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Vector Operators in Orthogonal Curvilinear

1. Express the gradient, the divergence, the curl, and the Laplacian in cylindrical coordinate

2. In the coordinate systems 

x = uv

y = u 1 − v 2 ,

find the scale factors hu and hv ; the basis vectors û and v̂.
u √ √
Answer: hu = 1, hv = √ , û = v î + 1 − v 2 ĵ, v̂ = 1 − v 2 î − v ĵ
1 − v2
3. Evaluate the following integrals:
Z 5
(a) cos xδ(x − π)dx
Z 2
(b) (2x + 3)δ(3x)dx

Answer: (a) −1 , (b) 1

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