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Ameiican Cultuie

Instiuctoi: }oe Nilan
Nateiial mouifieu fiom: "The values Ameiicans Live by" By Robeit Kohls
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1.) In Koiean, theie aie many levels of foimality. Consiuei:
a. Bow many levels of foimality aie theie.
b. Bow uoes the language change in each level. Is it only veib
enuings oi is it also woiu choice.
c. When anu with whom uo you use each level.

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If you come fiom a moie /0#$"1 society, you will likely finu Ameiicans to
be extiemely infoimal. You will piobably feel that Ameiicans aie even
uisiespectful of 2304* ,- "&230#,25. Ameiicans aie one of the most infoimal anu
casual people in the woilu, even when compaieu to theii neai ielative -- the
Westein Euiopean.
As one example of this infoimality, Ameiican bosses often &#.* theii
employees to call them by theii fiist |givenj names anu even feel uncomfoitable
if they aie calleu 65 23*,# 2,21*. (Even if they aie calleu by the title "Ni." oi
Biess is anothei aiea wheie Ameiican infoimality will be most
-02,7*"61*, peihaps even shocking. 0ne can go to a classical peifoimance, foi
example, in any laige Ameiican city nowauays anu finu people in the auuience
uiesseu in blue jeans anu tieless, shoit-sleeveu shiits.
Infoimality is also appaient in Ameiicans' gieetings. The moie foimal
"Bow aie you." has laigely been ieplaceu with an infoimal "Bi." This is as likely
to be useu to 0-*84 4&'*#,0# as to one's best fiienu.
If you aie a highly placeu official in youi own countiy, you will piobably,
at fiist, finu such infoimality to be veiy &-4*221,-.. Ameiicans, on the othei
hanu, woulu consiuei such infoimality as a compliment! It is not intenueu as an
insult anu shoulu not be taken as such.

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1.) Bave you evei calleu someone who is oluei than you by theii fiist name.
Was it an issue.
a. Bas anyone youngei than you calleu you by youi fiist name.

2.) What situations uo you think it's best to call someone "Ni.Nis." oi by
theii job title.
a. When is it bettei to use fiist names.

S.) What aie the benefits of using infoimal language iathei than foimal. Bow
about the opposite.
a. Bo you think Koiean woulu benefit by being less foimal.

4.) Bow uo clothes effect "fiist impiessions". Can you think of any examples.
a. Bow impoitant is it to uiess "well".
b. What situations can you think of when you shoulu be uiesseu
Ameiican Cultuie
Instiuctoi: }oe Nilan
Nateiial mouifieu fiom: "The values Ameiicans Live by" By Robeit Kohls
S.) Look at the following list of jobs. Bow woulu you imagine they woulu
uiess when they aie at woik anu not at woik.
a. A stock biokei
b. A musician
c. A piofessoi
u. A CE0
e. A Piesiuent
f. A ueliveiy man
g. A uoctoi
h. A college stuuent

6.) Why uo you think Ameiicans aie fai moie infoimal than othei cultuies.

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