 'ill co!plete an e/it slip about 'hat he has learned today using correct verb tenses #present and past$ and gra!!ar% Supple(entary :ictures on sort 'ill be labeled> 'ritten sentence pro!pts (aterials on board> 'ritten 6uestions and ans'ers to graphic organi3er provided on board Building a#)ground The teacher 'ill discuss 'ith the class 'hat it !eans to adapt seasonally and 'ill verbally describe each season% The teacher 'ill as( the ,LL student 'hat they (no' about each season already* and 'hat they do to adapt to it the!selves% S#a""olding The teacher 'ill )re6uently chec( in on the student to as( te#hni*ues+ 6uestions )or understanding% The student 'ill be able to Intera#tion use partners to co!plete their 'or(% The ,LL student 'ill co!plete buddy reading 'ith the teacher* 'ho 'ill as( co!prehension 6uestions and lin( the pictures in the te/t to the !aterial% The graphic organi3er 'ill be )illed out as a group !e&ie,+assess(ent The teacher 'ill observe the student5s participation in the discussion and sort* as 'ell as assess the student5s ans'ers to co!prehension 6uestions% The teacher 'ill chec( the student5s e/it slip )or correct tense and gra!!ar%

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