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Name: __________________________ Class: ______________ Date: ________________ Instrument 49 Rujukan: B6 DB2 E1

Unit Deskri%tor E-i en+e Unit 15: Four Frien s !"e#t$ook: %a&e 119' 49( B6 DB2 )%%l* i+tionar* skills, B6 DB2 E1 )$le to lo+ate .or s usin&: !a( entr* %oints or !$( e#it %oints,

Use the dictionary to find the meanings of the words given and match. [LS: 2.2.5]
1, /un&r* t/irst* .antin& to rink 4eelin& t/at *ou .ant to eat somet/in&

2, $ra-e +/eer4ul 3,

/a%%*s not a4rai

+annot 4eel an*t/in& nee in& rest num$

4, tire

! o4 a +o+k ( to make re%eate lou /i&/ soun s ! o4 a +/i+ken ( to make a series o4 s/ort lo. soun s

5, +ro. +lu+k

to make somet/in& neat to %ut somet/in& in a %la+e

%la+e arran&e

LS: 2.2.5 Able to apply dictionary skills to locate words: (a) entry points, (b) exit points. )ssessment: )+/ie-e Nee 0ore 1ra+ti+e

En&lis/ 2ear 3

C/e+ke $*: __________ Date:_________

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