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Title: Age New Spirituality - Inspirational Stories ( Part 54 ) Word Count: 304 Summary: However much their systems

of philosophy and religion may differ, all mankind st and in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for ot hers. Here,it is not at all any question of creed,or doctrine - even men who are very much opposed to all religious ideas, when they see one of these acts of co mplete self - sacrifice,feel that they must revere it. Have you not seen even a most bigoted Christian, when he reads Edwin Arnold's Li ght of Asia, stand in ... Keywords: Age New Spirituality , New Age Spirituality , Spirituality Article Body: However much their systems of philosophy and religion may differ, all mankind st and in reverence and awe before the man who is ready to sacrifice himself for ot hers. Here,it is not at all any question of creed,or doctrine - even men who are very much opposed to all religious ideas, when they see one of these acts of co mplete self - sacrifice,feel that they must revere it. Have you not seen even a most bigoted Christian, when he reads Edwin Arnold's Li ght of Asia, stand in reverence of Buddha, who preached no God, preached nothing but self-sacrifice? The only thing is that the bigot does not know that his own end and aim in life is exactly the same as that of those from whom he differs. The worshipper, by keeping constantly before him the idea of God and a surroundi ng of good, comes to the same point at last and says, "Thy will be done," and ke eps nothing to himself. That is self - abnegation. The philosopher, with his kno wledge, sees that the seeming self is a delusion and easily gives it up. It is self - abnegation. So Karma, Bhakti, and Jnana all meet here; and this is what was meant by all the great preachers of ancient times, when they taught tha t God is not the world. There is one thing which is the world and another which is God; and this distinction is very true. What they mean by world is selfishnes s. Unselfishness is God. One may live on a throne, in a golden palace, and be pe rfectly unselfish; and then he is in God. Another may live in a hut and wear rag s, and have nothing in the world; yet, if he is selfish, he is intensely merged in the world. To get more information visit :

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